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Monday, December 31, 2001

I just realized....we're less than 24 hours away from 2002! Shock my minkey! ...zzzt....
I think it's about time for a diary entry, don't you? It's been like FOR-EV-ER! Anywho...Christmas has come and some really cool stuff. Some new DVDs including Pearl Harbor and some original Avengers episodes with Patrick MacNee and Diana Rigg, the expansion pack to The Sims named Hot Date, and the big grand prize...a NEW TV! YEAH!

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Haven't posted in a while again, but I've been working on a new version of this site again...but I'm my own worst critic again, and keep throwing out the designs I come up with. So far we're on version 4 right now, and I'm hating this one too. :(

Thursday, December 6, 2001

Thursday, November 29, 2001

I just bought more lights. God help me, I just bought more lights! My tree is gonna be so frickin' lit up, it's gonna rival the Strip in Vegas!
Jerimy's knife has grown dull from lack of use! Neither of us have been in CS in like SOOOO long. We're probably gonna both plya like newbies when we get back in! The bad part is all Jerimy needs to play better is a steady stream of alcohol and his playing ability skyrockets! blog has been mis-publishing the time again. I forgot about the Daylight Savings thing. It's fixed now. :)
You know....I hate it when people drop the ball. I've got a customer up front right now that says we owe him 3 refurbished monitors. I talked with him like a month ago, told my boss about it, who said he'd take care it it. And since my boss is the one the guys says he spoke with in the first place, everything should have worked out. But now the guy is back up from and no one has called him, he says we still owe him the monitors, and my boss has gone missing AGAIN! So now I have to explain to this guy that I don't have the slightest clue what is going on. Makes me look good doesn't it?
HOLY SHIT! Jerimy's online! I haven't talked to him in ages!! Okay, It's official! There shall be no more work today! Only goofing off! Be decree of JAG! :)
I mentioned yesterday that I was surfing for Christmas decorations. Well, last night I spent like $70 (that I can't afford) on decorations. But they are kick-butt decorations. Huge wreath and wreath holder for the front door, like 80 glass ornaments in silver and gold, a 10-piece porcelain Nativity scene, and a wooden manger backdrop for the scene.

The sad part is I want to get more! I saw this really cool projection system that projects a 45-second motion picture with a holiday message. Now realize I don't reallly have any place to project it, given the fact that I'm in an apartment. But I was thinking that since I'm on the second floor, I could project it down onto the sidewalk below at the intersection where the stairs are. But then I thought that somebody would probably complain about me forcing my Christmas values on someone, even if I did choose a generic message like the Seasons' Greetings one they were showing in the store. But it was really cool looking and I almost paid the $50 for it. :) I know, I know....shame on JAG. :)
Publishing at work again... :) But I found this really cool quote that I just had to post.
"Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing."
-John Andrew Holmes

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

God I'm sooooo goofing off right now. I haven't gotten anything done in the last hour and a half. :) Been surfing for Christmas Decorations. :)
I think I need a new layout. I'm getting tired of this one. Plus I wanna play around with something new other than FrontPage for web design. Might download Allaire/Macromedia's Cold Fusion stuff or UltraDev or something.... or maybe not. :)
I soooo badly wanna go home right now. I think tonite I'll put up the Tree finally. But I might actually go for two this on the balcony, which has become traditional at this apartment, and a new second one inside. The reason for the second one is I saw this way cool Fiber-Optic tree at K-Mart last night. ;)
Yes, I am publishing at work.
Yes, I should be working.
No, I do not care! :)
You know I could have sworn I posted up here about "Buffy: The Musical", but I can't find the frickin' thing in any post....SO....IT ROCKED! :) Now here's the funny part, I was at work when it aired, and missed all the repeat times of it too! So how did I see it? Downloaded the complete episode from BearShare...even got MP3s of all the songs and I can't stop playing them! :) could be said... "I'm Under Your Spell..." :)
Harkening back to the date again, I think Michael and I aren't quite on the same wavelength. I mean it was hard to tell when he was joking or being sarcastic and I think it was hard for him to tell with Jerry, Heather and I. As a result some tense moments happened in the evening like when Jerry and I were kidding about something, but Michael took it the wrong way and got all serious on us. It was a constant struggle to keep a sense of order in the conversation, and not be ripping each other's heads off.

Another thing is there is far too much gossip now about that evening. I mean now we're in the "He said, She said" stage with everyone in attendance chatting about what happened AFTER we all went separate ways. I haven't really talked much with Michael since that evening, so I can't really confirm any of this....but now the people who were trying to hook me up with him, Jerry and Heather, are trying to split me up from him. Not really a good omen is it?
Okay...everyone needs to wish Janell good luck at her job interview today!

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Some back story for this post...for the last few months Heather, one of my friends, has been trying to get me to hook up with this friend of hers name Micheal. The only problem with this is that they were all in Pinetop and I was about 300 miles away in the Valley. So it never was really feasible for me to head up easily. But Michael and I did talk on the phone once, but I'm not that great of a conversationalist, but

Flash forward to today, I get a call at work from Jerry (Heather's Hubby) who invites me out to dinner. Usually it is the other way around. :) But he says he has a surprise for me. I pried it out of them that it was Michael, who is now in the valley permanently. So tonite would be my first chance to meet him face to face.

Now this is no reflection on Michael or on our phone conversations, but I was a little leery of meeting him tonite. Not because I wasn't interested in him. But because I'm a stupid freak. I mean it. Around people I don't know I clam up, can't make intelligent conversation, act like a general doofus, etc. Plus I'm just so new to this dating thing (I haven't actually ever been out on one....period.) So you can imagine my hesitation. But than I'm thinking, You're gonna always be new to dating unless you start sometime with someone. So I talked myself into it. I don't know how I did, but I did.

So first impressions? Not what I expected. Now, keep in mind that is not necessarily a bad thing, but....I don't know I just can't explain it. It was an odd evening, probably because we weren't alone. Our mutual friends, Heather and Jerry, came along I suppose you can't really call it a date, but more of an introduction....a personal introduction, rather than an oral. (And get your mind out of the gutter, RIGHT NOW!)

But true to form, I was moronic, idiotic, inconsiderate, isolationistic (is that even a word?)....suffice it to say, I think it was a disaster in my opinion. The night gradually got better, and more relaxed, but I still felt akward...maybe cause this is my first time doing this. I wonder if it is easier if you conform to society more? I mean am I more on edge cause I'm gay?

At the end of our evening, Heather tried to get it out of my what I thought of Michael. I kinda hinted that I was going either way, which unfortunately I think Michael may have caught in passing. Michael and I do share a lot in tastes, same closet (we've both told the same types of people)...but there is still so much more about him I don't know. I like Michael as a friend so far, but I'm going to need to spend a little more time with him to see if he's someone I would like to persue a relationship with.
Maintenance came in to the apartment today to fix the light in the storage room. I broke it last year when I was trying to plug the Christmas Lights into it. Anywho... all is fixed and I can finally put the lights on a timer and have them on when I'm not here! YEAH! :)

Sunday, November 25, 2001

I'm becoming quite the happy homemaker! I baked a cake today and am still redecorating the living room with the new video wall thingie from my last post. Also, I'm prepping the Christmas decorations for the balcony of my apartment this year. I'm hoping to con some friends into helping me with them. :) Please?
HighTech Decorating 101 : Okay...this one is gonna seem...well...odd. I had this brilliant idea for one of my computers. Shove it on top of the entertainment center and put multiple video cards and monitors on it. I think it looks cool, cause I can just look up and there are some relevant web sites. (Yes, I bought one of those thingies from Radio Shack) When not it use, the screen saver floats the current time over all 3 of the 15" screens up there. I'm looking for a Weather Screen Saver so I can put the weather up there too. :)

Saturday, November 24, 2001

Okay...I've officially gone way beyond the deep end now. I've got more computers than appendages...but now that number is once again increasing. My new tally of computer systems is 9...yes, the number that comes after 8 and before 10. I'm nearly to double digits. Scary huh? (Should I mention that number 10 is currently being put together as we speak? Don't won't be done for a while yet. I'm buying piece by piece. But you probably should start worrying again when I tell you I don't plan to get rid of any of the others when that one is done.) :)
Just a heads up, I'm switching providers soon so during the switch-over I may be misisng. (yeah, like that will appear unusual to anyone who reads this ting anyway!) I should be all reconfigured on the 1st of December, but I may lose the existing provider before then....just a heads up...

Friday, November 23, 2001

I held the family get together for Thanksgiving this time. Reason? I have the bigger kitchen out of all of our apartments. :) So everyone drove up from Tucson to me and I helped Mother fix the stuff. Was a pretty good day. Also got to kid my brother over the fact that it was his turn to host for the next big dinner, which would be Christmas. (Yeah right, cooking happening is HIS kitchen? That will be the day!) :)
To continue bringing you up to date...

While in Vegas, my Dad and I hit the Strip as I always like to do. Those who have read previous entries know I love the Fountains at Bellagio. They'll just so cool to watch. This time however was slightly disappointing. We hit them at dusk, so their lights were just starting to take effect. My Dad and I parked at Bellagio and then walked through the casino and shops around to the front to see the show. We happened to arrive just as one was beginning. We hit three more as we walked around the whole lake before heading back to the car. Right about now, you are thinking 'How could that have been disappointing?' Well here's how. It was the same song all three times. Britney Spears' "I'm a Slave 4 U", which is hardly my Dad's fare, so he wasn't to into the fountains, but I was. I'm not crazy about that song though, so seeing it three times was kind of a downer. But just seeing the fountains made me stay. :) I guess they were shooting some video with the fountains as a backdrop because there was a platform set up in front of the fountains on the lake that had a group of dancers that were performing to the music too. Plus a whole video crew was filming it all.

