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Thursday, January 25, 2007

To DC or not to DC? Et tu D-Link?

Well, my high-speed internet provider's technician was out today to try to determine why, after purchasing a new modem, I am still getting disconnected every 5 minutes. Well, as it turns out my apartment building was built back in the stone ages of technology. You know, the early 80's. As such, the cabling within the building is not exactly the perfect match for today's digital technologies. So after replacing every jack in the house, and redoing the junction between cable jacks in the attic... my signal strength improved, but I still disconnected... just not as frequently.

BUT... I think I've managed to narrow it down to the wireless router. When I run through the router, I disconnect that a long distance call that's run out of time. When I go direct from the PC to the modem... Internet Utopia is discovered. So now it looks like a brand new router is in my future.

TV at it's best...

I'm SOO falling in love with Brothers and Sisters on ABC. In the last two nights I've watched every single episode on the ABC website. (Yeah, I'm that hooked...)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I've been having internet connection problems here at the house for a while now. I keep disconnecting and reconnecting. At first we thought it was the modem, but after replacing it I'm still having issues. So the cable guys are coming out Thursday to check it out and we'll go from there. :(

I hope it gets fixed... cause this disconnecting every 5 minutes is murder on productivity!

"Give it a chance to work."

That's what Dubya wants us to do with his Iraq plan. I'm sorry, but you should NEVER give anything a "chance" when it comes to our Soldiers' lives... as if this was just a grand experiment on the part of their Commander in Chief.

Live from Studio 60...

When I heard Aaron Sorkin was doing another series that featured a backstage look at something... a la "West Wing"... I was excited. I remembered the great dialog and dynamic characters from the early season of the "West Wing" and thought "Studio 60" could be another great hit. And for a while, I thought he had done it... even with S60's ratings declining week after week. I thought his "Christmas Show" episode was classic Sorkin... right down to "Oh Holy Night" featured prominently in the episode.

Then "Monday" came... and now I'm not so sure. I'm not sure whether it was the long holiday hiatus... or the fact that the dialog seemed forced last night, but "Monday" just didn't seem to me to a good direction for the show to go. Danny is getting dangerously close to a harrassment suit with Jordan, Jordan is apologizing to a blonde bitch that I think had it coming in the first place, and Jack is trying to break off the Macau deal so Wilson White can stay CEO of NBS?

Let's hope the next episode can get things a bit more back on track...

Slow to the Party...

You know, I should really watch the shows I see promos for that I like the soundtrack to. (Boy that was a long sentence...) Remember back a few months I posted that I got hooked on the SuperChick song "We Love" from the promo to the ABC series "Brothers & Sisters"? Why, Oh Why, didn't I WATCH the show! LOL I'm seriously starting to get hooked. I caught a snippet of "Sexual Politics" last week and feel in love with the characters... and they've even got a gay brother in it! Who knew!? LOL

Burning Mad

Well as I posted the Burning Crusade launched... but what I didn't post was I was hacked back in December. I've been waiting patiently for Blizzard to investigate and restore my characters' items. Unfortunately, they've repeatedly denied my request for a restoration, stating they are "unable to verify my losses." Not sure WHY they can't verify my losses, especially since I caught the hacker in the act and promptly put in a GM ticket to Blizzard.

But anyways, they are refusing to restore my items... so now I'm not sure I want to continue playing WoW. What's the point when someone can totally destroy years of hard work and the community leaders do nothing about it?