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Saturday, July 10, 2010


It seems whenever I make a move toward coming further out of my shell, something unexpected happens that tries to put me back into the closet. I made the decision a few days ago that I would no longer live a hidden existence online... that basically I would be out as a gay man online. I had previously been open on this blog about my sexuality, but I decided to take the step of putting that information on my Facebook profile... and also to finally begin looking for a relationship.

For those that don't know... I'm still kinda religious, even though my religion says my desire for a relationship is an abomination and I'm going to hell. Yet I still agree with most of what the religion preaches and I attend church every week. No one there knows I'm gay for obvious reasons.

Tonight I attended church for the first time since my decision to begin being more active in my search for a relationship. And what does tonight's service theme happen to be? The Christian Family... and even mentions in the sermon God's definition of a family. In the past that would have been enough to push me back into my shell and completely reverse my decision to start a relationship. Not this time. I'm tired of being alone.... tired of living someone else's idea of how my life should be. I am going to stay outside my shell.... continue searching for a boyfriend... and I will NOT be afraid.

Continued Discount

I honestly don't know how Pizza Hut is making any money. Either their pizza's were WAY over priced to begin with... or they're hoping you order something else with the $10 pizza!

Friday, July 9, 2010

I loathe arriving home from work to find my desk totally rearranged. I knew where everything was when I left... now I don't. Plus it's like an invasion of privacy. And good luck setting up boundaries... she gets mad and ignores them anyways!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I apparently have the hottest Android Phone on the market. And by hot I mean sizzling. And by sizzling I mean untouchable. And by untouchable I mean you can't even FIND these things in stores. I'm speaking of course about the only 4G phone available... the EVO. When I first bought the phone, I was impressed... the shear amount of features crammed into this puppy is enough to make you wet yourself... a 1GHz Snapdragon Processor, Ginormous Screen, 8(?!) Megapixel Camera PLUS a forward facing 1.3MP Camera, Video Chat(?!) AND a Kickstand to boot!? Someone pinch me!

Then the first day of use went by and I was a little less impressed. Battery Life, which I had believed was going to be much improved over the Windows Mobile PoS I had been using, was not exactly as advertised. By 1pm, the battery had reached 20% left and started giving me warnings. And right about here is where I started to panic... Does this thing drain FASTER than the Windows Mobile devices I've had in the past?

I quickly went through all the settings and realized the issue. By default... everything is turned on to sync with the net... Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, GChat... it's like the device is perma-connected to the interwebz download your entire universe every hour, on the hour. No wonder it was dead by 1pm! I immediately reduced or stopped the syncing of every network under the sun and voila... my device now lasts all day. And i'm not talking moderate use... I'm talking heavy use... as in use the GPS Navigation from Google Maps for 4 hours and still have battery. I'm talking turn on the WiFi Hotspot and an hour later still have battery left!

So really... does it have poor battery life? While not being entirely as good as the iPhone (pre the iPhone 4's energy drain issue), the EVO definately can hold its own throughout the day without finding the AC plug until the end of the day. It's been running all day and right now I'm just below 50%... that's with about 40 minutes of navigation use, GMail syncing all day, and me playing about 30 minutes worth of games and an hours worth of websurfing... AND still taking a couple phone calls (I know, who TALKS on your smartphone, right?)

Do i wish it lasted longer... sure. But it's not as terrible if you get the syncing a little more under control.

Kids Don't Know

I get tired of the various groups that analyze TV shows and movies to death.  They always seem to go too far... making small references turn out to be something detrimental to a child's development.  The point was driven home even further by a movie I recently re-watched.  G4 had some of the old James Bond movies on.  And before you say anything else, ya I know this isn't exactly a kid's movie but the principle is the same.

My parent's wouldn't let me watch some of the more violent or sexual movies until I was older, and I think more parents should behave that way.  I'm not countering my own point... I'm saying if the movie content is age appropriate, let them watch it.  But no, we take 9 year olds to see movies rated PG-13 these days because it's the "cool" thing to do as a parent.  Never mind that the kid will have nightmares.  But I digress...

The first movie they let me watch was 'Diamonds Are Forever', the James Bond movie I had just channel surfed into on G4.  I remember us getting the VHS tape of it when I was about 12 and being allowed to watch it with them.  However, what I don't remember was the henchmen's, Mr Kidd and Mr Wint's, orientation.  I guess I either didn't pay attention to it or thought it was them just being friends or something.  Only later on in life did I realize that they were homosexuals... overtly homosexual because of them holding hands and even the dialogue between them.  So even at that age I didn't realize what they were showing in the movie.  I was just enjoying the story getting a thrill out of Bond blowing up the baddies.

So if at 12, I'm still more interested in the story or the special effects than the themes... how is a kid at 7 going to get that this movie is pushing a right-wing or left-wing agenda?  Just let the kid watch it and enjoy it for what it is...entertainment.

Memory Lane's Book

Oh and by the way... that book I mentioned was Motel of the Mysteries. I loved that book, with it's wonderful illustrations. It's available from Amazon... Motel of the Mysteries and is definately a good book to make you rethink your perspective on situations.

Memory Lane....

For some reason, I'm back at publishing stuff again. I think this comes in cycles.... kind of like my desire for a relationship and then non-desire for one. I guess I'm the greatest fence-sitter around. I argue one point but then 5 minutes later counter what I just said with reasons for the other side.

Anyways... I've decided it's time to crawl out of my shell again. Time to put my money back on the table and see what cards I'm dealt. I was thinking of completely abandoning Blogger and restarting using my pre-built toolbox that I sell people... but after browsing through Blogger's new additions and new designs I figured why mess around with it? So me... the graphic designer... am using someone else's template. It was easier to set up than moving everything around to privately host it again.

So I'm back... for how long, I'm not sure. Maybe until the next cycle comes 'round again. But this time I'm kinda historically minded... no, not hysterically.... historically. I've been thinking a lot about my childhood, growing up, and stuff like that. I don't really know why... and it's not like I'm dwelling on bad experiences or good ones... just recalling things. Things like a book I remember from elementary school... or an evening when someone was trying to open their garage (in the days before garage door openers) and their car rolled back down the drive into the street. I know... the weird things up in my brain, right?

So I guess this is a post that is more or less a prelude of things to come... recalling past events from my childhood. Or not... It may get pretty random for a while... who knows.