The next day we drove by and the trucks for the film crew were still there so we didn't bother to stop and see the fountains again. Although I would have liked to heard Bocelli and "Time to Say Goodbye". That piece IS the Fountains. :)

Anyway, we got back Friday night and I spent the weekend down in Tucson with the parents.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving to Everyone! And GOD BLESS AMERICA!! even I admit my blog is WAY out of I guess I better catch you up again on what I've been doing recently.

First off, since the last entry, I've been back to Vegas again! COMDEX was the reason this time and my Dad went with me. Basically that means verbal and visual chastity belt went back on and I couldn't oogle the eye candy as much. :( But it was still fun and lots of funny things happened too. Like for instance, Britney Spears was scheduled to appear at the MGM Grand for the HBO concert. Well outside the MGM Grand, they put up this HUGE poster on the side of the Emerald Tower of the MGM. And on the poster was Britney Spears, midriff and all just hanging out there. And here's my Dad, ever the tourist, snapping a picture! He was justing trying to get the building but he shot directly at the 10-story tall poster! I'm looking at people walking by going like "I don't know this person." :)

Later that evening we hit Treasure Island for their buffet. The wild part was they must have had their Musak tuned into the Boy-Band station cause when we first sit down, they played O-Town's "All or Nothing", then came *NSYNC's, "This I Promise You", then 98 Degrees' "I Do (Cherish You)", and then Backstreet Boys, "Drowning"! It can't get any better than that line up! Oh, and I HIGHLY recommend the cheesecake dessert at Treasure Island. They had this awesome Apple-Cinnamon crust, with an actual layer sliced apples at the bottom! Totally rocked!

Anyway, we stayed at New York, New York this time, which was kind of erie given recent events. I mean, our hotel room wound up being in the Empire State Building so that in and of itself was a little interesting. There's just sooo many visuals there that remind you of September 11. For example, there is a huge mural of New York's skyline above the Reception Desk. And it has the Twin Towers promenantly featured. Then in our hotel room, there's a photo on the wall of the skyline with the Towers right in the middle. We had booked the hotel prior to the tragedy and decided not to switch reservations afterwards. But the whole experience left you kind of sick to your stomach.

On to brighter things though, the show we went to see....COMDEX....was actually not as big as I thought I shouldn't have been. I've been told it's been shrinking in size the last few years, given our current economic downturn I wasn't surprised. But appearantly they were able to fit everyone into the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). That's amazing considering it used to take upwards of 5 hotels and convention facilities to host it! And the LVCC's expansion isn't even ready yet so they were still in just the two halls, North and South (now called Central).

I still haven't taken any pictures of Vegas on ANY of my trips! I really wanted to this last time, but my Dad was along and was snapping away himself so I guess I can get those from him. It gives me a reason to go back to Vegas anyway! MUST GET PICTURES!!

That's all for now...Part Two of Catch Up coming later... :)

Monday, November 12, 2001

Appearantly my diary is out of date least some people think so...

Female Assassin: (10:02 PM) your prolly not in bed yet but I wanted say a quick hello. I am on my into server. I hope all is well for you. My diary is not up to date.

Wednesday, November 7, 2001

FINALLY! Something worthy of putting on the site. Well, at least I think it's worthy. I guess it needs to be taken in context. So keep in mind that I'm a closeted gay...may parents don't even know and they would hit the roof if they found out. Anyway, we were chatting on the phone tonite and I casually mentioned that I was "in love" with Justin, but really putting the miles on him. My mother froze for a sec, before I realized what I had just said and quickly blurted out that Justin is my truck. I think it slipped by cause I told her some friends named him that. Kind of a tradition for them. (Clever boy that I am, I didn't bother to mention that my friends named him Justin cause it's a cute boy-band member's name.)

Monday, November 5, 2001

Got new songs running through my head now. Gonna put them up on the Music site in the morning.
Wait it is the morning.
Fine. Later today then.
Damn! I haven't updated since the 24th!?! ARGH! Anyway...Heading back to Vegas in about 1 week and a half. :) Have I mentioned I love Vegas? The last trip was to go see my Boys. This trip is COMDEX with my Dad. Should be a fun week. We'll be leaving Thursday morning at around 4am and returning Friday nite after the show closes at 6pm. Then after we get back, Dad's staying up here for the day and my brother is coming up that nite, cause on Sunday they've got tickets to a football game. Talk about crowded schedule huh? :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Whoa! Time flies, and appearantly so do clan affiliations! I just found out BlitzKrieg is no longer in VISH, so he's been changed on the CS Locator. Also Female Assassin is in VISH, but I've decided to not put the clan tag anymore, just in case of any more swaps in loyalties. :)
ARGH! Can I go home now please? Can I? I really want to. Work sucks.

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Back to the grind this week. I've started work on my CS level again. Using some suggestions by Female Assassin to make the map more player friendly. Small stuff really, plus I still need to put in more details. Lighting also needs a minor adjustment. I think Fem just liked the exploding chandelier and all the glass she was able to destroy. - Destructive, ain't she? :) - Hopefully will have a new version later this week, then it's Jerimy's turn to play the level and destroy everything. :) Sorry, J, knife's don't work as well as bullets, and there ain't NO way you can hit the chandelier with your knife. :)
Back from Vegas...again! :) I love Vegas. The architecture just rocks. Forget touring the world, just go to Vegas. You can see half of Europe's most visited landmarks within a couple miles of each other. The Eiffel Tower, Paris Opera House, Arc de Triumph, Venice Canals, Roman Influences (at Caesar's Palace), and if you like ancient history from before Roman times, there's the Luxor Pyramid with an Egyptian Theme, or Excalibur for those Medieval buffs. :)

My personal favorite still has to be Bellagio. The fountains are soooooo cool there. :)

Thursday, October 18, 2001

wOOt! Vegas here I come!
I can't get the damn long distance minutes to kick in on my Cricket phone for some reason. :( Gotta call customer service Saturday and find out what's up.

Sunday, October 14, 2001

Back to some CounterStrike news...I've been building a level for CounterStrike for a little while now. It's been pretty cool. I've actually compiled it a couple times in the past just to make sure it's looking right. I haven't compiled it in a while and have been adding tons of details to it. Get this, it took 26 HOURS to compile this time around!! OUCH!! And I'm nowhere near to the level of detail I'm looking for.

Friday, October 12, 2001

Okay, okay. I know I just got back from Vegas, but now it looks like I'm going again...and really soon say next weekend. As I mentioned earlier, the Boys will be there. :) I just hope I can get Friday off so I can go. And if that trip isn't enough, I'm going again in November, this time for business not pleasure. COMDEX will be there at the Convention Center, which should also be fun. :)
Ok...all about vegas.... :)

Left Phoenix around 6am for Vegas. Reach the Hoover Dam around 11am, which had checkpoints at both ends. Commercial Traffic and Recreational Vehicles were being diverted to alternate routes instead of across the dam. THis is due to the fact that it is a possible terrorist target. Destruction of the dam would cause major damage if the huge Lake Mead were to be released into the valley below. Anyway they checked out the truck and sent us on our merry way. We stopped briefly at the damn before continuing to Vegas.

Got onto the strip around noon, and since we couldn't check in until 3, we decided to start on the strip. I'm not gonna go into mega detail here, but let me highlight some really cool stuff we saw.

I think both my brother and I agree that the Luxor is the neatest hotel. We both love egyptian history and the luxor is a monument to it. The main building is cool, but not for the light-hearted. It's pyramid shape causes a huge atrium to form at it's center, but also provides a couple other neat features. Since it's a pyramid, the rooms cling to the outside walls....the outside 45-degree angled walls. This causes each room to be placed about 10 foot further in than the room below. So as you go higher, you can look over the edge and see NOTHING below you. The structure of a pyramid is stable enough to not need any interior post from any of the outer floors. It's totally cool! The second neat feature is that since all the floors never really line up, you can't use traditional elevators. Instead they have INCLInators, which go up at 45-degree angles in each of the corners. There's a wild ride...getting smashed into the wall as the elevator slows to a stop.

Next neat stop was the Bellagio. The fountains in front are really cool! Part of a 7-acre lagoon, the Fountains at Bellagio activate every 30 minutes in daylight, and every 15 minutes after dark. The dance and light up in sync with music which ranges from Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman singing "Time to Say Goodbye", to Henry Mancini's theme from "The Pink Panther". The Bellagio itself is also probably the most elegant hotel on the strip, with a price to match!

For the animal lovers, we hit two places of interest. The Mirage and the MGM grand. The Mirage has the White Tigers, since they also have Sigfreid and Roy there, and the MGM has Lions, in honor of their logo's namesake. Of the two, MGM has a more unique exhibit since plexiglass tunnels actually penetrate the habitat, allow you to walk right under the lions, or have them run over you, which happened to us. Was really neat watching two chase each other over the tunnel we were in! I'm not sure about MGM, but appearantly Mirage doesn't usually have them on display too much. Sigfreid and Roy usually have them on their huge estate, where they are allowed to roam freely.

Finally, the last point of interest was our hotel, the Stratosphere, with it's tallest free-standing tower in the United States, and tallest structure in Vegas. Neither my brother nor I actually went inside. (They charge you $5 to go to the top observation deck, but we decided in light of recent events we didn't really wanna go up there that bad....especially since neither of us really like heights anyway.) The hotel stuff says they've got shops, an interior observation deck, and exterior observation deck, a restaurant and bar, and the two rides, both of which are outside on the roof. No thank you. :)

All in all, Vegas was fun....and fairly cheap. The buffet's rock so if you have a healthy appetite you can really clean up. I recommend the World Buffet at the Rio All-Suites Hotel. It's a little west of the strip but the buffet is HUGE and has everything!
I just realized my Boys are in town again and this time I ain't gonna get a chance to see them. :( They're at Cricket Pavilion (formerly Desert Sky) tonite, then I think they are heading through other places before heading to Vegas in one week. Maybe I'll try and get tickets for that and head to Vegas AGAIN! :)

Hey, that also means I've been blogging for 7 months! Cause I started right after my first concert I ever went to, which was again, my Boys. :)
Hey there...been a while hasn't it? :) Since i've been really slacking on my website recently, here's a huge update of what's been going on...Friday was the day from hell. It just never wanted to end. I kept having more and more projects dropped on me at the last minute, all of which needed to be done, before I left for my vacation. I finally got out around 9pm or so. Then Saturday was a little better, got most of my preparation stuff done for the trip. Even worked some more on my CounterStrike map, but more on that later.

