My parents are staying the night again. The D-Backs won again (bastards) but thankfully they weren't in the 'WIN' section this time so it's back home they go. They're staying through church and breakfast tomorrow and then going home. I managed to get out of going to church with them because of a morning meeting I have on the website I'm building.
Truth be told, I haven't been to church in a long time. I use to go... well... religiously. I was brought up a Lutheran, one of those religions that teaches Homosexuality is an abomination. Yet I still went. I mean it wasn't all bad. Some might say you can't pick and choose what you follow, but I always disagreed with that point. Organized religion is overflowing with things we no longer follow in modern day society, so why would this be any different?
But I'd finally had enough when the commercialism that has overtaken over religions finally started effecting our synod. Requests for donations to help build things or to fund this or that grew more frequent and finally I'd had enough of it and decided not to continue attending. My "home church" is still all the way across town. My parents keep bugging me to change that but I really don't think I would be attending the new church if I did relocate.
Welcome... but you're not there yet...
You've found my old blog at BlogSpot. Starting in 2013, I've relocated to my own WordPress blog. Come check it out at
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Another Night..
The D-Backs my parents are staying an extra night. I really wish I didn't have to do the things I do when they come up. I go thru a process called "de-querifying". The Instinct Magazines come off the coffee table, the rainbow necklace gets stuffed into the bottom of the underwear drawer, and so on and so on. My family is incredibly religious...I've got a minister for a you can only imagine how badly the shit would hit the fan if it were found out that I was gay.
I just don't have the courage to tell them the truth right now. And given their advanced years, I'm not sure they'll ever know. It may be best just to let them continue on thinking what they want to think. My best friend Janell says that my mother probably already knows. I wouldn't be surprised if she did. But we just don't talk about it. She'll occasionally ask if there are any 'nice girls' in my life. I don't have the heart to tell her the only nice girl that will come close to being my girlfriend would be Janell and that she's already married.
I'm starting to ramble...and doze off... so I'll bid goodnight from my bed. (Had to set up the laptop since my parents are currently asleep in the guest bedroom/computer room...
I just don't have the courage to tell them the truth right now. And given their advanced years, I'm not sure they'll ever know. It may be best just to let them continue on thinking what they want to think. My best friend Janell says that my mother probably already knows. I wouldn't be surprised if she did. But we just don't talk about it. She'll occasionally ask if there are any 'nice girls' in my life. I don't have the heart to tell her the only nice girl that will come close to being my girlfriend would be Janell and that she's already married.
I'm starting to ramble...and doze off... so I'll bid goodnight from my bed. (Had to set up the laptop since my parents are currently asleep in the guest bedroom/computer room...
'LOSE' Section
It's the bottom of the 8th and the D-Backs are ahead... not exactly what I was hoping for. :(
My parents are coming up this weekend to catch some D-Back baseball games...and also to seek technical assistance with Mom's laptop. They've got tickets in the 'WIN' section tonight. The 'WIN' section is some stupid promotion that the team came up with to try to generate some ticket sales. If you're seated in the 'WIN' section and the D-Backs win, you get tickets to the next game for free.
It's always hard when they come up. It's not that I don't love my parents, I do... but it's I need to be really careful when they do come up so as not to let on that I'm on the 'pink' team. The trouble with being a closeted homo is that you lead this double life... sometimes hiding things from those that are suppose to be closest to you.
So you can imagine the horror that came upon my face when they informed me they were in the 'WIN' section for tonight's game. Here's hoping the D-Backs lose...
It's always hard when they come up. It's not that I don't love my parents, I do... but it's I need to be really careful when they do come up so as not to let on that I'm on the 'pink' team. The trouble with being a closeted homo is that you lead this double life... sometimes hiding things from those that are suppose to be closest to you.
So you can imagine the horror that came upon my face when they informed me they were in the 'WIN' section for tonight's game. Here's hoping the D-Backs lose...
Hidden Hospital?
Somebody got the wild idea of taking scenes from Star Trek: Hidden Fronter and editing them with the old General Hospital Theme. The results are pretty cool. Check it out...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Back to Azeroth
Well, it's back into WoW for me tonight. The guilds are running Molten Core and I need to be there to track points. I've really kind of burnt out of World of Warcraft. It's really the same thing over and over again. Maybe by taking a break from it, except for the DKP raiding, I might get interested again. I don't know. It just doesn't hold the appeal that it use to for me.
