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Tuesday, August 21, 2001

Of course the one bright light in my days this week have been the times I'm driving around town with Justin. Justin just rocks. There's no way else to put it. I love every second I spent driving around with him. Why couldn't the Ranger be this much fun? Oh yeah, I remember. It sucked. :) No if only Justin would suck, just not in a bad way :) , I'd marry him!
This week is not starting off well. I'm so glad it's a pay-week though. At least that's something to look forward to tomorrow. But I have the distinct feeling life is about to stack the deck again strongly in it's own favor. Everything is going so-so. I won't say well cause a few things have happened (like my checking account being overdrawn) which have got me down and confused since I have no clue where the money went. Plus I have SOOOO much to do and SOOO little time to get things down...and most of the stuff I do need to do is personal stuff like getting my credit reports straigtened out. Oh...I probably haven't told you about that one. Oh well...that's a story for another entry. For now, suffice it to say I have FAR too much to do and no time to do it in. :(

Sunday, August 19, 2001

Gawd, I'm sooo tired. I don't get it. It's only like 11pm...slightly before even...and I'm dead tired! I have been staying up to until 1 or 2 am the last week with no problems. Whats up with weekends, anyway? I never get anything done I want to get done, and now it seems a side effect of the weekend is I'm more tired than when it started on Friday! What's up with THAT?!?!