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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Valley of the No-Sunroofs

So I've been browsing the car sites again.  I usually do it right after I make the $700 car payment every month.  Because not only is that a REALLY high car payment to be saddled with in this economy... the truck drinks gas like it's water!  I'm rocking 15.7 miles to the gallon combined city/highway driving.  The truck travels 26 miles round trip to the office each day... and 14 of that is highway miles.  Yet I still only see 15.7 combined.

Anyways... while shopping for a new car, the one thing I would REALLY love to have is a sunroof.  And a TON of new cars are touting their huge panoramic sunroofs.  I mean like basically the entire roof is glass.  First off , the reason I'm interested in a sunroof this time is because I've previously rented a convertible while the truck has been in the shop.  I've LOVED driving in the open air with the top down.  There is only one problem with a convertible, besides it's obvious safety factor of no roof in a rollover...  there is quite literally NO room for people in the backseat.   Unless your passengers are amputees,  they aren't fitting in to the backseat of a convertible.

Thus, the sunroof.  PREFECT!  I still have a roof over me for crash safety.  I still have a backseat for passengers.  AND I miss out on all that nasty road noise you get with soft tops!  CHAMPION!

Well... I live in Phoenix... supposedly the "Valley of the Sun"... great weather, warm and sunny a lot, and during the spring and fall, amazingly beautiful temperatures.   Sunroofs should be all over the place at the dealers here right?   WRONG!  You can't find them.  They are practically non-existent on every single model I'm viewing online!  Even the super-duper, top-of-the-line, leather interior, wood grain dash model of the car.... does it have a sunroof?  BZZZZZT!  Nooo... sorry....

What gives, dealers?  It seems like this would be the ULTIMATE place to have a sunroof!  Especially with all the auto manufacturers making them as large as the roof itself!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Playing Straight...

I just read an article on USA Today on how Hollywood is opening it's arms to gay characters and families in movies and TV shows.  The article is here if you'd like to read it.

There was a quote though that really irked me...

Such movies and TV shows "desensitize the public to the raft of problems associated with homosexual behavior," says Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association, one of the proponents of Proposition 8, California's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage now tied up in court. 

Can someone tell me where this raft of problems is? So that 1... I can show just how many of those "problems" are actually creations of the people having the problem in the first place.  2... so that I can figure out exactly what problems I'm supposed to be having with homosexual behavior.  And finally 3... so I can sink the bloody thing and have people get over it!

"Hollywood is conveying a deceptive message about that behavior and doing a disservice to (viewers) who are coming to conclusions based on what they see on the silver screen. It's a distortion of reality."

"A distortion of reality?"  What is this guy smoking?  Gay and Lesbian couples exist.  They have slightly harder lives because of people like this guy who are unaccepting and close-minded... but they are real and live their lives as best they can just like any other couple.  They suffer the same trials and tribulations as everyone else.   They fall in love, the fall out of love, they have the same issues... with one added.  They have to deal with hate, bigotry, and discriminatory attacks like those perpetrated by the guy quoted in this article.

So you're right, Bryan Fisher.  It is a distortion of reality.  If it really showed what happens to Gays and Lesbian couples, they'd be attacked, slandered, discriminated against, force back into a closet, and even driven to commit suicide.  What do you say we put that up on the TV and see how the viewers like how you and people like you are behaving toward gays and lesbians?

It'd certain be more realistic...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Classic Clint Eastwood

Looking for a great World War II movie?  I highly recommend "Where Eagles Dare".  By the time it's over, you won't know who to root for. :)

Don't Ask... Don't Tell... Don't Bunk... Don't Fight Alongside...

“I can tell you that an overwhelming majority would like not to be roomed with a person who is openly homosexual.”   -Marine Corps Commandant General James T. Conway

Tell me, General.  Just what is the difference between bunking with them in the closet, and bunking with them out in the open?  You think they're suddenly going to be coming on to every guy in the barracks or something?

“We recruit a certain type of young American, pretty macho guy or gal, that is willing to go fight and perhaps die for their country.”   -Marine Corps Commandant General James T. Conway

Apparently, that means they can cope with fighting on the front lives, risking life and limb for their country... but can't cope with having a gay or lesbian soldier sleeping in the same barracks?

What kind of psychotic soldiers do you have fighting in your command, General?!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mosque Follow-up

Some may have noticed when I posted the original item on the Mosque near Ground Zero, I crossed out "at" in the title... because it really wasn't AT Ground Zero, but 2 blocks from it's nearest corner... and more like 4 blocks from the actual site of the towers and the new 9/11 Memorial.

