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Saturday, September 15, 2001

Days off rock....pity I don't get any of them.
A new snippet is up... We Will Go Forward...

Friday, September 14, 2001

A couple new sections are coming to the main menu soon. CounterStrike, my new addiction (I won't say hobby. We've gone WAY beyond hobby!), and Music, my passion in life. I just LOVE music. I've wanted to put up a music section to the site for some time, but just haven't gotten around to it. I've wanted to get some MP3s up for download but have been concerned with copyright stuff and what not. So finally today I said, 'what-the-hell', and so there is it. The new section. So it's only got one page. At least it's on the menu! :)
You might notice some slight switcheroos happening on the Main Menu to the left. That's cause I'm re-organizing some of the directories on the site. Shouldn't cause any broken links though so if you see one, let me know.
A day of remembrance...
I didn't play CS tonite. Instead I took a break and got caught up on my second job. I still didn't get as much done as I would have liked to gotten done, but oh well. At least I'm closer.

Also tonite was sort of a calming experience. I was able to just kinda relax and not worry about whipping Blitz' butt or getting my head blown-off by Female Assasin. It was heavenly. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2001

OK I'm calming down now. Really, I am. :) Again, everyone has felt my wrath on this blog. Sorry for freakin' everybody out. But I'm okay. Just tired. Really really tired. Maybe I should go home now. Only been at work for 12 hours....a short day... :)
Okay...that was odd. I just won a contest for free software. And just when life was wackin' me over my head.
I am REALLY starting to hate life again. This is not good....not good at all. I'm gonna stop for a while. Just stop everything. Fall back and retreat. I can't take this anymore. I'm losing.....everything....
Arizona weather has struck again! It's like 105 outside, barely any clouds, yet it's pouring rain!! Go figure! They did say we would have a 30% chance today, but that was supposed to be late afternoon and really scattered. And in AZ, a 30% chance means the same thing as a snowball's chance in hell!
They've Found Survivors! Unbelievable as it may seem, 5 firefighters have been found alive in the wreckage of the World Trade Center! They were buried in an SUV for the past 3 days! It's brought new hope that more may still be alive! Congratulations to the rescuers and god-speed in the their continuing heroic task!
Yesterday was a really bad day for me. I had a horrible day at work and I went home to have an even worse evening on the computer. To top it all off, I was horrendous to my best friend online last night. We were playing CounterStrike, which is what I've been doing in the evenings, and I just couldn't play worth shit. I suppose I have to expect that since it was my first time in a big server and playing with a large group of people. Janell thought it would help to blow peoples brains out, but it didn't. Instead it just made me more frustrated and pissy. Finally I just got so frustrated I wound up dropping, only to find Janell had dropped before.

This morning, I woke up to a few ICQs which I have yet to respond to. (Sorry, guys.) Janell is really pissed with me now, and I'm not really feeling much better about it either. But today doesn't look much different. I've already been called by my second job that we are WAY behind schedule and he's getting REALLY pissed. And my first job is entering into some serious legal shit that could close the company! ARGH! Somedays just totally suck.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Well I guess I can rule out the fact of me not knowing the map. Just played Dust2 tonite which is the same map I was doing good on last night. But tonite I totally sucked. So, Blitz, I guess you got your revenge. :)
I'm looking into a new comments system. The one I've got now is ASP based and okay. But without comment counts, it really is kinda hard to track them from the main page.
My eyes were awakened to the sheer crappy way I play CS. I was horrible tonight. What can you expect from my first time in a large server? Of course it didn't help that I didn't know the maps either. BlitzKrieg and Female Assasin were both rocking though, and of course it all took place on FragDad (status). I guess I just need LOTS more practice. Guess I'm not as good as I thought I was. Either that, or Blitz was just REALLY suckin' BAAAD last night! :)
How you can help...There are many ways we all can help in the efforts in New York and Washington. Some already being suggested are Give Blood or make donations.

Two electronic relief funds have already been set up online and are ready to take your tax-deductable donations. Either at Amazon or Paypal.

To give blood, call your local Red Cross branch office or 1-800-GIVE-LIFE to schedule an appointment. Or you can call America's Blood Centers at 1-888-BLOOD-88. Blood and platelet donors will be needed desparately over the next few days to help replenish our nation's blood and platelet supply.
On happier notes, I'm getting better at playing CounterStrike. (Whether it is quite ethical to be playing a game where Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism are such an integral part, I'll leave to you.) But on the plus side, I was totally whipping some people's asses tonite. :) I won't mention who or what the score was (I promised not to on my site), but suffice it to say, I'm getting better. Granted some tactics I still don't have down. And unfortunately, they are kinda the important ones. Like running for cover when under fire, getting out of the way of grenades or flash-bangs, or just generally re-loading the gun! But hey, that's what practice is for.
The tragedy continues to unfold...It now appears as if tens of thousands of people have lost their lives in the 24 hours. While the exact numbers still are unavailable, the pictures coming from New York and Wachington are frightening. Gaping holes in the side of the Pentagon, smoldering hulks at Ground-Zero in New York, the last remaining floors of the World Trade Center towers abruptly ripped away at the 3 and 4 floors.

I think the worst parts it the many questions I now have swirling in my head. Is this truly over? or merely the beginning? Who really is responsible for this horrifying trgedy? If it is Bin Laden, how will we get to him to retaliate? These and even the trivial questions like, Will they rebuild it? Or can the property values of New York permit a memorial to be erected there?

"I feel all we have done is awoken a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve." - Admiral Yakamoto, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

I can't believe what's happening in New York and Washington. It's just too surreal. I keep thinking about how many lives have been lost today. How many were left in the World Trade Center Towers before they fell? How many people were on the planes? How many people were in that section of the Pentagon when the unthinkable happened? The death-toll from this attack is going to be staggering. My prayers go out to everyone affect by this tragedy.

Monday, September 10, 2001

I just created my own tag for Counter-Strike. Now I hope I can figure out how to get it into the program! :) And yes, I know i'm at work, and no, I'm not getting anything done today. Do I care? HELL NO! :) Here's the tag...

Apparently, Janell's favorite Counter-Strike (CS) map is Vertigo, which puts you in a high-rise with the ability to fall to your death. Really cool! :) I'm still trying to learn all the other maps. I guess I just gotta set up a LAN game and practice, practice, practice!
I had a really fun and incredibly unproductive day. I've got a new hobby though....actually more like an addiction. It's Counter-Strike, the Half-Life mod. My best friend Janell, her boyfriend Prajna, her friend Jerimy and I were all playing on FragDad (status), Jerimy's clan's server. Had a blast, literally. :) But I still need tons of practice. My fingers get all tangled up in the keys. Although I more than make up for that with my deadly aim. :) Oh well, practice makes perfect. All in all was a fun evening. Gonna try it again tomorrow nite if I can find them.

Sunday, September 9, 2001

I'm talking with my friend Janell in Louisville right now on RogerWilco. She's just passed her first EMT test with flying colors, but she made me promise not to post this on my site. Sorry, baby! :) She already took the second written test but hasn't gotten the results back yet. Apparantly, big envelope means she passed. small means she didn't. I've always told her size does matter! :)
I know I've been missing these last few days, if you've written to me, you should be getting a reply in the next couple of days. It's just been a really busy week at work, but finally it's over, and I actually got tons of crap done today! Yeah for me! By the way, I've got a new song running through my head now.

Here's the video...
We Fit Together