Sunday I drove to my parent's house in Tucson to fix their computer, which wasn't booting up properly. Turned out to be something really REALLY simple. My dad had left a disk in the drive and since it didn't have an operating system on it, it stopped the boot up of the machine. Ejected the disk, and everything was fine, except my Mother wanted to strangle him cause the machine has been done all week, and nobody bothered to check the floppy drive.
Parents.... :)

Sunday night, my brother and I were going to drive back up to my apartment so that we could leave from there for Las Vegas early the next morning. We got on the freeway and had gone about 3 miles when suddenly traffic came to a complete stand-still. According to the radio, some massive accident had occurred and some people had already been there for 2 hours when we got stuck. We weren't even moving for a while. People were actually able to get out of their cars and walk the freeway faster than drive! We'd sit for like 20 minutes, then move 30 feet, and sit for 20 more minutes before moving another 30 feet! The worst part is this section of the freeway didn't have any exits for like 4 miles, so there was no place to go until we got to the next exit.

Once we reached the next exit, everyone had to get off. Department of Tranportation for ya....they closed the freeway and forced everyone onto the frontage road, which is only one lane in that area. And we couldn't even see the accident yet that had caused all this. Once we had stopped again, I walked back to my brother's car behind me and we decided to try to get out of this if we could and head back to Tucson and just leave earlier the next morning.

We finally did get out of it and got back into Tucson when we decided to head up the back route through Florence to get to Phoenix. The way was totally clear and we got home in great time, but we had already wasted over 2 hours in the traffic backup on the 10 freeway! ARGH!

Anywho, I'm running late for work so I'll tell ya about Vegas later. :)

Friday, October 5, 2001

Heading to Vegas is 3 days! YEAH FOR ME! Should be a nice little road trip too. :)
I love October. Among other personal reasons, it's the month it FINALLY starts cooling off. I love driving to work on the freeway with the windows rolled down all the way. Of course by the time I get to work, I look vaguely like someone who has just experienced a wind tunnel test first hand. It's amazing what 75mph plus winds can do to your hair style. :)

Monday, October 1, 2001

It's just not possible that it is October! NOT POSSIBLE, I TELL YOU!
I guess 'tolerant' is a good word to describe me. Well hell, I'm gay, how much more socially incorrect can you get? But the one thing that really gets me, is when someone's dislike of something, turns into nothing more than a hatred which can only be described as venomous. What caused all this? I've been browsing Amazon again. I enjoy the least...SOME of the more professional reviews. Then there are those that simply write flaming hot fireballs of intensely negative propoganda, just to prove their point.

Sure, I'll agree that someone may dislike say Eminem. They may think he's a menace or only popular BECAUSE he's a menace. Actually I'm not to keen on him myself. But I don't go around shouting at the rain that he doesn't have talent. While I may not like rap music, I acknowledge the fact that someone out there might like...if not love the music of Eminem, so he must have talent in someones eyes.

So why all this? I'm just getting so tired of the endless stream of reviews on artists, from people who have no business written the review in the first place. Stick to you're own genre, and leave the ones you hate alone.
Someone needs to develop rewind buttons for life. I mean, wouldn't it be much simpler so we could get all the stuff done we wanted to do but never got the cause to? God I'm tired and I'm not making sense. I'm going to work now so I can make a fool of myself.

Thursday, September 27, 2001

An evil thought just occurred to me.... I swear, if someone gives Jerimy a sharpened knife for his birthday.... it ain't gonna be pretty...
I tried searching for Jerimy's wish list, but it looks like he doesn't have one. ( Shame on you, J! :) ) But during my searches I found this great book. In fact, Amazon has tons of ideas that are just perfect to help me try a STAB at giving Jerimy just the right gift... *sharpens knife*
Female Assassin has gone FULL VISH! YEAH!!! No more disciple designation for the Fem. :) As soon as I get home tonite, I'll change the CS Lookup to reflect her new handle. Congrats!
Today is Jerimy's Birthday!! So...
You too can send Jerimy congratulations here...or a greeting card to Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to sharpening Jerimy's gift... >:)
Ok....I tried to do a voice post, but that flopped big-time! I was using the new Voice Recognition thats built into Office XP, but it was only hitting about 50% accuracy! and that was even after I trained 3 extra session into it. Hmm....not good.

Monday, September 24, 2001

Sheesh! The whole weekend and no posts! ARGH! Well I guess I should bring you up to speed on the CS issues. My system problems have been diagnosed...but not solved. Seems my old clunky video card is to blame. Too little memory on it is causing havoc in-game. So until I can afford a new video card, I'm living with jumpy graphics.

On the brighter side in CS, my favorite server, FragDad (status) has updated. And I've been able to kill Blitzkrieg on more than one occassion! Of course, we're going to blame this incredible good luck of mine on the fact that Blitz has been sick for about a week now and still isn't fully recovered. As as result his play is seriously dragging....or so he claims. :) Also Blitz and I have decided to give up knife fighting. So now I guess we've begun polishing our pistols. (mind out of the gutter people!)

Work is the usual grind. Hate it. Arrive at 9:15am. Hate it more. Wanna go home by 9:16am. Need I say more?

Thursday, September 20, 2001

Maybe I'll get to go home soon. Yeah right...
YEAH!!! Janell's an EMT! She got the large envelope today telling her she graduated! Be sure to send her congratulations here! Or better yet, send her a card! Her email address on is Congratulations, Janell!
I think it's time for a site redesign. Getting tired of the current layout...

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

And now to have even more fun with today. I neglected to mention this cool part. You ready for this? We got paid today at work. Well, I can't really so that. I got my PAYCHECK today. Went to cash it. BOUNCED AS HIGH AS A KITE!!
Okay....somedays, I just wanna crawl under a rock. And this evening alone is making me look for any boulder, no matter how heavy. So to start off, I get home like WAY later than I had anticipated. I grab a quick bite to eat and attempt to got online so I can finally get "knifed" by my "sharpening buddy". Now whatcha gotta realize going into this next part is, I KNEW there was an update to CS posted today. That would be the marvelous CS 1.3. And I heard from BlitzKrieg that I wouldn't be able to play if I updated my machine to it. So I'm figuring...OK....I'll download it, but not update it until the servers do.

So I download it but don't install it, go to play HL (Half-Life). I try to refresh the server list and at this point HL tells me that I have an outdated executable and I need to download a new version. For some reason my brain doesn't equate this to CS 1.3, so I install the new HL version. It auto-updates anyway. So I get back to the server list and suddenly all the servers are grey, and my worst fear comes true. I've inadvertantly upgraded to CS 1.3, without really doing it. So now I'm stuck and can't play. Nobody has the old version which is prior to the brand spankin' new that I just f*cked my system over with.

To make a long story short (too late), I'm off of CS until the servers update. And remember my "knife" buddy? Well I'm almost positive he's running around in the servers as we speak, just cause I can't get in and kill him. :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

I installed my new super-duper sound card. Ok, so it's like 2 years old technology, but at least it's a far cry from the old AWE32 I was using! But here's the fun part....IT'S BROKEN! As in "NO SOUND"! NADA! ZIP! MUTE! *sigh* Why me?
Hmm....It seems I've scared off a few of my opponents on CS. One in particular continutes to insist he's "sharpening his knife", but I have yet to feel a thing... Hmm. Interesting.... :)

Monday, September 17, 2001

Justin is in SERIOUS need of a bath. The stupid rains came through and spotted him up. Plus a little freeway trip at night got tons of bugs smooshed on the grill! ARGH! My next weekend is already planned and it's only MONDAY! I gotta wash Justin, get his oil changed, do a mega-ton of errands like banking, pay bills, etc...and to top it off, I still need to work on Saturday! *sigh* Why me?
Yeah! The first feature of my CounterStrike section is live! The cool part is this little feature is gonna let me do something cool in the future. But I don't wanna ruin the surprise, especially for my fellow players, until I get a chance to put some stuff together. But check back soon for it! Until then, check out the locator!
I'm looking into yet another comments system. This one does comment counts on the front page. It also emails me when a comment is left. But unfortunately, I can't get the damn thing working on my site, and even if I do, it makes the frickin' page take forever to load due to all the comment-counts it needs to calculate. GRRR...
I pissed someone off tonite a little I think. They dropped out of CS right after I said a rather cutting and rude comment. Normally, I'm one to brush these off with no problem, and most of my friends are too. But I guess this one just hit a little too hard and rubbed them the wrong way. I called them up and made sure we were cool. I didn't know about some things that were happening at the same time and I guess my comment just kinda was the proverbial last straw. So let me say it again. I'm sorry. :(

And to those who have NO clue what I'm talking about, it obviously wasn't about you in the first place. :)

Friday, September 14, 2001

A couple new sections are coming to the main menu soon. CounterStrike, my new addiction (I won't say hobby. We've gone WAY beyond hobby!), and Music, my passion in life. I just LOVE music. I've wanted to put up a music section to the site for some time, but just haven't gotten around to it. I've wanted to get some MP3s up for download but have been concerned with copyright stuff and what not. So finally today I said, 'what-the-hell', and so there is it. The new section. So it's only got one page. At least it's on the menu! :)
You might notice some slight switcheroos happening on the Main Menu to the left. That's cause I'm re-organizing some of the directories on the site. Shouldn't cause any broken links though so if you see one, let me know.
A day of remembrance...
I didn't play CS tonite. Instead I took a break and got caught up on my second job. I still didn't get as much done as I would have liked to gotten done, but oh well. At least I'm closer.

