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Saturday, June 29, 2002

I getting's soo sad. I've been to Vegas so much you would think this would wear off. Maybe it's just that I get to go out of town for a couple days! :) Maybe I'll take my laptop with me so I can blog from Vegas. Who knows, you might see a post from me. :)

Friday, June 28, 2002

Is the game "tag" destroying our children's future lives? See for yourself in Soap Box.
No word from Janell today. I hope she's ok. She hasn't called me back at all yet. :(
I'm you can see from my mood indicator at the left. Why? 'Cause everything is going so great right now! My boyfriend is finally starting to open up a little more. I'm getting a lot more comfortable around him and opening up more myself. I'm talking to Janell again, who actually broke her toe when I was on the phone with her...I just hope it wasn't my fault. :( And now I'm REALLY close to heading to Vegas for the weekend! We leave Sunday morning, bright and early so we can have plenty of time to see EVERYTHING. The friends I'm going with have never been to Vegas so this is gonna be really fun for them. The only problem is that usually when everything is this great, something invariably rains on my parade.
I just got a total the hair department anyway. I got it cut (which it's been needing for some time now) and decided to finally highlight it. I've been thinking about doing it for a while now and finally decided yesterday to just do it. I guess what tilted the scale was the style book I was looking through to figure our what style to get. One of the pictures was of this really cute blond with crazily spiked hair. It kinda goes every which way. So that's what I got, but since my hair is a much darker blond, I decided to highlight it...for now. Eventually I might dye it completely blond, but I haven't decided on that one yet.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Now I've heard everything. Some circuit court has decreed that the Pledge of Allegiance is UNCONSTITUTIONAL?! Forgive me, but what are they smoking? Here's the MSNBC article on it, and the ripples from it. Plus, hit the new Soap Box section for my take on the issues that are hot topics of discussion at your local water cooler... :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Have you noticed mood indicator on the left? Click it to find out why it says what it does...or to grab your own!
You know, I'm convinced he likes to wallow in self pity. So whenever he heads off that direction these days, I say "goodbye" and end the conversation....cause I don't wanna hear it anymore.
Now back to the boyfriend/ex-boyfriend issue. For those of you not following the saga...1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Now that you're all caught up, I'm now wishing that maybe I should have listened to Janell. The ex- and I tried to give this a second chance, but I'm not really sure if we did or not...and even if he really wanted to. He's not quite over his ex-, so I'm not really sure what the point is of trying anything. He's not ready for commitment yet, he's not ready for much of anything in the boyfriend range. Yesterday, he told me he wanted to date. I asked him who, just to make sure I wasn't off base. Turns out I wasn't. He said "People." That kinda puts a major damper on any relationship doncha think? I asked him what we were, and he avoided the question by asking me what I thought we were. I felt stupid saying "Boyfriends" cause I don't really think that's what we are. And he was so non-committal about it too....I guess that just does back to him saying he doesn't want a "commitment" yet. I'm beginning to wonder if he ever will. And when everyone tries to tell him to move on, he says that's just gonna make him take longer to do. Of course, with him continuously bringing it up himself, how is THAT helping?! update you on a few things. I haven't have much time for anything recently, and I'm pretty sure everyone is pretty pissed off at me cause I haven't communicated with anyone...except for maybe 2 people locally being my so-called boyfriend/ex-boyfriend. But more on that later. Anyway, I think I've killed about 3 friendships, especially since one wrote and said "it was up to me to keep the friendship going" and I never replied to it.

My schedule is gonna be pretty crazy for the next couple of weeks, with very few pauses in between. Thank goodness it's hitting right when I planned the trip to Vegas about a month ago. I severely need the break from everything. So this Sunday morning, around 6am I leave for Vegas and return on Monday night. Unfortunately, after I get back I'll be working for the next 5 days straight, so it's not much of a break. Then the following Sunday I've got to go to Tucson. I've had it on the schedule for a while now, but just haven't been able to make it down there. I'm going to repair a computer for some friends of Janell's...who I also still need to call back, if only to confirm dates and times. Then after that, the next week is another solid week of new marketing materials for the new business the company I work for is launching....cell phones. So basically, if anyone needs me for anything, contact my social secretary and we'll see if we can work you in sometime in 2004!