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Monday, August 23, 2010

The Last of Dr. Laura?

Something tells me we have yet to hear the last from Dr. Laura Schlessinger on the airwaves.  Even though she has stated she intends to cancel her radio show to "regain her First Amendment rights".

For those who don't know who she is, Dr. Laura is a conservative radio talk show host that provides relationship advice and self-help tips.  She also has to be one of the biggest frauds in the western world.  She provides socially conservative commentary through her radio show and as such is one of the most controversial radio personalities around right now... especially after her show on August 10, 2010, where she used the "n-word" 11 times but affirmed it did not constitute racism.  ?!?

This isn't her first rodeo with controversy though.  Back in 2000 she claimed homosexuality was a "biological errors" on her show... and that "a huge portion of the male homosexual populace is predatory on young boys."  She offered no facts to back either of these statements up.  Her views cost her dearly when her planned television show went bust literally before it even started.  Only a few episodes aired but even those proved she used con-artist tactics... because some of her "audience guests" where actually members of her staff, but this point was never disclosed within the episode itself.

Moreover, her title of "Doctor" is inaccurate as well.  She spouts off relationship and self help like a psychologist would... but her doctorate is in Psychiology... the science of the functioning of living systems.. like organs, cells, and molecules.  Hardly qualifies her to give psycho-analysis does it.  To top it off, she has admitted to having terrible relationships with her mother and father... notably not speaking to her mother for 18-20 prior to her death.

And this is the who some people turn to for relationship advice?

The bad part is it took her racial slurs to finally pressure her off the air.  The worse part is it will probably be the reason she gets a new contract to stay on the radio... for even more money than before.

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