Senseless Commercial

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
One in Ten?
Long ago I read that 1 in 10 men is gay or bisexual. Of course this was about the same time that the boyband craze was sweeping mainstream pop music...with The Backstreet Boys (5 guys) and NSYNC (5 more guys) leading the pack. Now let me see.... 5 plus 5 equals...? And if the estimates were correct...that 1 in 10 men are "that way".... statistically 1 of the members of the 2 most popular boy bands wants it "that way". Well it seems there is 1 who is starting to inch his way from the closet... or maybe not?
Lance Bass, formerly of NSYNC fame...and later of Astronaut Hopeful, has now been spotted at a gay club with openly gay Reichen Lehmkuhl, former contestant on Amazing Race. Now this could mean they are only friends...or could mean something more. This is where statistics are so much fun... with smaller figures, they can change drastically....and even then they aren't 100% accurate like facts. They're just a good baseline for guessing.
Sooo... Lance may or may not be gay... but it does provide for interesting gossip. ;)
Lance Bass, formerly of NSYNC fame...and later of Astronaut Hopeful, has now been spotted at a gay club with openly gay Reichen Lehmkuhl, former contestant on Amazing Race. Now this could mean they are only friends...or could mean something more. This is where statistics are so much fun... with smaller figures, they can change drastically....and even then they aren't 100% accurate like facts. They're just a good baseline for guessing.
Sooo... Lance may or may not be gay... but it does provide for interesting gossip. ;)
Picture Change
I spent entirely too much time on the website that I'm designing last night. Tonight, I'm gonna spend it on pictures. My best friend Janell has been bugging me for an ETERNITY that I need to replace the pictures on the front of the guild website. I guess I should do it before I'm beaten to a bloody pulp and left in a dark alley somewhere. :)
I keep putting it off cause changing those pictures isn't easy. The whole thing is a Flash presentation, with music and what-not. I think I'm going to drastically scale it down tonight. It's always been a massive bandwidth/loadtime hog. Maybe returning to the random pic ASP code...perhaps with a little flash thrown in for fun... :)
I keep putting it off cause changing those pictures isn't easy. The whole thing is a Flash presentation, with music and what-not. I think I'm going to drastically scale it down tonight. It's always been a massive bandwidth/loadtime hog. Maybe returning to the random pic ASP code...perhaps with a little flash thrown in for fun... :)
A Young Voice...Never to be Silenced
It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals...Yet I keep them,
because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at
heart...I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up to the heavens,
I think it will come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and
tranquillity will return again. In the meantime, I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps
the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.
- Excerpt from Anne Frank's diary, on July 15th, 1944
On August 4, 1944, the Gestapo found the hiding place of the Frank family. Seven
months later, Anne Frank died in Belsen concentration camp in Germany. She was not
yet fifteen years old.
PS: I ganked this from Amazonatheart's livejournal. Go check it out. :)
because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at
heart...I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up to the heavens,
I think it will come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and
tranquillity will return again. In the meantime, I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps
the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.
- Excerpt from Anne Frank's diary, on July 15th, 1944
On August 4, 1944, the Gestapo found the hiding place of the Frank family. Seven
months later, Anne Frank died in Belsen concentration camp in Germany. She was not
yet fifteen years old.
PS: I ganked this from Amazonatheart's livejournal. Go check it out. :)
How good a Christian are you?
This speech hooked me on the West Wing. It was lifted from an internet chain email that was going around that was address to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who at the time had just broadcast on her radio show that Homosexuality was an abomination as stated in the bible. Dr. Laura has a PhD in physiology if I recall correctly... in other words she can tell you about the human body and how it functions... but has NO psychological training or background. Something tells me she needs to go back to school again...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Another Time... Another Place...
I'm more and more convinced I was born about 50 years later than I was suppose to be. I seem to continuously find things from the 40s and 50s that I love. Old Radio Shows like the Shadow, Sherlock Holmes, Jack Benny... they've all but disappeared from radio today. Thank goodness for the internet. Many of these classic shows are popping up in MP3 format on the net. You just have to know where to look.
