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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Of Course

...when I publish that blogger is having problems... it works perfectly. Go figure...

Bad Blogger

Well, it looks like Blogger is hiccuping. I can't seem to publish anything. :/ I'm gonna give it a couple days before I start panicing....

*centers chi* oooommmmmmmmmm....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

World's Worst Kept Secret Revealed

Well here's a shocking newsflash... Lance Bass is gay. Now, for those who have been living UNDER a rock or IN Iraq... read the article. While this may not be too much of a newsflash for those who have watched Lance closely over the years, you still gotta give the guy points for actually coming out and saying the "g" word.

Gay boys, you can commence the drooling in earnest... but don't get too excited. He's attached. In fact, it's probably that attachment that led to his 'outting'. Of course, if you're gonna go to a prominent gay bar with your boyfriend, you're just ASKING to be outted at that point.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Laughably Uniform

After typing up the last post, I thought I'd go see what my order status is on the Ditty. I love Dell's uniformity on the electronic orders. You would think I was ordering a custom-built computer. My current status is "In-Production"... like they're building it from scratch or something. There are NO customizable features on the Ditty... so it's not like this thing has it's cover off somewhere and a tech is soldering on the flash memory chips! LOL

Ditty fer Fiddy!

I've been hunting around looking at MP3 players. Since I have the Yahoo Music Unlimited I figured I should prolly get a player so I can use the To-Go features of it. Anywho, I've got my eye set on this really high-end one, the Creative Zen Vision 30GB. Problem is it sells for $375-399... not exactly in my price range at the moment.

However, while doing all my research, I got the usual email from Dell about the latest specials. So I hopped over to the Dell website and just thought I'd browse around and see what they have the Zen Vision selling for. While I was there, I noticed the Dell DJ Ditty had be drastically slashed in price... from $80 down to $39!! I figured, what the hell... it will be a good starter one until I can afford the Zen. So I got it... and after I plopped on a 1 yr warranty (it only came with a 90-day, how cheap) it came just $53. Not bad. Of course it's features are VERY limited, and only has 512mb of flash storage, but at least it's something to start from. :)

I think Dell might be trying to get rid of the DJ Ditties actually. A few months ago they dropped the Dell DJ 20GB and DJ 30GB from their website, and the Pocket DJ 5GB went by the wayside a while back, leaving the DJ Ditty as the only Dell-brand MP3 player available. They are probably trying to get out of the MP3 biz altogether. I notice they added the full line of the Creative MP3 players to the site now so I'm betting it's only a matter of time before the Ditty goes bye bye.

Monday, July 24, 2006


I was doing fine until lunch today. Now i'm just dragging big time. Thank god this day is almost over. I've got a WoW raid tonight but that shouldn't last long. It's just Onyxia... so we should be done by 8pm at the latest.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Harry Potter Quiz

As Ginny, you a friendly but quiet and timid. You have a thing for men with glasses.

~~ Well the last part's true. ;)

Burn Out

Try as I might, I can't seem to get back in to World of Warcraft. I've created just about every class of character available and still am not to interested in the game. It's basically all the same anyway after level 20. And it's you've already done in once, creating a new character is just starting the same stuff over again.

Right now I've got a Mage and a Hunter at level 60, though Janell did most of the higher end leveling. I don't think I went to Sunken Temple once before 60. But I've also got a rogue to level 23, a druid to level 26, a warlock to level 15, a priests to level 39, a warrior to level 12, and a shaman to level 17. The only class I haven't done is a pally, but I've had quite enough of the mana/caster classes.