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Friday, July 27, 2001

The freeway is under construction around me now. They usually start up at 8:30pm or 9pm and run through the night until 5am when they re-open all the lanes. The noise isn't that bad. I'm actually about 2 miles from the freeway so I don't even hear it. But the traffic is MURDER! If I'm not through the freeway by the time they start restricting lanes, you can add about 15-30 minutes to my trek home! The worst part is it happens every night. Last night I thought I was free and clear. I was cutting it close, like around 8:35 when I was about a mile away from my exit, and no traffic back ups yet. But as soon as I hit the "Exit Only" lane for my exit, dead stop. I couldn't figure it out either. It just seemed everyone wanted to take my exit tonite. Go figure. I finally got up to the intersection with the road and saw the trouble. Seems some stupid idiot in a Honda Civic decided to go one on one with one of the huge semi trucks and trailer hauling dirt away from the construction area. Needless to say the Civic was toast. It basically got slammed into the concret barrier and flipped over on to it's roof. Looks like the drive was okay though...but that car ain't going anywhere in the future.

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