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Friday, September 9, 2005

Here comes the weekend...

Yeah! The weekend is almost here! I LOVE short weeks. This weekend I don't really have any plans, so that means I'll probably play WoW until I'm blue in the face.

Chuck's headset arrived so he's now calling me every name in the book, otherwise as he puts it "he'd start balling". It's the first real smile he's had on his face for a while though so my work here is done. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2005


I bought Chuck a phone headset today. He's been wanting one forever so I decided to get him one. IT's kinda of a "Birthday-Christmas-Thanks for getting me this job" present all wrapped up into one. I hope it arrives by Friday, but it might not get here until Monday, which wouldn't be all bad so that he starts fresh on a new week.