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Thursday, November 29, 2001

I just bought more lights. God help me, I just bought more lights! My tree is gonna be so frickin' lit up, it's gonna rival the Strip in Vegas!
Jerimy's knife has grown dull from lack of use! Neither of us have been in CS in like SOOOO long. We're probably gonna both plya like newbies when we get back in! The bad part is all Jerimy needs to play better is a steady stream of alcohol and his playing ability skyrockets! blog has been mis-publishing the time again. I forgot about the Daylight Savings thing. It's fixed now. :)
You know....I hate it when people drop the ball. I've got a customer up front right now that says we owe him 3 refurbished monitors. I talked with him like a month ago, told my boss about it, who said he'd take care it it. And since my boss is the one the guys says he spoke with in the first place, everything should have worked out. But now the guy is back up from and no one has called him, he says we still owe him the monitors, and my boss has gone missing AGAIN! So now I have to explain to this guy that I don't have the slightest clue what is going on. Makes me look good doesn't it?
HOLY SHIT! Jerimy's online! I haven't talked to him in ages!! Okay, It's official! There shall be no more work today! Only goofing off! Be decree of JAG! :)
I mentioned yesterday that I was surfing for Christmas decorations. Well, last night I spent like $70 (that I can't afford) on decorations. But they are kick-butt decorations. Huge wreath and wreath holder for the front door, like 80 glass ornaments in silver and gold, a 10-piece porcelain Nativity scene, and a wooden manger backdrop for the scene.

The sad part is I want to get more! I saw this really cool projection system that projects a 45-second motion picture with a holiday message. Now realize I don't reallly have any place to project it, given the fact that I'm in an apartment. But I was thinking that since I'm on the second floor, I could project it down onto the sidewalk below at the intersection where the stairs are. But then I thought that somebody would probably complain about me forcing my Christmas values on someone, even if I did choose a generic message like the Seasons' Greetings one they were showing in the store. But it was really cool looking and I almost paid the $50 for it. :) I know, I know....shame on JAG. :)
Publishing at work again... :) But I found this really cool quote that I just had to post.
"Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing."
-John Andrew Holmes

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

God I'm sooooo goofing off right now. I haven't gotten anything done in the last hour and a half. :) Been surfing for Christmas Decorations. :)
I think I need a new layout. I'm getting tired of this one. Plus I wanna play around with something new other than FrontPage for web design. Might download Allaire/Macromedia's Cold Fusion stuff or UltraDev or something.... or maybe not. :)
I soooo badly wanna go home right now. I think tonite I'll put up the Tree finally. But I might actually go for two this on the balcony, which has become traditional at this apartment, and a new second one inside. The reason for the second one is I saw this way cool Fiber-Optic tree at K-Mart last night. ;)
Yes, I am publishing at work.
Yes, I should be working.
No, I do not care! :)
You know I could have sworn I posted up here about "Buffy: The Musical", but I can't find the frickin' thing in any post....SO....IT ROCKED! :) Now here's the funny part, I was at work when it aired, and missed all the repeat times of it too! So how did I see it? Downloaded the complete episode from BearShare...even got MP3s of all the songs and I can't stop playing them! :) could be said... "I'm Under Your Spell..." :)
Harkening back to the date again, I think Michael and I aren't quite on the same wavelength. I mean it was hard to tell when he was joking or being sarcastic and I think it was hard for him to tell with Jerry, Heather and I. As a result some tense moments happened in the evening like when Jerry and I were kidding about something, but Michael took it the wrong way and got all serious on us. It was a constant struggle to keep a sense of order in the conversation, and not be ripping each other's heads off.

Another thing is there is far too much gossip now about that evening. I mean now we're in the "He said, She said" stage with everyone in attendance chatting about what happened AFTER we all went separate ways. I haven't really talked much with Michael since that evening, so I can't really confirm any of this....but now the people who were trying to hook me up with him, Jerry and Heather, are trying to split me up from him. Not really a good omen is it?
Okay...everyone needs to wish Janell good luck at her job interview today!

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Some back story for this post...for the last few months Heather, one of my friends, has been trying to get me to hook up with this friend of hers name Micheal. The only problem with this is that they were all in Pinetop and I was about 300 miles away in the Valley. So it never was really feasible for me to head up easily. But Michael and I did talk on the phone once, but I'm not that great of a conversationalist, but

Flash forward to today, I get a call at work from Jerry (Heather's Hubby) who invites me out to dinner. Usually it is the other way around. :) But he says he has a surprise for me. I pried it out of them that it was Michael, who is now in the valley permanently. So tonite would be my first chance to meet him face to face.

Now this is no reflection on Michael or on our phone conversations, but I was a little leery of meeting him tonite. Not because I wasn't interested in him. But because I'm a stupid freak. I mean it. Around people I don't know I clam up, can't make intelligent conversation, act like a general doofus, etc. Plus I'm just so new to this dating thing (I haven't actually ever been out on one....period.) So you can imagine my hesitation. But than I'm thinking, You're gonna always be new to dating unless you start sometime with someone. So I talked myself into it. I don't know how I did, but I did.

So first impressions? Not what I expected. Now, keep in mind that is not necessarily a bad thing, but....I don't know I just can't explain it. It was an odd evening, probably because we weren't alone. Our mutual friends, Heather and Jerry, came along I suppose you can't really call it a date, but more of an introduction....a personal introduction, rather than an oral. (And get your mind out of the gutter, RIGHT NOW!)

But true to form, I was moronic, idiotic, inconsiderate, isolationistic (is that even a word?)....suffice it to say, I think it was a disaster in my opinion. The night gradually got better, and more relaxed, but I still felt akward...maybe cause this is my first time doing this. I wonder if it is easier if you conform to society more? I mean am I more on edge cause I'm gay?

At the end of our evening, Heather tried to get it out of my what I thought of Michael. I kinda hinted that I was going either way, which unfortunately I think Michael may have caught in passing. Michael and I do share a lot in tastes, same closet (we've both told the same types of people)...but there is still so much more about him I don't know. I like Michael as a friend so far, but I'm going to need to spend a little more time with him to see if he's someone I would like to persue a relationship with.
Maintenance came in to the apartment today to fix the light in the storage room. I broke it last year when I was trying to plug the Christmas Lights into it. Anywho... all is fixed and I can finally put the lights on a timer and have them on when I'm not here! YEAH! :)

Sunday, November 25, 2001

I'm becoming quite the happy homemaker! I baked a cake today and am still redecorating the living room with the new video wall thingie from my last post. Also, I'm prepping the Christmas decorations for the balcony of my apartment this year. I'm hoping to con some friends into helping me with them. :) Please?
HighTech Decorating 101 : Okay...this one is gonna seem...well...odd. I had this brilliant idea for one of my computers. Shove it on top of the entertainment center and put multiple video cards and monitors on it. I think it looks cool, cause I can just look up and there are some relevant web sites. (Yes, I bought one of those thingies from Radio Shack) When not it use, the screen saver floats the current time over all 3 of the 15" screens up there. I'm looking for a Weather Screen Saver so I can put the weather up there too. :)