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Wednesday, August 29, 2001

MSNBC has an interesting headline. "Dot-com layoffs at one-year low" I guess you take what you can get huh? I mean who ever heard of report something that is the lowest in just the past year?
You know, I'm getting real tired of coming home to find my parking space taken. I took care of one of them already. They were supposed to park in the space next to mine and just didn't realize they were one off. No harm done. But these other guys just keeps parking there and parking there. I've even left notes on the car to let them know that it's a reserved space they are parking in. Tomorrow morning if they are still there, I'm heading to the office to have them towed. There's only so much I'm willing to take. Especially where Justin is concerned. ;)

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

Man, I musta been totally bored at work today to post that crap. :) Anyway, as usual, I got nothing done tonite. There's always tomorrow. I did find one cool thing though. Kelsey Grammer as a rat. Check out Gary the Rat at

Monday, August 27, 2001 we go...California State Board of Equalization...

The State Board of Equalization collects taxes and fees that provide more than 34 percent of the annual revenue for state government as well as essential funding for local government. Fees administered by the Board produce funding for programs supporting education, health care, public safety, transportation, social services, housing, and natural resource management programs.

The Board is responsible for the administration of the state's sales and use, fuel, alcohol, tobacco, and other taxes and for the collection of fees that fund specific state programs. More than one million businesses are registered with the agency.

In addition to administering key revenue programs, the Board plays a significant role in California property tax assessment and administration. It also acts as the appellate body for franchise and personal income tax appeals. maybe that wasn't that interesting after all...
Here's a funny one. This fax just arrived at work from a state agency in California. I cracked up at the name. "California State Board of Equalization" What in the hell do THEY do? I didn't get a chance to read the fax before someone else grabbed it for their department. Now I'm curious...
Maybe tonite I'll put together the links page finally....along with more regular reads. I might rename that though. Since I've been hitting everyone irregularly. :( Sorry gang. But life is hectic right now.
Here's an interesting thought. In my regular reads today I stumbled upon a post on ClosetBoy's site in which several people are trying to come up with a better word than "gay". Looks like the whole things started at Christopher Street. Since then ClosetBoy and Kerr have both written things on their sites.

In most of the sites I have found, several comments think that even if a new word is developed, it will eventually be adopted by the un-enlightened to mean virtually the same things and stereotypes as the current definitions and words used by society today.

I'm gay. I'm sure that if you've been here before this post, you would know that anyway. :) But actually saying, or typing for that matter, that "I'm gay" is not something I do often. To be honest, I'm firmly entrenched in my closet still. This site actually is the one site I am truely myself on. I don't publicly say "check out my site" either. So if you've happened upon this, good for you. Not many people visit it. That's probably evident by the number of comments left here, or lack there of.

But one thing I do like about this site, is that it is public. Someone could see it. I could, if I wanted to, direct people to it and say, "Yes, that is MY site." But that's just not something I'm quite ready for yet.

But I'm getting off-topic here...

So, back to "I'm gay." (Boys do it for me, girls don't. That kinda thing.) I've never really liked that word. I'm not totally against it, even though society is. Other words get to me worse. Queer is too radical and strange or deviant sounding. Homosexual is too clinical. So I am forced to conclude that maybe we do need a better word. Maybe with a new phrase, I might be more inclined to say "I'm enlightened" or "I'm special." (God that sounds like I belong in some sort of therapy!) However, even with a new word, I think it's only a matter of time, before someone, somewhere, someway, finds it derogatory.
Yeah! Tax Relief arrives this week least that's what the letter says. We'll just see if the government can keep up with all the checks their mailing.