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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Stuck Song

Of all the wierd songs to have stuck in your head...

I'm working on coding for a space game, and I'm listening to space soundtracks... but one is this really cool exploration theme for a docu-drama that aired on BBC.  It was written by Don Davis (who also wrote the music for The Matrix) and sounds great.  You feel like you're discovering a new planet for the first time.

Have a listen after the jump...

The Proper Way to Not Get Elected/Re-Elected

Seriously.... how many stupid politicians are there in Arizona anyways?

We'll start with Clint Van Wuffen.... or as he likes to say Clint "as in Eastwood" Van Wuffen... and that's what's gotten him in trouble.  The moron put that tag line on a campaign sign.  For one thing, he's not running for any time of law enforcement post... like sheriff or county attorney or anything like that.  He's running for a State House Seat.

First off... do you really need "as in Eastwood" on your sign?  Is "Clint" that bizarre a spelling that you need to correlate it with a celebrity?  Second, did you even THINK what that sign may infer from having "as in Eastwood" on it?   Third... what do you think the real Clint "as in Eastwood" is going to say about your little sign?

You guessed it... he was not a happy camper.  So if you can't even get your campaign signs right... just what qualifications are you bringing along to the State House?

Our next Political Moron from Arizona is Raul Grijalva, Congressman from District 7.  He called for a boycott of his own state after SB 1070 passed.  So basically he wants to hurt his own constituents to further the cause of criminals.  The sad part is he'll probably keep his job when he comes up for election because of the district's heavy Latino population and it's liberal-leaning politics.  And that's doubly sad because the district consists of over two-thirds of border (approximately 300 miles) with Mexico... where the illegals are entering the US.

So great job, residents of district 7!  Why don't you just pave a road to the border and install drinking fountains while you're at it!   Maybe a free taxi service could go in too?

Friday, August 13, 2010


Devastating news today from one of our business partners... they're letting go one of their employees, bringing their staff down to just 2 plus the owner.  They already had tons on their plates and now with this further reduction, they'll have more to do... plus they're letting go one of the friendliest, nicest, awesomest, fab-est people I know. :(

I'm a sad panda now...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blowing My Top

I honestly have NO clue why my Mother insists my fans be turned off in the middle of the day.  They help circulate the air in my room which would otherwise be a sweat box due to the desert heat and disgustingly small A/C vent in the room.  But no... she has to turn them off because she doesn't like the running all day.  WHY!?   Is there some catastrophic epidemic of fans suddenly ejecting their blades and decapitating people!?

I FINALLY got her to stop rearranging my desk.   Set one boundary... she breaks another...

NOH8: Stay intact until August 18

Well, I suppose it is a step forward.  The Judge decided to release the stay on Same-Sex Marriages... but not until the 18th to give the other side time to appeal.  This is somewhat of a disappointment considering many were hoping to marry today.  But at the same time, it does show that the Judge has the other side in mind.  His decision to strike down Prop 8 was well thought out... and I feel sure that the Appeal process will show the same thing.

After all, right now the burden is on the "Yes on 8".. or as I like to call them the H8ers... to prove that allowing same-sex marriage really is bad for society.  And that will be a tall order considering there already are several gay marriages intact in California... and the state hasn't fallen into the Pacific since then... so where is this disaster on society that is suppose to be happening?

NOH8: Ruling on whether to stay the Prop 8 case today

We should be hearing from Judge Walker today regarding whether or not he will list the stay on the Prop 8 decision.  If he does, California will once again allow same-sex couples to be married. (W00T!)

30 Days of Truth - Day 30: A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself.

I made it!  The end of the 30 Day Project is upon is.  I'm proud of myself for sticking with it and posting at least once a day, which was the reason behind the project in the first place...  to get me interested in the blog again.  And I think it succeeded for the most port.  Though I may take a tiny break from it for this week... not sure yet.  There may be things that pop up that are blog-worthy... we'll just have to see. :)

Dear Jon-  (No, it's not one of those letters...)

I love you're new outlook.  Without it, you might still be shuttered in a closet somewhere.  I love your personality.  You bring a bit more humor into the world with your shenanigans.  I love your honesty and truthfulness that you've displayed over the last 30 days.  And I love that you plan to continue that honesty in the days ahead.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.

I've already done it.  Now I hope to stick with it.

Being more "me"... being out there more and not hiding who I really am.  So technically, I've already changed that... but I need/want to consistantly push myself further.  I probably won't ever have the courage to come out to my parents (if you're reading this, Mom and Dad, I guess we to talk huh?) but I'd like to keep moving that direction.

Only time will tell if I have truly been successful in my efforts.  When you see the engagement announcement, you'll know. :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Doctor Time

Time to hit the doctor and see what he says about my little stomach issue... updates later.

30 Days of Truth - Day 28: What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?

The likelihood of this happening is EXTREMELY remote. LOL  But I guess the question is "what if"... so I'd have to say I would hope we were married... but if not, I'm not going to compound one sin with another by having any abortion...  but I think I would defer to whatever the Mother thought.  If she wanted one, I wouldn't be happy about it but would agree to it.  If she wanted to raise the child and wanted help, I'd be there for her.  If she wanted to have the child and then put it up for adoption, I'd support that as well.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Five Days In

I've been feeling queasy for 5 days now.  No matter what I eat, my stomach grumbles and cramps up.  Have completely eliminated the foods that usually do it to me, but it's still going on and I'm getting sick of it.   Am probably going to have to see the doctor soon...

30 Days of Truth - Day 27: What’s the best thing going for you right now?

Hmm... this one didn't line up so well on the calendar.  LOL   It's Monday morning, traffic coming in to work was lousy because school is back in session, and I still am having some stomach issues.  So right now, thinking about the "best thing going for me" isn't exactly easy.

I guess I could say the best thing is I did come in to work... that I still have a job, albeit one that is also dying... but for now at least I collect a paycheck.  Which is more than can be said for quite a few others in today economy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

This one's been sitting in drafts all day.... almost forgot to post it!

No... I've never been that far in despair or depression to give up on life.  There is always something worth living for, be it ever so small.  Sure there have been plenty of hard times, but those incidents are what define us and make us stronger.

My faith helps me through some of the tough times too.  I have a cross-stitch that was given to me upon my Confirmation from a congregation member...  I can't get a good picture of it now, so I'll post it tomorrow.  But it's a great reminder that I always have backup... and no matter what happens, it's nothing I can't handle.