Also tonite was sort of a calming experience. I was able to just kinda relax and not worry about whipping Blitz' butt or getting my head blown-off by Female Assasin. It was heavenly. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2001

OK I'm calming down now. Really, I am. :) Again, everyone has felt my wrath on this blog. Sorry for freakin' everybody out. But I'm okay. Just tired. Really really tired. Maybe I should go home now. Only been at work for 12 hours....a short day... :)
Okay...that was odd. I just won a contest for free software. And just when life was wackin' me over my head.
I am REALLY starting to hate life again. This is not good....not good at all. I'm gonna stop for a while. Just stop everything. Fall back and retreat. I can't take this anymore. I'm losing.....everything....
Arizona weather has struck again! It's like 105 outside, barely any clouds, yet it's pouring rain!! Go figure! They did say we would have a 30% chance today, but that was supposed to be late afternoon and really scattered. And in AZ, a 30% chance means the same thing as a snowball's chance in hell!
They've Found Survivors! Unbelievable as it may seem, 5 firefighters have been found alive in the wreckage of the World Trade Center! They were buried in an SUV for the past 3 days! It's brought new hope that more may still be alive! Congratulations to the rescuers and god-speed in the their continuing heroic task!
Yesterday was a really bad day for me. I had a horrible day at work and I went home to have an even worse evening on the computer. To top it all off, I was horrendous to my best friend online last night. We were playing CounterStrike, which is what I've been doing in the evenings, and I just couldn't play worth shit. I suppose I have to expect that since it was my first time in a big server and playing with a large group of people. Janell thought it would help to blow peoples brains out, but it didn't. Instead it just made me more frustrated and pissy. Finally I just got so frustrated I wound up dropping, only to find Janell had dropped before.

This morning, I woke up to a few ICQs which I have yet to respond to. (Sorry, guys.) Janell is really pissed with me now, and I'm not really feeling much better about it either. But today doesn't look much different. I've already been called by my second job that we are WAY behind schedule and he's getting REALLY pissed. And my first job is entering into some serious legal shit that could close the company! ARGH! Somedays just totally suck.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Well I guess I can rule out the fact of me not knowing the map. Just played Dust2 tonite which is the same map I was doing good on last night. But tonite I totally sucked. So, Blitz, I guess you got your revenge. :)
I'm looking into a new comments system. The one I've got now is ASP based and okay. But without comment counts, it really is kinda hard to track them from the main page.
My eyes were awakened to the sheer crappy way I play CS. I was horrible tonight. What can you expect from my first time in a large server? Of course it didn't help that I didn't know the maps either. BlitzKrieg and Female Assasin were both rocking though, and of course it all took place on FragDad (status). I guess I just need LOTS more practice. Guess I'm not as good as I thought I was. Either that, or Blitz was just REALLY suckin' BAAAD last night! :)
How you can help...There are many ways we all can help in the efforts in New York and Washington. Some already being suggested are Give Blood or make donations.

Two electronic relief funds have already been set up online and are ready to take your tax-deductable donations. Either at Amazon or Paypal.

To give blood, call your local Red Cross branch office or 1-800-GIVE-LIFE to schedule an appointment. Or you can call America's Blood Centers at 1-888-BLOOD-88. Blood and platelet donors will be needed desparately over the next few days to help replenish our nation's blood and platelet supply.
On happier notes, I'm getting better at playing CounterStrike. (Whether it is quite ethical to be playing a game where Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism are such an integral part, I'll leave to you.) But on the plus side, I was totally whipping some people's asses tonite. :) I won't mention who or what the score was (I promised not to on my site), but suffice it to say, I'm getting better. Granted some tactics I still don't have down. And unfortunately, they are kinda the important ones. Like running for cover when under fire, getting out of the way of grenades or flash-bangs, or just generally re-loading the gun! But hey, that's what practice is for.
The tragedy continues to unfold...It now appears as if tens of thousands of people have lost their lives in the 24 hours. While the exact numbers still are unavailable, the pictures coming from New York and Wachington are frightening. Gaping holes in the side of the Pentagon, smoldering hulks at Ground-Zero in New York, the last remaining floors of the World Trade Center towers abruptly ripped away at the 3 and 4 floors.

I think the worst parts it the many questions I now have swirling in my head. Is this truly over? or merely the beginning? Who really is responsible for this horrifying trgedy? If it is Bin Laden, how will we get to him to retaliate? These and even the trivial questions like, Will they rebuild it? Or can the property values of New York permit a memorial to be erected there?

"I feel all we have done is awoken a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve." - Admiral Yakamoto, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

I can't believe what's happening in New York and Washington. It's just too surreal. I keep thinking about how many lives have been lost today. How many were left in the World Trade Center Towers before they fell? How many people were on the planes? How many people were in that section of the Pentagon when the unthinkable happened? The death-toll from this attack is going to be staggering. My prayers go out to everyone affect by this tragedy.

Monday, September 10, 2001

I just created my own tag for Counter-Strike. Now I hope I can figure out how to get it into the program! :) And yes, I know i'm at work, and no, I'm not getting anything done today. Do I care? HELL NO! :) Here's the tag...

Apparently, Janell's favorite Counter-Strike (CS) map is Vertigo, which puts you in a high-rise with the ability to fall to your death. Really cool! :) I'm still trying to learn all the other maps. I guess I just gotta set up a LAN game and practice, practice, practice!
I had a really fun and incredibly unproductive day. I've got a new hobby though....actually more like an addiction. It's Counter-Strike, the Half-Life mod. My best friend Janell, her boyfriend Prajna, her friend Jerimy and I were all playing on FragDad (status), Jerimy's clan's server. Had a blast, literally. :) But I still need tons of practice. My fingers get all tangled up in the keys. Although I more than make up for that with my deadly aim. :) Oh well, practice makes perfect. All in all was a fun evening. Gonna try it again tomorrow nite if I can find them.

Sunday, September 9, 2001

I'm talking with my friend Janell in Louisville right now on RogerWilco. She's just passed her first EMT test with flying colors, but she made me promise not to post this on my site. Sorry, baby! :) She already took the second written test but hasn't gotten the results back yet. Apparantly, big envelope means she passed. small means she didn't. I've always told her size does matter! :)
I know I've been missing these last few days, if you've written to me, you should be getting a reply in the next couple of days. It's just been a really busy week at work, but finally it's over, and I actually got tons of crap done today! Yeah for me! By the way, I've got a new song running through my head now.

Here's the video...
We Fit Together

Tuesday, September 4, 2001

And now the results of the Parking Lot war.... I think I can officially claim victory because I've been able to park in my assigned covered space for the past 5 days with no problems! Finally, Justin's got a home with a roof over his head. ;) wasn't Blogger's fault. Now I feel stupid. I just checked my email and there's a note in there that my ISP had to switch FTP account managers, so my FTP accounts need to be recreated. Stupid me. Blogger's fine. I just didn't have a proper FTP account setup. :)

Monday, September 3, 2001

You know, I really hate in when Blogger decides not to publish correctly. Last night I submitted 3 log entries and NONE of them are showing on the pages yet. Ho hum...
Oh and Happy Labor Day everyone!
There's a new section up tonite. Writings. I'm not gonna go into it here. Just check it out if you are so inclined.
A small update tonite. I redid the page headers. Now they are just text. Bland but effective. And much much easier to modify. :) Lazy? Hell yeah. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

MSNBC has an interesting headline. "Dot-com layoffs at one-year low" I guess you take what you can get huh? I mean who ever heard of report something that is the lowest in just the past year?
You know, I'm getting real tired of coming home to find my parking space taken. I took care of one of them already. They were supposed to park in the space next to mine and just didn't realize they were one off. No harm done. But these other guys just keeps parking there and parking there. I've even left notes on the car to let them know that it's a reserved space they are parking in. Tomorrow morning if they are still there, I'm heading to the office to have them towed. There's only so much I'm willing to take. Especially where Justin is concerned. ;)

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

Man, I musta been totally bored at work today to post that crap. :) Anyway, as usual, I got nothing done tonite. There's always tomorrow. I did find one cool thing though. Kelsey Grammer as a rat. Check out Gary the Rat at

Monday, August 27, 2001 we go...California State Board of Equalization...

The State Board of Equalization collects taxes and fees that provide more than 34 percent of the annual revenue for state government as well as essential funding for local government. Fees administered by the Board produce funding for programs supporting education, health care, public safety, transportation, social services, housing, and natural resource management programs.

The Board is responsible for the administration of the state's sales and use, fuel, alcohol, tobacco, and other taxes and for the collection of fees that fund specific state programs. More than one million businesses are registered with the agency.

In addition to administering key revenue programs, the Board plays a significant role in California property tax assessment and administration. It also acts as the appellate body for franchise and personal income tax appeals. maybe that wasn't that interesting after all...
Here's a funny one. This fax just arrived at work from a state agency in California. I cracked up at the name. "California State Board of Equalization" What in the hell do THEY do? I didn't get a chance to read the fax before someone else grabbed it for their department. Now I'm curious...
Maybe tonite I'll put together the links page finally....along with more regular reads. I might rename that though. Since I've been hitting everyone irregularly. :( Sorry gang. But life is hectic right now.
Here's an interesting thought. In my regular reads today I stumbled upon a post on ClosetBoy's site in which several people are trying to come up with a better word than "gay". Looks like the whole things started at Christopher Street. Since then ClosetBoy and Kerr have both written things on their sites.

In most of the sites I have found, several comments think that even if a new word is developed, it will eventually be adopted by the un-enlightened to mean virtually the same things and stereotypes as the current definitions and words used by society today.