But taking a closer look myself, I'm now crossing out Mosque in this article.  It is in fact an Islamic Community Center.  It does have a prayer space on the upper floors which may move it toward a Mosque... as the definition of a Mosque is a Muslin place of worship.  But I think of place of worship as a church where services are held... not a simple prayer space.

In fact, if you are upset about having a "prayer space" so close to ground zero, then you obvious don't know that there has been on within 4 blocks of the site since 1970... when the towers were built.

Also, the proposed site of the center is the old Burlington Coat Factory building... where one of the plane's landing gear crashed through the roof and set fire to the structure.  It's been vacant (like many other buildings in Lower Manhattan) since the attacks.

Have I reversed my position on the center?  Not at all. I still think it advisible to relocate merely because of the sensitivities involved.  But should they be FORCED to relocate. No.  There are other religious places of worship near Ground Zero... are they going to be force out as well?  The Muslin Faith didn't breed these terrorists... just like Christianity didn't breed the Ku Klux Klan.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Last of Dr. Laura?

Something tells me we have yet to hear the last from Dr. Laura Schlessinger on the airwaves.  Even though she has stated she intends to cancel her radio show to "regain her First Amendment rights".

For those who don't know who she is, Dr. Laura is a conservative radio talk show host that provides relationship advice and self-help tips.  She also has to be one of the biggest frauds in the western world.  She provides socially conservative commentary through her radio show and as such is one of the most controversial radio personalities around right now... especially after her show on August 10, 2010, where she used the "n-word" 11 times but affirmed it did not constitute racism.  ?!?

This isn't her first rodeo with controversy though.  Back in 2000 she claimed homosexuality was a "biological errors" on her show... and that "a huge portion of the male homosexual populace is predatory on young boys."  She offered no facts to back either of these statements up.  Her views cost her dearly when her planned television show went bust literally before it even started.  Only a few episodes aired but even those proved she used con-artist tactics... because some of her "audience guests" where actually members of her staff, but this point was never disclosed within the episode itself.

Moreover, her title of "Doctor" is inaccurate as well.  She spouts off relationship and self help like a psychologist would... but her doctorate is in Psychiology... the science of the functioning of living systems.. like organs, cells, and molecules.  Hardly qualifies her to give psycho-analysis does it.  To top it off, she has admitted to having terrible relationships with her mother and father... notably not speaking to her mother for 18-20 prior to her death.

And this is the who some people turn to for relationship advice?

The bad part is it took her racial slurs to finally pressure her off the air.  The worse part is it will probably be the reason she gets a new contract to stay on the radio... for even more money than before.

The Mosque at Ground Zero

There has been much ado about the proposed community center and mosque to be built in New York City.  There have been several arguments, most of them disturbing, as to why it should not be built on the site.  But I think what many are ignoring is this Mosque is NOT AT GROUND ZERO.  It's actually 2 blocks away from the site.  So my question to all those nay sayers is... How far away does it have to be before it becomes ok to build?  Where does the Constitution's freedom of religion protection end in New York City?  And finally... what happened to not stereotyping all Islamic peoples and Muslims as terrorists?

Back in 2001, the attacks caused much hate in our communities... hate directed toward anyone of the Muslim faith.  Attacks on Muslim institutions and mosques were common in several cities.  And everyone said, including Bush, that the people of the Muslim faith are not to blame... but the extremists who planned and carried out the attacks.

But apparently that separation is over now.

And now, I'm about to completely reverse what you think my position is.

I stand with the ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) is recommending that an alternate site be found.   This is solely because of the sensitivity of the issues involved such as the concerns of the families of the 9/11 victims.  This is by no means a bigoted view though.  In fact, if given the current cultural environment they still wish to build, I'd say let them.  We have a great nation build upon several basic freedoms... and the Freedom of Religion is one of them.  If the Muslim community wants to erect a Community Center and Mosque there, there is nothing we should do to block them from doing it.  But does that mean we should not recommend a secondary location to them?  No.  By building the Mosque at it's proposed location, some may see it as a slap in the face or affront... or an attempt to provoking a response.

While reading a message from the National Director of the ADL, I came across this fact...

The lessons of an earlier and different controversy echo in this one. In 1993, Pope John Paul II asked 14 Carmelite Nuns to move their convent from just outside the Auschwitz death camp. The establishment of the convent near Auschwitz had stirred dismay among Jewish groups and survivors who felt that the location was an affront and a terrible disservice to the memory of millions of Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis in the Holocaust.

Just as we thought then that well-meaning efforts by Carmelite nuns to build a Catholic structure were insensitive and counterproductive to reconciliation, so too we believe it will be with building a mosque so close to Ground Zero.