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Wednesday, September 12, 2001

The tragedy continues to unfold...It now appears as if tens of thousands of people have lost their lives in the 24 hours. While the exact numbers still are unavailable, the pictures coming from New York and Wachington are frightening. Gaping holes in the side of the Pentagon, smoldering hulks at Ground-Zero in New York, the last remaining floors of the World Trade Center towers abruptly ripped away at the 3 and 4 floors.

I think the worst parts it the many questions I now have swirling in my head. Is this truly over? or merely the beginning? Who really is responsible for this horrifying trgedy? If it is Bin Laden, how will we get to him to retaliate? These and even the trivial questions like, Will they rebuild it? Or can the property values of New York permit a memorial to be erected there?

"I feel all we have done is awoken a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve." - Admiral Yakamoto, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941.

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