I'm gay. I'm sure that if you've been here before this post, you would know that anyway. :) But actually saying, or typing for that matter, that "I'm gay" is not something I do often. To be honest, I'm firmly entrenched in my closet still. This site actually is the one site I am truely myself on. I don't publicly say "check out my site" either. So if you've happened upon this, good for you. Not many people visit it. That's probably evident by the number of comments left here, or lack there of.

But one thing I do like about this site, is that it is public. Someone could see it. I could, if I wanted to, direct people to it and say, "Yes, that is MY site." But that's just not something I'm quite ready for yet.

But I'm getting off-topic here...

So, back to "I'm gay." (Boys do it for me, girls don't. That kinda thing.) I've never really liked that word. I'm not totally against it, even though society is. Other words get to me worse. Queer is too radical and strange or deviant sounding. Homosexual is too clinical. So I am forced to conclude that maybe we do need a better word. Maybe with a new phrase, I might be more inclined to say "I'm enlightened" or "I'm special." (God that sounds like I belong in some sort of therapy!) However, even with a new word, I think it's only a matter of time, before someone, somewhere, someway, finds it derogatory.
Yeah! Tax Relief arrives this week least that's what the letter says. We'll just see if the government can keep up with all the checks their mailing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

Of course the one bright light in my days this week have been the times I'm driving around town with Justin. Justin just rocks. There's no way else to put it. I love every second I spent driving around with him. Why couldn't the Ranger be this much fun? Oh yeah, I remember. It sucked. :) No if only Justin would suck, just not in a bad way :) , I'd marry him!
This week is not starting off well. I'm so glad it's a pay-week though. At least that's something to look forward to tomorrow. But I have the distinct feeling life is about to stack the deck again strongly in it's own favor. Everything is going so-so. I won't say well cause a few things have happened (like my checking account being overdrawn) which have got me down and confused since I have no clue where the money went. Plus I have SOOOO much to do and SOOO little time to get things down...and most of the stuff I do need to do is personal stuff like getting my credit reports straigtened out. Oh...I probably haven't told you about that one. Oh well...that's a story for another entry. For now, suffice it to say I have FAR too much to do and no time to do it in. :(

Sunday, August 19, 2001

Gawd, I'm sooo tired. I don't get it. It's only like 11pm...slightly before even...and I'm dead tired! I have been staying up to until 1 or 2 am the last week with no problems. Whats up with weekends, anyway? I never get anything done I want to get done, and now it seems a side effect of the weekend is I'm more tired than when it started on Friday! What's up with THAT?!?!

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

YEAH! Comments have switched over from a non-working version to X-Comments, and XML / ASP based comments system. You can learn more about X-Comments here.
Well it's official. The truck has a pet name. Something my best friends came up with on my last visit to them. So without further ado, here's Justin's page.
Yippee! The scanner works after two years of being in storage! Now if I only had photos to scan. I don't even have a camera to take pictures, digital or otherwise. Maybe someday....

Tuesday, August 14, 2001

I might actually get the beginnings of a gallery going here. Getting ready to install my flatbed scanner again. I just hope it works. I haven't had it plugged in since I moved almost 3 years ago!
I hate power outages. A storm swept through the valley today and I guess it was pretty strong where I live because the power must have been knocked out. Though I got just a few sprinkles where I was in the West Valley. But when I got home tonite, all my clocks are blinking, and all my computers have rebooted and are waiting for network logins. I hate when this happens cause it usually takes my about 30 minutes to bring everything back up and running! ARGH! Sometimes I wish I had invested in battery backups so I wouldn't have this problem...oh well...

Sunday, August 12, 2001

Did a small update to the menu bar. You now have access to my LaunchCast station! Plus I finally put Boy-Ashamed into my Regular Reads...

Saturday, August 11, 2001

You know, I think the service departments at dealerships purposely take longer. Today while I was waiting for the truck I was browsing the part department, which has all sorts of accessories for the vehicles. Tow packages, mud flaps, dash mats, seat covers, license plate holders, miniature model cars, clothing, etc.... I know, it's probably my own fault for browsing, but now I'm hooked on getting the truck a tow package so I can put a boat behind it (the next mega-purchase) and getting the bed lined with a spray in liner. :)
I just bought BBMak's album, Sooner or Later. Not bad. Haven't listened to all the tracks yet, but the one's I've heard are good. I really bought the album because of their single "Ghost of You and Me" but I liked their other one "Back Here" too. Here are the videos on

Ghost Of You And Me

Back Here

I took the truck in to be fixed this morning. Got in at about 8am and got it back at around 10am. Apparantly the Upper Arm Assembly on the Driver's Side was loose and needed to be tightened. So now there is no knocking or thuding anymore and it doesn't switch which direction it wants to drift. Now it just drifts left. Yeah, I know, that's not good either. But the people at the Service Department knew they were giving it back to me that way. Cause the apparantly didn't have anyone who could do the alignment on it today. So I'm rescheduled for Monday morning now to get that fixed. Then it will finally be all done at the Service Department....for now... :)

Thursday, August 9, 2001

You know, I really should be working instead of blogging. Does it sound like I care, though? :) I should have had my project done about half an hour ago. Oh well. :)
I have the suspicious feeling my comments system isn't working. Hmm....have to look into that tonite.
As soon as I get back home, I'm gonna add a new site to my "Regular Reading..." section. Here's the link for now... Boy-Ashamed
In our continuing saga of the parking space...I come down this morning to head into work. I have to pass right by the space I lost last night to a Camaro. Nice looking car. Even better looking driver. I kinda gazed for a while as I walked on by to my truck at the other end of the lot. When I drove back around heading for the exit, he was still there and he smiled at me. Ooh...some many pleasant thoughts to have little time. :)
Hehe. Forgot to mention. I parked in a visitor parking space when I got home from work earlier this evening. (Someone was in my assigned space again.) Anyway, I went driving between 1am and 2am. Not too many people on the roads, especially with it pouring down rain. Anyway, I get back home and someone actually took the space! I guess you had to be there. You see, NO ONE is out late around here. This area is about as active at night as a paralyzed man in a non-motorized wheelchair.
The brutal truths hit hard, early in the morning. It's been raining hard outside for about 15 minutes. I love the rain. I just like watching it, or driving in it. See where I'm going with this? Seeing it coming down in buckets, I thought, 'hmm, let's see how the truck performs'. So I run down to my truck. (I said I liked WATCHING the rain, not STANDING in it.) She handles beautifully. I go out driving for about an hour or so. I knew at the start that I was running low on gas. In fact, my fuel indicator light was on when I started the car, meaning I had less than an eighth of a tank.

I don't know what made me not want to get gas. Maybe it was the fact that this would be the first time I would be able to tell what my actual mileage was gonna be. I don't know. But anyway I wound up driving around until the needle passed the 'E' on the gauge. No, I didn't run out of fuel. I've driven enough to know that the gauge in most cars and trucks today actually gives you a couple extra gallons beyond the 'E' on the gauge for emergencies. So anyway, I get down driving around and start heading home, and decide to hit the gas station across from my apartment. They usually have the best price on gas in my area anyway. So I pull up ot the pump and start pumping....and pumping...and pumping...and pumping. She's got a HUGE tank on her. Way bigger than my old truck had.

Anyway, I go the receipt and checked the Trip Gauge to see how far I had travelled. To make a long story short, (too late), My gas mileage is 16.06mpg. Ouch, babe. :( I knew that Dodge's Magnum Engines were thirsty critters but DAYUM! Oh well, my baby's worth every penny of it. :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2001

Have you noticed I can't type, yet? Just take a gander at the previous blogs. Tons of spelling errors. I used to go back and correct ones I found. I don't anymore though. For these reasons: One, I think it makes the blog seem more raw and unedited. After all, this is supposed to be like a diary. Two, That's what I typed and since this is supposed to be about me, might as well show me off, flaws and all. And finally Three, I'm just too damn lazy! :)
The latest album from NSYNC rocks! I know I've done a complete turn-around from my previous blog comments, but what can I say. The sound has grown on me.
So...Episode 2 got named. "Attack of the Clones" to George: A little less crack should clear that up.)
Now that I'm back to a normla routine again, let's update you on a few thoughts running through my head. First off, I'm like sooo totally in love with my new truck. It's just sooo schweet! :) I just need to get that Joint fixed in the steering this Saturday and it will be "Kick-Ass!" as Cartman would say! :) Meanwhile back on the home-front, I'm still working my butt-off at work and at home. I can't wait for a break in this crummy schedule so I can take a road trip with the new truck! Now the question is, where should I go? I've only been to Vegas once so I might go there. Especially since the only time I was there was on a business trip and I didn't see much of anything except the convention center. Another possibility is San Diego. I haven't been there in like 3 years and I love the ocean and the sights around there like Sea World and SeaPort Village, not to mention the Harbor Cruises. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2001

Okay. I've now come crashing down from my high this past weekend. It's like 12:30am and I'm just getting home and I'm soooo dog tired I don't even know if I'm sending this blog right. Guess we'll know in the morning, won't we?

Sunday, August 5, 2001

This weekend ROCKED! I think this is the first weekend I've had since I started this blog that I can actually say, ROCKED! Right now I'm like sooooo bouncing off the walls. That's cause I bought tons of stuff this weekend. So here's an update that wraps a few previous blogs up. First, I bought the latest *NSYNC CD, Celebrity. I know I said I hated the divergence from their original sound, but now I'm forced to take eat my words. I LOVE the new album. Well, maybe that is too strong, but it is certainly up on my list right now. There are some songs I still am not that into, but I love "The Two of Us", "Up Against The Wall", "Selfish", and "Something Like You" that features Stevie Wonder on the harmonica. The photos in the liner notes are neat too. But you ain't gonna get me to scan them. Go buy the album!

