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Thursday, August 12, 2010

NOH8: Stay intact until August 18

Well, I suppose it is a step forward.  The Judge decided to release the stay on Same-Sex Marriages... but not until the 18th to give the other side time to appeal.  This is somewhat of a disappointment considering many were hoping to marry today.  But at the same time, it does show that the Judge has the other side in mind.  His decision to strike down Prop 8 was well thought out... and I feel sure that the Appeal process will show the same thing.

After all, right now the burden is on the "Yes on 8".. or as I like to call them the H8ers... to prove that allowing same-sex marriage really is bad for society.  And that will be a tall order considering there already are several gay marriages intact in California... and the state hasn't fallen into the Pacific since then... so where is this disaster on society that is suppose to be happening?

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