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Saturday, August 4, 2001

Some of you may have noticed that the Virtual Home is gone. I wasn't really doing anything with it anymore so I took it down. I'm getting ready to put up the cams again though so stayed tuned for that!
Well I don't hate this layout...yet. I might actually keep it for a while. Anywho, today I submitted an application to the Loan Department at a local dealership. They got back with me and told me to come in. I might actually be able to get the truck I want! So now I have an appointment at 9am tomorrow. Wish me luck. Wanna see the truck I'm looking to get? Here's a picture for ya...

Click for larger picture

Yeah! Comments are up and running! You can now leave comments to the blogs by clicking the word "Comments" below each blog. I'm gonna try and get a Comment Counter working eventually, but one step at a time. :)

Friday, August 3, 2001

The first iteration of a new design is up. I'm sure I'll hate it by noon tomorrow so that I change it again tomorrow nite...but you never know...

Thursday, August 2, 2001

I think it's time for a design upgrade....let's see what havoc I can wreak on this place tonite... :)
Current song running through my head:
I falling into that isolationist trap again. This happened about 2 years ago when I first moved out on my own. I cut myself off from everyone and everything, including the internet. All I did was read. Wasn't even too much into TV either. I finally moved out of it and got back into the whole net thing, but not before pissing off a few friends. Well now it seems I'm destined to repeat that. I'm getting tired of people. I look forward to getting home and being alone in my apartment. And pretty much anyone who tries to message me or email me just gets the brunt of my pissy mood. So if I start getting a little bit short or rude in the blog, emails, or chatting, now you know why.
Current waste of time: Hot or Not
I'm having second thoughts about getting the new truck this weekend. Maybe it's just my personality again. I'm always so negative, and I know it. The sad thing is I can do nothing about it. I worry a lot, I always play devil's advocate to the point that I piss people off with my negativity. Maybe I should follow my own philosophy.
Today is going better then yesterday. At least I'm getting things accomplished. I haven't been to the stores yet though which means I haven't even begun to feel the brunt of the day. I can't wait.

Wednesday, August 1, 2001

I hate work again. I just am having a horrific day! And I've got tons more to do today too! ARGH!

Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Yeah the Backstreet Boys are coming back to Phoenix! October 12, just 3 days after my birthday! I can't wait! I was sooo depressed earlier tonite. Now I'm happy again. I just hope I can get tickets. They aren't playing at the same place they were when I saw them last time they were here. The venus is much smaller now and it looks like dates are booked pretty solid in that stretch of the tour so I doubt they'll be able to add a date like they did last time. Uh oh....I'm depressing myself again....
Well I just managed to piss off my two friends in Pinetop. For some reason I'm in a really pissy mood tonite. So watch out world, I'm going ballistic!
Where did we find these people and how did they get to be our elected officials?!?!
In a page right out of "How NOT to Write Laws...", here are some really stupid, yet perfectly TRUE laws which exist on the books in the state of Arizona....
Any Misdemeanor committed while wearing a Red Mask is automatically considered a felony.
(Guess the days of the Wild West aren't that's far gone, eh?)

Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs.
(I don't even know WHERE to begin with this one...)

In the city of Tombstone, It is illegal for men and women over the age of 18 to have less than one missing tooth visible when smiling.
(I can just see someone going to the dentist to get one pulled cause he had "too perfect" teeth.)

Hunting camels is prohibited.
(Appearantly, the US Army once experimented with camels in the Arizona desert, and eventually gave up. The remaining camels were set free, and are now protected. Alrighty then.)

and finally...

You may not have more than two dildos in a house.
(Uh oh....Honestly, Officer, I thought I only had two.)

Find out about the dumb laws in your state or city by visiting
I'm gonna make a try for my truck this weekend. I probably will get turned down, but I soooo badly want to get out of the vehicle I'm in. I've been shopping around for a new Dodge Dakota for about a year now. I could probably take a trivia test and pass with flying colors. Now if I could only convince them to give me the Dakota as a prize. :)
Backstreet Boys will always be my favorite boy-band. But they've unfortunately lost themselves in the saturation of the market. They pretty much started the whole craze. Well, technically I guess the New Kids did, but the BSB have been the ones to hang around in the market a while. They've pretty much fostered the rest of the groups like *NSYNC, O-Town, LFO, 98 Degrees, and now Dream Street. It's really sad to see them lose so much market share to *NSYNC when they were the ones who did the ground-breaking in the first place.
I still haven't gotten the latest *NSYNC CD yet. I wonder if my subconscious is just trying to prevent me from helping *NSYNC break their own damn record. Not that I'm bitter mind you. I actually like their music, but they seem to be drifting away from my kind of pop music. I love the old ballady stuff or the first up-beat music that came out of *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. Stuff off their debut albums like "Tearin' Up My Heart", "As Long As You Love Me", "God Must Have Spent", and even "Larger Than Life" from Millenium. What happened to those types of songs? Everything has gotta too funky. Maybe I'm just from the old way of thinking. My local radio station, 104-7 Kiss-FM, tried to play the latest Backstreet Boys single, "More Than That", on a bit they do called "Kiss it or Diss It". I love that song, but almost every caller called in Dissing it. The next night the played a re-mix off it and tried it again on "Kiss it or Diss It". (Actually it wasn't a remix, it was the album version without the heavy bass line beneath it.) I liked the version too, but once again everyone called in and said "Diss It". One caller actually said, "The was the lamest song I've ever heard." I guess there's no accounting for taste. :(

