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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Running Thru My Head

I don't know why, but I've fallen in love with the music behind the promo for the new ABC show "Brothers and Sisters". I've got it stuck in my head. I originally just loved the beat of the music. I tried to catch a few of the lyrics and did a search on the web. Turns out the song is "We Live" by the group Superchic[k]. Now I'm in love with the lyrics. ;)

We live we love, We
forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given
are gifts from above
and today we remember
to live and to love.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

All Crust...No Fillling

MDL's domain is coming up for renewal. I've been getting warnings about it for a while now and haven't decided whether I should keep it, but I think I will. I've found that posting in this blog has become theraputic on occassions...even if the posts only occur at sporadic intervals.

A redesign has been running through my head again... maybe cause I'm a web design and that's what I love most about websites. But I've decided not to do it, and concentrate more on the content rather than it's design over all.