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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mosque Follow-up

Some may have noticed when I posted the original item on the Mosque near Ground Zero, I crossed out "at" in the title... because it really wasn't AT Ground Zero, but 2 blocks from it's nearest corner... and more like 4 blocks from the actual site of the towers and the new 9/11 Memorial.

But taking a closer look myself, I'm now crossing out Mosque in this article.  It is in fact an Islamic Community Center.  It does have a prayer space on the upper floors which may move it toward a Mosque... as the definition of a Mosque is a Muslin place of worship.  But I think of place of worship as a church where services are held... not a simple prayer space.

In fact, if you are upset about having a "prayer space" so close to ground zero, then you obvious don't know that there has been on within 4 blocks of the site since 1970... when the towers were built.

Also, the proposed site of the center is the old Burlington Coat Factory building... where one of the plane's landing gear crashed through the roof and set fire to the structure.  It's been vacant (like many other buildings in Lower Manhattan) since the attacks.

Have I reversed my position on the center?  Not at all. I still think it advisible to relocate merely because of the sensitivities involved.  But should they be FORCED to relocate. No.  There are other religious places of worship near Ground Zero... are they going to be force out as well?  The Muslin Faith didn't breed these terrorists... just like Christianity didn't breed the Ku Klux Klan.

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