Next, is un update on the truck. I got it. I think that's why I'm so hyper. That beautiful green truck is parked in my space down in the lot right now. I kinda feel like that guy in the Lexus (or maybe it was Infinity?) TV ad where he runs down to the garage at like 2am just to open the door and see the car. I feel like doing that right now. I'm just in awe that I finally got my dream car. Of course, not without a little help from my parents who contributed $1500 for a down payment. (Thanks, Mom and Dad!) (And if you're reading this, I guess we have more to discuss than the thank you, huh?)

But here comes the only downer to the weekend. You knew it was coming right? Well, I ain't gonna disapoint you either with a lame one. The brand new truck is already broken. Yes, you heard me B-R-O-K-E-N. It has less than 5000 miles on it and there is something severely wrong with the steering on it. I think it's just a loose joint, but I have to take it in to be sure. We you apply the brakes, it always pulls to the left. At first I thought alignment. But then why, when you accelarate, does it pull to the right, or sometimes to the left, or sometimes not at all?!? It's funny, you hit a bump in the road and you instantly pull the opposite direction. Then also, when backing up into a space, you hear a loud THUD coem from under the driver-side wheel well, when you straighten the wheel after it has been turn to the left. (Specific ain't it?)

Anyway, I already have an appointment to take it back to the dealership first thing in the morning to get it fix. It's still under manufacturer's original warranty so everything should be covered, especially since I just bought the thing!

Saturday, August 4, 2001

Some of you may have noticed that the Virtual Home is gone. I wasn't really doing anything with it anymore so I took it down. I'm getting ready to put up the cams again though so stayed tuned for that!
Well I don't hate this layout...yet. I might actually keep it for a while. Anywho, today I submitted an application to the Loan Department at a local dealership. They got back with me and told me to come in. I might actually be able to get the truck I want! So now I have an appointment at 9am tomorrow. Wish me luck. Wanna see the truck I'm looking to get? Here's a picture for ya...

Click for larger picture

Yeah! Comments are up and running! You can now leave comments to the blogs by clicking the word "Comments" below each blog. I'm gonna try and get a Comment Counter working eventually, but one step at a time. :)

Friday, August 3, 2001

The first iteration of a new design is up. I'm sure I'll hate it by noon tomorrow so that I change it again tomorrow nite...but you never know...

Thursday, August 2, 2001

I think it's time for a design upgrade....let's see what havoc I can wreak on this place tonite... :)
Current song running through my head:
I falling into that isolationist trap again. This happened about 2 years ago when I first moved out on my own. I cut myself off from everyone and everything, including the internet. All I did was read. Wasn't even too much into TV either. I finally moved out of it and got back into the whole net thing, but not before pissing off a few friends. Well now it seems I'm destined to repeat that. I'm getting tired of people. I look forward to getting home and being alone in my apartment. And pretty much anyone who tries to message me or email me just gets the brunt of my pissy mood. So if I start getting a little bit short or rude in the blog, emails, or chatting, now you know why.
Current waste of time: Hot or Not
I'm having second thoughts about getting the new truck this weekend. Maybe it's just my personality again. I'm always so negative, and I know it. The sad thing is I can do nothing about it. I worry a lot, I always play devil's advocate to the point that I piss people off with my negativity. Maybe I should follow my own philosophy.
Today is going better then yesterday. At least I'm getting things accomplished. I haven't been to the stores yet though which means I haven't even begun to feel the brunt of the day. I can't wait.

Wednesday, August 1, 2001

I hate work again. I just am having a horrific day! And I've got tons more to do today too! ARGH!

Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Yeah the Backstreet Boys are coming back to Phoenix! October 12, just 3 days after my birthday! I can't wait! I was sooo depressed earlier tonite. Now I'm happy again. I just hope I can get tickets. They aren't playing at the same place they were when I saw them last time they were here. The venus is much smaller now and it looks like dates are booked pretty solid in that stretch of the tour so I doubt they'll be able to add a date like they did last time. Uh oh....I'm depressing myself again....
Well I just managed to piss off my two friends in Pinetop. For some reason I'm in a really pissy mood tonite. So watch out world, I'm going ballistic!
Where did we find these people and how did they get to be our elected officials?!?!
In a page right out of "How NOT to Write Laws...", here are some really stupid, yet perfectly TRUE laws which exist on the books in the state of Arizona....
Any Misdemeanor committed while wearing a Red Mask is automatically considered a felony.
(Guess the days of the Wild West aren't that's far gone, eh?)

Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs.
(I don't even know WHERE to begin with this one...)

In the city of Tombstone, It is illegal for men and women over the age of 18 to have less than one missing tooth visible when smiling.
(I can just see someone going to the dentist to get one pulled cause he had "too perfect" teeth.)

Hunting camels is prohibited.
(Appearantly, the US Army once experimented with camels in the Arizona desert, and eventually gave up. The remaining camels were set free, and are now protected. Alrighty then.)

and finally...

You may not have more than two dildos in a house.
(Uh oh....Honestly, Officer, I thought I only had two.)

Find out about the dumb laws in your state or city by visiting
I'm gonna make a try for my truck this weekend. I probably will get turned down, but I soooo badly want to get out of the vehicle I'm in. I've been shopping around for a new Dodge Dakota for about a year now. I could probably take a trivia test and pass with flying colors. Now if I could only convince them to give me the Dakota as a prize. :)
Backstreet Boys will always be my favorite boy-band. But they've unfortunately lost themselves in the saturation of the market. They pretty much started the whole craze. Well, technically I guess the New Kids did, but the BSB have been the ones to hang around in the market a while. They've pretty much fostered the rest of the groups like *NSYNC, O-Town, LFO, 98 Degrees, and now Dream Street. It's really sad to see them lose so much market share to *NSYNC when they were the ones who did the ground-breaking in the first place.
I still haven't gotten the latest *NSYNC CD yet. I wonder if my subconscious is just trying to prevent me from helping *NSYNC break their own damn record. Not that I'm bitter mind you. I actually like their music, but they seem to be drifting away from my kind of pop music. I love the old ballady stuff or the first up-beat music that came out of *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. Stuff off their debut albums like "Tearin' Up My Heart", "As Long As You Love Me", "God Must Have Spent", and even "Larger Than Life" from Millenium. What happened to those types of songs? Everything has gotta too funky. Maybe I'm just from the old way of thinking. My local radio station, 104-7 Kiss-FM, tried to play the latest Backstreet Boys single, "More Than That", on a bit they do called "Kiss it or Diss It". I love that song, but almost every caller called in Dissing it. The next night the played a re-mix off it and tried it again on "Kiss it or Diss It". (Actually it wasn't a remix, it was the album version without the heavy bass line beneath it.) I liked the version too, but once again everyone called in and said "Diss It". One caller actually said, "The was the lamest song I've ever heard." I guess there's no accounting for taste. :(

Monday, July 30, 2001

I must be psychic. I wrote in my blog a few days ago, when it rains, it's pours. Lo and behold, last night it rained cats and dogs! It was incredible. Not too much lightening or thunder though. Just a few strikes here and there, but the rain just wouldn't let up! Was really cool! I love the rain. Especially heavy rain. The only probably now is my patio furniture is all dirty again, and right after I had just washed it too.
I've just adjusted my time zone settings on Blogger, so no you aren't hallucinating. The times all did just jump back one hour. I finally decided I'd had enough of the times being 1 hour ahead of the actual time. It's the penalty of living in Arizona. We don't switch on Daylight Savings Time. So right now, we are basically in the PST Zone, Not MST. Go figure...
I'm at work today. Location: Classified...even to me! I hate days like this. I never know where I'm gonna wind up. Right now I'm at the warehouse but that can change is an instant. I probably will hit every store location today (that's 5 total!)
My parents and brother came up to visit yesterday. We went to the baseball game and watched the D-Backs lose the whole series to the Giants. Not that I'm a big sports fan mind you, unless you call crowd-watching a sport. :) It's kinda of hard to get to into that though when you've got your entire family with you that has no clue that you play for the "other team." Pun intended. :) Anyway they came up adn only stayed for the day before heading back home. It was fun at the game, even if our team did lose. At least there was lots of eye candy around. I know, I need to get out more. Oh well...

Sunday, July 29, 2001

You know, one thing is I am accomplishing a lot. I guess that could be the positive side to all the negative crap happening in my life. Granted I pretty much brought a lot of it on myself, but sheesh. When it rains, it pours! Anyway, I did get the MVD matter settled, after a totally unpleasant experience with this old guy who really could care less about the world around him, just as long as he finishes you're business with the MVD and gets you away from his window. I handed him the note from the court saying I paid my ticket and tried explaining to him what I needed done when he interrupted me and asked for my license. He punches a few things in his computer and then simply says, "Goodbye, Jon." I was all like, "That's it?" He just stamps the paper I handed him, files it away, and says "You're done." I thought, 'You have a nice day too, prick." :)

Anyway, got that taken care off, got a gas cap for my truck (which someone had ripped off a few months ago), paid off my cell phone bill, started setting up new online accounts for a new business I'm starting up (more on that one later), and still got plenty of stuff done at work. And see? after typing all that I'm feeling positive and uplifted again. Yeah for me. ;)
Almost forgot the double whammy part. In addition to my lovely medical bills, I get a letter from the MVD (Motor Vehicle Division) saying my license is suspended cause I didn't pay a traffic ticket! (Yeah, I got a ticket...speeding. Happy now?) I paid the ticket like four or five MONTHS ago! It's taken them this long to get a hold of me? I called the court where I paid the fine and they said, "Yep. MVD is backed up about four months." Sheesh....what a way to run an operation. Anyway I had to go back to the court, get a document that said I paid this already, then take it to MVD and stand in line to talk with someone about re-instating my license which should have never been suspended in the FIRST place! Why me?
I don't know why I bother to check my mail. It is incessantly depressing. Today I got a double whammy. No one knows but I became pretty sick back there for a couple of weeks. I actually knew what was wrong, an abcessed tooth (one which has an infection growing at the root, thus requiring a root canal). I didn't do anything about it however. Just took some Motrin IB for the pain at nights so I could sleep. I knew I would have to see a dentist eventually but I was too busy at work to get some time off. Then on my second week, the pain got to be too much. I knew going into the weekend I would need to see the dentist first thing on Monday. So I thought to myself, 'One more weekend, then I'll be on antibiotics and the pressure will go away.' Can you tell I've done this before? :) Anyway, Sunday rolls around and I can't take it anymore. I'm in so much pain I basically started shaking and was starting to feel feverish. Before I lost all my motor skills, I drove to the ER and saw a doctor. I was running a fever of 105 and my blood pressure was elevated, due to the fever I was told. In any case, the doctor saw me and said the infection had grown so out of control (by me putting it off), that it was now endangering blood vessels which supply blood flow to the brain. The doctor and nurses told me they were pretty concerned about it since it was so close to the brain, and immediately put me on Pen VK (Penicillin) and a great Pain-Killer. I couldn't take than until I got home cause they said within a half an hour I'd be out. I was. Totally dead to the world.

