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Friday, October 5, 2001

Heading to Vegas is 3 days! YEAH FOR ME! Should be a nice little road trip too. :)
I love October. Among other personal reasons, it's the month it FINALLY starts cooling off. I love driving to work on the freeway with the windows rolled down all the way. Of course by the time I get to work, I look vaguely like someone who has just experienced a wind tunnel test first hand. It's amazing what 75mph plus winds can do to your hair style. :)

Monday, October 1, 2001

It's just not possible that it is October! NOT POSSIBLE, I TELL YOU!
I guess 'tolerant' is a good word to describe me. Well hell, I'm gay, how much more socially incorrect can you get? But the one thing that really gets me, is when someone's dislike of something, turns into nothing more than a hatred which can only be described as venomous. What caused all this? I've been browsing Amazon again. I enjoy the least...SOME of the more professional reviews. Then there are those that simply write flaming hot fireballs of intensely negative propoganda, just to prove their point.

Sure, I'll agree that someone may dislike say Eminem. They may think he's a menace or only popular BECAUSE he's a menace. Actually I'm not to keen on him myself. But I don't go around shouting at the rain that he doesn't have talent. While I may not like rap music, I acknowledge the fact that someone out there might like...if not love the music of Eminem, so he must have talent in someones eyes.

So why all this? I'm just getting so tired of the endless stream of reviews on artists, from people who have no business written the review in the first place. Stick to you're own genre, and leave the ones you hate alone.
Someone needs to develop rewind buttons for life. I mean, wouldn't it be much simpler so we could get all the stuff done we wanted to do but never got the cause to? God I'm tired and I'm not making sense. I'm going to work now so I can make a fool of myself.