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Friday, July 27, 2001

You know, I tried to get comments to work. But they keep failing out, when a revelation hit me. I could create by own using ASP and a database. Don't really care about being processor intensive since it's just me. I could even have the counting of comments....hmm....the gears are churning and the rest is breaking off....
The freeway is under construction around me now. They usually start up at 8:30pm or 9pm and run through the night until 5am when they re-open all the lanes. The noise isn't that bad. I'm actually about 2 miles from the freeway so I don't even hear it. But the traffic is MURDER! If I'm not through the freeway by the time they start restricting lanes, you can add about 15-30 minutes to my trek home! The worst part is it happens every night. Last night I thought I was free and clear. I was cutting it close, like around 8:35 when I was about a mile away from my exit, and no traffic back ups yet. But as soon as I hit the "Exit Only" lane for my exit, dead stop. I couldn't figure it out either. It just seemed everyone wanted to take my exit tonite. Go figure. I finally got up to the intersection with the road and saw the trouble. Seems some stupid idiot in a Honda Civic decided to go one on one with one of the huge semi trucks and trailer hauling dirt away from the construction area. Needless to say the Civic was toast. It basically got slammed into the concret barrier and flipped over on to it's roof. Looks like the drive was okay though...but that car ain't going anywhere in the future.
Both the below bumper stickers were on the back of this trailer I saw on the freeway today. One on either side, then in the middle was this...
"CAUTION: Driver doesn't give a DAMN anymore!"
There have been days when I've felt just like that! :)
And the companion bumper sticker for the women out there....
"I got a beanie baby for my husband.
It's the best trade I ever made!!"
Since it's so long since I've put one of these up, here's a bumper sticker for my collection...
"I got a gun for my wife.
It's the best trade I ever made!!"
Anyway continuing on with the work story...after finishing up with my buddy, I started surfing, instead of doing my project for work. I was too hapy to think about work. But once I hit my home page (which is by the way), there was 'NSYNC with the feature from Rolling Stone. God, Justin looks hot in a tank top. I still don't know what JC is thinking with that growth on his chin. But my boy was once again hiding out in back. I'll let you guess between Lance and Joey. :) And then after browsing through the cover shoot from Rolling Stone, it was basically time to head out for the day. Cool part was I didn't have to stay late tonite. Out at 7pm. Shock of the lifetime there, let me tell you. :)
Today was fun at work. I actually felt like I got a lot accomplished, yet I goofed off for most of it. Maybe it's because I actually got personal stuff done and not work-related stuff done. Anywho, I was just logging in to the internet at work to start on my next project when my ICQ kicked in too and lo and behold a guy I hadn't talked to in like 2 years was on. And HE started up a conversation. Wondering what was going on, how I was doing, if I was still working at the same place (I am), and so on and so on. It was really cool cause we've known each other for like 8 years or something.
Bad part is he doesn't know about me in THAT way....I've never told him. He keeps telling me he's gonna hook me up with some girl sometime. Get me "drunk off my ass and laid" as he put it. :) I almost told him during the conversation. But what scared me out of it was losing contact with him again. I mean it's not like I have a crush on him or anything. He's married after all and has a kid and another on the way! But I have very few friends outside of the internet and I don't really wanna risk losing one of the precious few right now.
Man I totally suck as this bloggin' thing. I NEVER...and I do mean never....update! Look at the last post's date! Freakin' Ay!