Why did I tell you all this? Well, here come the good part....I got billed from the Hospital ER. I knew I would. I didn't have insurance so when I got that bill I wasn't surprised and paid it. Then today, I got another bill from some Medical Associates Group. This one almost equaled that of the ER bill. I was like, 'wait a minute, I already paid $150, what gives?!?'. So I called the up and found out this is the actual Physician's Bill. The other was for the ER. The doctor saw me for like 5 minutes. That was it! The rest were admitting nurses or discharging staff at the ER. How come he gets $120 bucks, and the other five people who I saw get to share $150? I realize he is a doctor and all but Sheesh! Health Care is such a rip off.
I just noticed this on the Blogger home page. It looks cool. I just wish I could've caught it sonner so I could have signed up to participate. Anyway, the trick is to blog for 24 hours straight, placing one entry every hour hour. And it's all for a good cause. Several causes actually. Check it out! The 24 Hour Blogathon!

Friday, July 27, 2001

You know, I tried to get comments to work. But they keep failing out, when a revelation hit me. I could create by own using ASP and a database. Don't really care about being processor intensive since it's just me. I could even have the counting of comments....hmm....the gears are churning and the rest is breaking off....
The freeway is under construction around me now. They usually start up at 8:30pm or 9pm and run through the night until 5am when they re-open all the lanes. The noise isn't that bad. I'm actually about 2 miles from the freeway so I don't even hear it. But the traffic is MURDER! If I'm not through the freeway by the time they start restricting lanes, you can add about 15-30 minutes to my trek home! The worst part is it happens every night. Last night I thought I was free and clear. I was cutting it close, like around 8:35 when I was about a mile away from my exit, and no traffic back ups yet. But as soon as I hit the "Exit Only" lane for my exit, dead stop. I couldn't figure it out either. It just seemed everyone wanted to take my exit tonite. Go figure. I finally got up to the intersection with the road and saw the trouble. Seems some stupid idiot in a Honda Civic decided to go one on one with one of the huge semi trucks and trailer hauling dirt away from the construction area. Needless to say the Civic was toast. It basically got slammed into the concret barrier and flipped over on to it's roof. Looks like the drive was okay though...but that car ain't going anywhere in the future.
Both the below bumper stickers were on the back of this trailer I saw on the freeway today. One on either side, then in the middle was this...
"CAUTION: Driver doesn't give a DAMN anymore!"
There have been days when I've felt just like that! :)
And the companion bumper sticker for the women out there....
"I got a beanie baby for my husband.
It's the best trade I ever made!!"
Since it's so long since I've put one of these up, here's a bumper sticker for my collection...
"I got a gun for my wife.
It's the best trade I ever made!!"
Anyway continuing on with the work story...after finishing up with my buddy, I started surfing, instead of doing my project for work. I was too hapy to think about work. But once I hit my home page (which is by the way), there was 'NSYNC with the feature from Rolling Stone. God, Justin looks hot in a tank top. I still don't know what JC is thinking with that growth on his chin. But my boy was once again hiding out in back. I'll let you guess between Lance and Joey. :) And then after browsing through the cover shoot from Rolling Stone, it was basically time to head out for the day. Cool part was I didn't have to stay late tonite. Out at 7pm. Shock of the lifetime there, let me tell you. :)
Today was fun at work. I actually felt like I got a lot accomplished, yet I goofed off for most of it. Maybe it's because I actually got personal stuff done and not work-related stuff done. Anywho, I was just logging in to the internet at work to start on my next project when my ICQ kicked in too and lo and behold a guy I hadn't talked to in like 2 years was on. And HE started up a conversation. Wondering what was going on, how I was doing, if I was still working at the same place (I am), and so on and so on. It was really cool cause we've known each other for like 8 years or something.
Bad part is he doesn't know about me in THAT way....I've never told him. He keeps telling me he's gonna hook me up with some girl sometime. Get me "drunk off my ass and laid" as he put it. :) I almost told him during the conversation. But what scared me out of it was losing contact with him again. I mean it's not like I have a crush on him or anything. He's married after all and has a kid and another on the way! But I have very few friends outside of the internet and I don't really wanna risk losing one of the precious few right now.
Man I totally suck as this bloggin' thing. I NEVER...and I do mean never....update! Look at the last post's date! Freakin' Ay!

Monday, June 25, 2001

I've fallen into the nasty habit of only writing in this thing once in a blue moon again.
Yes, dear.

Friday, June 15, 2001

Thursday, June 14, 2001

Gotta hand it to people who come up with most awesome quotes. I found this one on Simple Kind of Life via ClosetBoy...
'Tis better to be thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.'

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

My co-workers came up with an interested way to sum up working.
"The only thing that doesn't suck around here is the vacuum cleaner!"

I think it's quite interesting to point out that our vacuum cleaner REALLY DOESN'T suck. It broke last week!

Sunday, June 3, 2001

Added a new section called "Snippets". I'm gonna be posting all sorts of odds and ends here that I can't really put any place else. Check out the first editions now!
Hey all. Almost broke the site tonite. Just installed FrontPage 2002. Schweet. But still needs improving on the database side of things, but oh well. Can't win them all. Anyway, I'll be experimenting with it over the next few days so bear with me if the site goes wacky.

Friday, June 1, 2001

Happy belated Birthday to ClosetBoy! His birthday was May 30th and I forgot to post it. I'm such a doofus.
Welcome to June! May was a month to forget for me. Hopefully June will be more productive.

Tuesday, May 29, 2001

The phone call was them finally telling me to leave. That no shipment would be coming. Go figure.
I think I've been left for dead at the "Dead Store". I was supposed to receive a phone call two and a half hours ago, but nothing. Or I should have received a shipment about an hour ago...still nothing. WAIT! The phone's ringing!
See, didn't I tell you something would screw up my perfect bliss? My friends are leaving town, I'm barely breaking even on the bills, and now it looks like my truck is gonna need major work to keep it on the road. I'm nowhere near being able to trade it in yet for the new truck I want. I owe too much and I can't afford higher monthly payments! Oh has yet again found a way to screw me over.
Some really sad news this week. I found out my two best friends are moving away. They have been unable to find jobs in the Valley and are having to relocate. Unfortunately, they aren't only my best friends, they are my only friends that I ever hang out with after work. I guess that makes me the ultimate loser. Now I'm gonna be the ultimate lonely loser. They won't be moving until the end of the month, but already I'm getting way too depressed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

Damn it's hot. What the hell is up with this damn heat? It's like 18 degrees above normal right now. our high temperature is expected to hit 110 today, and we aren't even out of the month of May yet!
After hearing ClosetBoy praise The Coors for the last few months, I finally decided to buy their CD, "In Blue". Highly recommend it!
I've gotten stuck at the dead-store for the next couple of weeks. So you might actually see some blog entries from me for once! Shocking huh?
I know I haven't posted as much as I would like to up here. Nor as much as you probably would have read. But I'll try my best in future. It's just a lot of things have been running around in my head. My life has been pretty screwed up recently, but I think I'm finally getting back on track. Hopefully, I will be able to stay this way for a while without any hang-ups. (Knock on virtual wood.)
Somethings usually happens to destroy my life just when things finally start wroking out, so I'm used to it. Just don't ask me to like it.

Thursday, May 17, 2001

The bumper's continue...
"I ran into my EX-, backed up, and hit them again!"

Monday, May 14, 2001

New bumper sticker, courtesy of Heather...
"I'm not gay, so please don't ride my bumper!"
(In my case, it should be "I'm Gay, PLEEEEASE ride my bumper!!") :)

Friday, May 11, 2001

Ugh....been really sick lately. Will explain more later. Now I gotta get back to bed.

Sunday, May 6, 2001

Uh....maybe not....too tired and XML looks too complex to try and deal with tonite. So I'm off to bed instead. Night all....see ya tomorrow. Promise. :)
Hmm....XML looks interesting. Gonna try and reformat the blog for XML, so if things go wacky....just hold won't last for long. :)
Damn I'm so close to getting a new truck I can almost smell the new car interior. :) But I must exercise a bit more self control. Gotta build up a nice downpayment to bring my monthly payments down.
subconscious: But you could do it today!
Shuddup! I'm not listening!
Um...should I even bother with posting that this weekend has been a total lack of accomplishment. Probably those who have read the archives realize that weekends are ALWAYS like that. I never get ANYTHING done!!!
And the bumper stickers ride again!
"Bring back the Draft, my teenager needs a job!"
Whoohoo! Just found out two of my favorite performances are coming back to Arizona in the next year! Linda Eder is coming back the Orpheum Theatre in Phoenix and The Phantom of the Opera is coming to Tucson! YEE HAW! Gotta get tickets!
Have been chatting with my bestest friend in the whole world all day today. I haven't talked with her in like 6 months and the sad part is that is all my fault! She moved away back in August and we've had sparse contact ever since. But today was really fun. We chatted on Roger Wilco for a while and then played some Counter-Strike, which I must confess I suck at right now. My fingers couldn't handle all the keys. Oh well....practice makes perfect...and so far I'm perfect at playing dead. :)
I'm back to bloggin' finally! After nearly two weeks...and about one week prior to that of inconsistent blogs. Well fear not. I'm not dead. (Yeah right, like anyone out there was worried to death about me). Oops...should be careful, starting to turn depressed again. (Remember...positive thoughts...keep the white light of your aura around you....) :)

Thursday, April 26, 2001

Here's a cute quote I came across today...

