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Thursday, September 25, 2003

Times like this...

...I wish I had chosen an apartment with a washer and dryer inside it. This complex has plenty of laundry facilities. The only problem is people don't pay attention to the time that their laundry will be done at. 4 of the 5 dryers down there are currently stoped and have been since I put my wash in 45 minutes ago! The dryers only RUN for 45 minutes! So where on God's green Earth, are these people to get their clothes?!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

The West Wing

I've been watching the "West Wing" on Bravo cause I never got a chance to see them when they were on NBC. The few I did see were cool, and now watching them from the beginning makes it all make sense :) On a side note, it looks like they FINALLY decided to release the series to DVD in region 1. It's been in England for a while now, and is finally coming to the US. Check it out at Amazon by clicking below.

End of the Boys?

Well....I think the Backstreet Boys might just be done. I have no OFFICIAL proof of this, mind you. But a little while ago, both the BSB and NSYNC had their sites taken offline. So that no returns a "Cannot Find Server" message. NSYNC however? Well their site is back up....completely redesigned...and neither of them have albums scheduled to release any time soon. Neither of the sites are register to Jive, at least according to NetSol's whois lookup...but it looks like the NSYNC is still alive and kicking, while BSB die a quick death. But hey....check out the NSYNC some great pics of Justin up. :)

Oh...and those looking for a little more Lance, hit the gallery actually has a shirtless pic of him!

Updating the site...

A flurry of activity now, huh? I figured I should get back into this and start blogging again. So the site's "update" is finally getting finished up. Since I posted originally back in June that I was doing a redesign, I think I've spent enough time don't you? :) LOL

Anyway, the site's main section pages are in the place, but not much is on them yet. The About Jon and About Justin pages are up for you to browse. And of course you all the previous archives since Day 1 of this blog! Go and check out what kind of crappy life I've been leading! :)