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Thursday, September 20, 2001

Maybe I'll get to go home soon. Yeah right...
YEAH!!! Janell's an EMT! She got the large envelope today telling her she graduated! Be sure to send her congratulations here! Or better yet, send her a card! Her email address on is Congratulations, Janell!
I think it's time for a site redesign. Getting tired of the current layout...

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

And now to have even more fun with today. I neglected to mention this cool part. You ready for this? We got paid today at work. Well, I can't really so that. I got my PAYCHECK today. Went to cash it. BOUNCED AS HIGH AS A KITE!!
Okay....somedays, I just wanna crawl under a rock. And this evening alone is making me look for any boulder, no matter how heavy. So to start off, I get home like WAY later than I had anticipated. I grab a quick bite to eat and attempt to got online so I can finally get "knifed" by my "sharpening buddy". Now whatcha gotta realize going into this next part is, I KNEW there was an update to CS posted today. That would be the marvelous CS 1.3. And I heard from BlitzKrieg that I wouldn't be able to play if I updated my machine to it. So I'm figuring...OK....I'll download it, but not update it until the servers do.

So I download it but don't install it, go to play HL (Half-Life). I try to refresh the server list and at this point HL tells me that I have an outdated executable and I need to download a new version. For some reason my brain doesn't equate this to CS 1.3, so I install the new HL version. It auto-updates anyway. So I get back to the server list and suddenly all the servers are grey, and my worst fear comes true. I've inadvertantly upgraded to CS 1.3, without really doing it. So now I'm stuck and can't play. Nobody has the old version which is prior to the brand spankin' new that I just f*cked my system over with.

To make a long story short (too late), I'm off of CS until the servers update. And remember my "knife" buddy? Well I'm almost positive he's running around in the servers as we speak, just cause I can't get in and kill him. :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

I installed my new super-duper sound card. Ok, so it's like 2 years old technology, but at least it's a far cry from the old AWE32 I was using! But here's the fun part....IT'S BROKEN! As in "NO SOUND"! NADA! ZIP! MUTE! *sigh* Why me?
Hmm....It seems I've scared off a few of my opponents on CS. One in particular continutes to insist he's "sharpening his knife", but I have yet to feel a thing... Hmm. Interesting.... :)

Monday, September 17, 2001

Justin is in SERIOUS need of a bath. The stupid rains came through and spotted him up. Plus a little freeway trip at night got tons of bugs smooshed on the grill! ARGH! My next weekend is already planned and it's only MONDAY! I gotta wash Justin, get his oil changed, do a mega-ton of errands like banking, pay bills, etc...and to top it off, I still need to work on Saturday! *sigh* Why me?
Yeah! The first feature of my CounterStrike section is live! The cool part is this little feature is gonna let me do something cool in the future. But I don't wanna ruin the surprise, especially for my fellow players, until I get a chance to put some stuff together. But check back soon for it! Until then, check out the locator!
I'm looking into yet another comments system. This one does comment counts on the front page. It also emails me when a comment is left. But unfortunately, I can't get the damn thing working on my site, and even if I do, it makes the frickin' page take forever to load due to all the comment-counts it needs to calculate. GRRR...
I pissed someone off tonite a little I think. They dropped out of CS right after I said a rather cutting and rude comment. Normally, I'm one to brush these off with no problem, and most of my friends are too. But I guess this one just hit a little too hard and rubbed them the wrong way. I called them up and made sure we were cool. I didn't know about some things that were happening at the same time and I guess my comment just kinda was the proverbial last straw. So let me say it again. I'm sorry. :(

And to those who have NO clue what I'm talking about, it obviously wasn't about you in the first place. :)