"Women and cats will do as they please;
and men and dogs should relax and get
used to the idea." - Robert A. Heinlein

Tuesday, April 24, 2001

DAMN! Where does the time go. What a week...and I don't even remember most of it. I didn't blog once! Sheesh!

Monday, April 16, 2001

Here's your tax quote for the day....get in your taxes folks! Today is the last day, you know!
"It has made more liars out of the American people than golf." -Will Rogers (1879-1935), U.S. actor and humorist. Referring to income tax.

Friday, April 13, 2001

Sheesh I suddenly looked at the isn't flying's flown! YEE HAW!! TGIF!!
Today is flying by! I love these kinda days. Plus we've been really busy with customers so we're making the dough! Rock On!
Ooooh. Friday the 13th...I just noticed it. Not that I'm superstitious. Not that I even know if that is spelled correctly! :) But I'm draggin butt today! Can't re just press Control-Alt-Delete and start over?

Thursday, April 12, 2001

Well, still haven't gotten the music section online, but I'm getting closer. :) Probably not gonna get anything done this weekend. Have to go out of town to visit the parents for Easter. Of course I haven't been back up there in a while, they have always come to visit me. I just hope my poor truck makes it. It ain't running the best these days and it will hav eot travel over 250 miles to get me there and back.

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

I so badly wanna get the music section of this site up. Maybe tonite if I don't get in too late...
Normally I'm not much of a radio person, but on the way into work today I had it in (probably cause I couldn't get the damn CD player to power up...stupid cigarette lighter adapter...) Anyway was listening to a song that I thought was really cool. Tried to figure out what group it was. Turns out it was "Breathless" by The Corrs. From my frequent visits to ClosetBoy's site I knew of them but didn't think their music was my thing, even though I hadn't heard a note of it. Boy was I wrong. I loved it! Now I gotta buy the album. Dammit. :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

Whoohoo! Finished the survey which is now posted under "About Jag" to the left. Wanna know anything else about me? Email me!

Monday, April 9, 2001

Another weekend gone....another weekend wasted...well that's not entirely true. I did get caught up on my sleep. :) GNite all....catch you on the flip-side...

Sunday, April 8, 2001

Damn....where does the time go. One minute you sit down to watch a movie and next thing you now it's 1:45am! SHEESH!

Saturday, April 7, 2001

Ooh....the new Stratus Coupe from Dodge looks SCHWEET! I SOOO want a car now....
Whoops...just noticed blogs are dated one hour later...I hate daylights savings time. The worst part is Arizona doesn't follow it. So when the whole world switches an hour ahead or back, we just stay the same totally screwing with TV schedules. :)
I'm lonely again this weekend. My two best friends went out of town to Show Low, a little mountain town near Phoenix. SO now I'm stuck at home with nothing better to do than blog or work. Hmm....Guess work is out since I'm blogging at work!
I really want a new car bad, but I owe too much on my truck. I got totally screwed over a ways back. Got a Chevy Corsica that nobody bothered to tell me had been in a head on collision. I found out when about a year later I went over a speed bump and the whole front end fell to the ground! Seems they "recycled" some of the parts from the wrecked car for the new one....specifically the struts and shocks. Well, going over enough speed bumps appearing made a little tiny fracture a lot bigger, making it come loose and causing over $500 damage to the car. Traded that in on my current truck, but I owed so much on the damn car when I traded it I got a really horrible interest rate and nasty monthly payments. Now I'm finally approaching the point where my amount owed is close to blue book of the truck....I hate depreciation...
Yet another bumper sticker....
"Don't tailgate me or I'll flick a booger on your windshield."

Friday, April 6, 2001

The Intel(R) Philanthropic Peer-to-Peer Program
This program looks really cool. It's a free download and when you're not using your computer, it can help the fight against cancer! Check it out!

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

Is it just me or does the stand off with the Chinese sound just like plot from the James Bond film, "Tomorrow Never Dies"? I fully expect someone to discover Ted Turner in a stealth-boat in the South-China Sea!

Monday, April 2, 2001

Well....I did accomplish one thing...I bought Patio Furniture! The weather is awesome outside right now so I'm gonna be spending a lot more time out then in. Now if I only had a laptop so I could compute outside....

Sunday, April 1, 2001

That's the last time I stay up until 4am in the morning. I've slept have the day away! DAMMIT! Plus I'm so groggy from all the sleep I got...Ok....into the shower with me...
Ah...webcams....I could kill Logitech. Their software interface for the quickcam is nice, but it has far too many bugs and has resopurce leaks. I'm running into all kinds of problems...and so again I plead...know any good webcam software?
Well....the weekend has begun...and once again I've accomplished nothing. Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive. Hopefully...

Saturday, March 31, 2001

"Everybody loves a man on a cliff, Some hope for heroes, Most of us beg for blood.
And we all stay, to see if he falls, But no one stays to pick him up.
Much too busy for his rapture, We can catch it on the news tonight instead."

-Dog's Eye View (from "Bulletproof and Bleeding")
"It is better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not."

Thursday, March 29, 2001

Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Another bumper sticker...
"Yes this is my truck...and NO I won't help you move!"
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I...
Another bumper sticker from the ride home....
"A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory."
Phoenix has some funny bumber stickers, or maybe my sense of humor is so warped everything is funny to me, or maybe I spend such a humongous amount of time driving to and from work each day they keep me occupied. Here's another...
"If you can read this, I've lost my trailer!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2001

This bumper sticker is funny as hell.... "Do you believe in love at first sight?....or should I drive by again?"
I've f*cked up. Bad this time. And I don't know how to fix it. Talking just doesn't seem adequate enough. I hope he listens. I hope she can help me. I hope I CAN fix this. Because they are the two most important people to me now and I don't know what I'll do without them.
Just got royally whooped in AOE2:CE by my friend Kelli. Once upon a blue moon I used to be able to beat her. Now she wipes the floor with me. I seriously need to practice.

Sunday, March 25, 2001

Anyone have a recommendation for a good WebCam software, let me know.
Another weekend has utterly passed me by. Why can't I seem to get things done on the weekends? Maybe it's just that I love the ability to relax and not have a schedule to keep. Mmm....forgot laundry again too!

Saturday, March 24, 2001

Hmm....still no table and chairs on my patio...what's up with that? Time to go shopping I think....and maybe I'll set up the cameras tonite too....nice stress reliever there. :)
What was I thinking? What happened last night? I can't believe I published that. I think I need to apologize to anyone unfortunate enough to feel my wrath last night. Sheesh....deep breath now...

Friday, March 23, 2001

Dammit...if people would just leave me ALONE! Fuck the world! I hate everyone. Die Bitch DIE!!! And there's the phucking phone AGAIN! I'm done. I'm finished. Life sucks. Tell the fat lady she's on in five. Right after another commercial break in this fucked world called life.

Thursday, March 22, 2001

Some mental notes: Remember to call maintenance and get them to fix the light in the storage closet outside. Pick up tabel and chairs for patio. Get extension cords and other PC cords for outdoor PC setup. :) Gonna need Jerry's help to get the chairs up to the patio. CLEAN!
Give me your tired your poor, your huddled masses, your old hard drives yearning to be formatted.
My favorite phone calls are the ones from Mr. Dialtone. He never pesters me. He never asks the immpossible. He is my friend.
Why is it the earlier I wake up, the later I am?
What happened to Spring Break? I mean, I don't go to school currently, but isn't there supposed to be some week in here somewhere when the freeways aren't clogged and it won't take me a half an hour to forty-five minutes to drive seven miles on an interstate?
The sound you now hear is the sound of my world crashing down around me. Can't wait until tomorrow....let the fun commence!
Ignorance breeds Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering. ....Whoops....lapsed into Yoda there for a second.

I really do think ignorance breeds anger though. Today, in an excerpt from "How NOT to upgrade your Computer", a customer came in all bent out of shape because we didn't warn him that the new motherboard he purchased, now get this... "wasn't a standard size." Um...hate to tell you this sir, but all motherboards come in standard sizes. You just have an ANCIENT 486 AT system and case that you wanted to put an ATX Pentium III motherboard and processor into. Ain't gonna happen. There I feel better now.... ....moron.
I don't update this thing as much as I would like. Dammit. :(
In the Closet Boy
"Did I mention this was a rant? Sense really has no place in it"

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Found on another bloggger's site. You can visit him at In the Closet Boy

To Santa Claus and Little Sisters...
Author unknown

Once... he wrote a poem.
And he called it "Chops"
Because that was the name of
his dog, and that's what it was all about.
And the teacher gave him an "A"
And a gold star
And his mother hung it on the
kitchen door and read it to all his aunts...

Once... he wrote another poem.
And he called it "Question Mark Innocence,"
Because that was the name of
his grief and that's what it was all about.
And the professor gave him an "A"
And a strange and steady look.
And his mother never hung it
on the kitchen door, because he never let her see it...

Once, at 3 a.m.... he tried another poem...
And he called it absolutely nothing
because that's what it was all about.
And he gave himself an "A"
And a slash on each damp wrist,
And he hung it on the bathroom door
because he couldn't reach the kitchen.

From JAG: Wow.