Monday, July 30, 2001

I must be psychic. I wrote in my blog a few days ago, when it rains, it's pours. Lo and behold, last night it rained cats and dogs! It was incredible. Not too much lightening or thunder though. Just a few strikes here and there, but the rain just wouldn't let up! Was really cool! I love the rain. Especially heavy rain. The only probably now is my patio furniture is all dirty again, and right after I had just washed it too.
I've just adjusted my time zone settings on Blogger, so no you aren't hallucinating. The times all did just jump back one hour. I finally decided I'd had enough of the times being 1 hour ahead of the actual time. It's the penalty of living in Arizona. We don't switch on Daylight Savings Time. So right now, we are basically in the PST Zone, Not MST. Go figure...
I'm at work today. Location: Classified...even to me! I hate days like this. I never know where I'm gonna wind up. Right now I'm at the warehouse but that can change is an instant. I probably will hit every store location today (that's 5 total!)
My parents and brother came up to visit yesterday. We went to the baseball game and watched the D-Backs lose the whole series to the Giants. Not that I'm a big sports fan mind you, unless you call crowd-watching a sport. :) It's kinda of hard to get to into that though when you've got your entire family with you that has no clue that you play for the "other team." Pun intended. :) Anyway they came up adn only stayed for the day before heading back home. It was fun at the game, even if our team did lose. At least there was lots of eye candy around. I know, I need to get out more. Oh well...

Sunday, July 29, 2001

You know, one thing is I am accomplishing a lot. I guess that could be the positive side to all the negative crap happening in my life. Granted I pretty much brought a lot of it on myself, but sheesh. When it rains, it pours! Anyway, I did get the MVD matter settled, after a totally unpleasant experience with this old guy who really could care less about the world around him, just as long as he finishes you're business with the MVD and gets you away from his window. I handed him the note from the court saying I paid my ticket and tried explaining to him what I needed done when he interrupted me and asked for my license. He punches a few things in his computer and then simply says, "Goodbye, Jon." I was all like, "That's it?" He just stamps the paper I handed him, files it away, and says "You're done." I thought, 'You have a nice day too, prick." :)

Anyway, got that taken care off, got a gas cap for my truck (which someone had ripped off a few months ago), paid off my cell phone bill, started setting up new online accounts for a new business I'm starting up (more on that one later), and still got plenty of stuff done at work. And see? after typing all that I'm feeling positive and uplifted again. Yeah for me. ;)
Almost forgot the double whammy part. In addition to my lovely medical bills, I get a letter from the MVD (Motor Vehicle Division) saying my license is suspended cause I didn't pay a traffic ticket! (Yeah, I got a ticket...speeding. Happy now?) I paid the ticket like four or five MONTHS ago! It's taken them this long to get a hold of me? I called the court where I paid the fine and they said, "Yep. MVD is backed up about four months." Sheesh....what a way to run an operation. Anyway I had to go back to the court, get a document that said I paid this already, then take it to MVD and stand in line to talk with someone about re-instating my license which should have never been suspended in the FIRST place! Why me?
I don't know why I bother to check my mail. It is incessantly depressing. Today I got a double whammy. No one knows but I became pretty sick back there for a couple of weeks. I actually knew what was wrong, an abcessed tooth (one which has an infection growing at the root, thus requiring a root canal). I didn't do anything about it however. Just took some Motrin IB for the pain at nights so I could sleep. I knew I would have to see a dentist eventually but I was too busy at work to get some time off. Then on my second week, the pain got to be too much. I knew going into the weekend I would need to see the dentist first thing on Monday. So I thought to myself, 'One more weekend, then I'll be on antibiotics and the pressure will go away.' Can you tell I've done this before? :) Anyway, Sunday rolls around and I can't take it anymore. I'm in so much pain I basically started shaking and was starting to feel feverish. Before I lost all my motor skills, I drove to the ER and saw a doctor. I was running a fever of 105 and my blood pressure was elevated, due to the fever I was told. In any case, the doctor saw me and said the infection had grown so out of control (by me putting it off), that it was now endangering blood vessels which supply blood flow to the brain. The doctor and nurses told me they were pretty concerned about it since it was so close to the brain, and immediately put me on Pen VK (Penicillin) and a great Pain-Killer. I couldn't take than until I got home cause they said within a half an hour I'd be out. I was. Totally dead to the world.

Why did I tell you all this? Well, here come the good part....I got billed from the Hospital ER. I knew I would. I didn't have insurance so when I got that bill I wasn't surprised and paid it. Then today, I got another bill from some Medical Associates Group. This one almost equaled that of the ER bill. I was like, 'wait a minute, I already paid $150, what gives?!?'. So I called the up and found out this is the actual Physician's Bill. The other was for the ER. The doctor saw me for like 5 minutes. That was it! The rest were admitting nurses or discharging staff at the ER. How come he gets $120 bucks, and the other five people who I saw get to share $150? I realize he is a doctor and all but Sheesh! Health Care is such a rip off.
I just noticed this on the Blogger home page. It looks cool. I just wish I could've caught it sonner so I could have signed up to participate. Anyway, the trick is to blog for 24 hours straight, placing one entry every hour hour. And it's all for a good cause. Several causes actually. Check it out! The 24 Hour Blogathon!