It's been 50's week here at MDL. Don't know how that happened... LOL. Right now I'm listening to Etta James belt out "At Last" and I'm loving it. ;)
It's been 50's week here at MDL. Don't know how that happened... LOL. Right now I'm listening to Etta James belt out "At Last" and I'm loving it. ;)
Celebrate 50th Birthday...Repeat as needed
Well, we all went out to lunch yesterday for Sherry's birthday, but today is the repeat. Not only do we have leftovers from lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, but we've got a huge cake that I brought in yesterday. We figured we would save the cake for today since we were all stuffed from the lunch outting...and a couple of our guys weren't in the office yesterday.
Here's my post just before bed... I've just paid all my bills for this month and find usual...I'm broke. You gotta love working and getting paid only to pay it out to everyone else. And with the way the weather has been, my electric bill is KILLING my bank account slowly. You gotta love a $181.00 bill for a two-bedroom apartment...with the a/c being turned off during the daytime hours (8am-5:30pm).
I really want to get an MP3 player. I've got a Yahoo Music Unlimited account but no MP3 player to utilize it's full features. So I"m stuck listening to music on the computer. The good news is I do have a laptop (obviously since I'm writing this one from bed). I take it to work with me and usually have it up and connected to Yahoo. But in the car I'm at the mercy of local radio (which sucks more than a Hoover) or CDs which I'm getting tired of VERY quickly.
So it's either a trip to Borders for more music... or a trip to Best Buy for an MP3 player.
I really want to get an MP3 player. I've got a Yahoo Music Unlimited account but no MP3 player to utilize it's full features. So I"m stuck listening to music on the computer. The good news is I do have a laptop (obviously since I'm writing this one from bed). I take it to work with me and usually have it up and connected to Yahoo. But in the car I'm at the mercy of local radio (which sucks more than a Hoover) or CDs which I'm getting tired of VERY quickly.
So it's either a trip to Borders for more music... or a trip to Best Buy for an MP3 player.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Preview 704
The chat just showed the preview of episode 704. Three words... OH EM GEE... *runs around giggling like a school girl*
For those that missed it, it will be up on the HF website later this week I'm told.
For those that missed it, it will be up on the HF website later this week I'm told.
Chatting You Up
I'm participating in my first HF chat right now. It's pretty cool. About 23 of us in there...just chatting about anything and everything. I haven't really been an active participant in too many chat rooms until this one. The topics are far we've hit on ancient computers, drinks we prefer, who's gay and who's straight, and a multitude of other stuff.
The preview of 704 is what attracted me but I'm staying for the fun of the chat ;)
The preview of 704 is what attracted me but I'm staying for the fun of the chat ;)
To Tears...
You gotta love it when someone says...
"F**k me to tears!"
ok maybe you just had to be there but that was damn funny at the time...
"F**k me to tears!"
ok maybe you just had to be there but that was damn funny at the time...
Working 50/50
Well this is my first blog from work in a long time. I use to blog all the time when I worked at the computer stores cause I was bored to death. Now that I'm doing website/IT work full time, I'm a lot less bored, a lot more busy, and a lot more tired. But today I REALLY didn't feel like working so here I am, back blogging from work.
The office has kinda been a little bit laid back today anyway since it's Sherry's (the office manager) 50th Birthday. We all went out to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. (mmm Cheesecake). And her niece swipped her keys to the office and came in over the weekend in totally decked out her office in black streamers, confetti in the shape of "50", and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Tonight's the Hidden Frontier chat where they'll be previewing the next episode so I definately gotta be there for that. Can't wait to see what's in store for the final few episodes.
The office has kinda been a little bit laid back today anyway since it's Sherry's (the office manager) 50th Birthday. We all went out to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. (mmm Cheesecake). And her niece swipped her keys to the office and came in over the weekend in totally decked out her office in black streamers, confetti in the shape of "50", and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Tonight's the Hidden Frontier chat where they'll be previewing the next episode so I definately gotta be there for that. Can't wait to see what's in store for the final few episodes.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Catching Up
Just received yet another settlement check from the insurance company. I'm still awaiting another one. Eventually, I might be able to put the accident from December behind me. But as long as I keep getting money, I don't mind so much. ;) The occassional back pain and stiffness I could do without but oh well.
I've been actively updating the "Hidden Frontier" Encyclopedia because yes, I'm that big of a geek. No, actually I love Star Trek and I hate that it's no longer on the air. Not that Enterprise was all that, but it was still Trek. But most of all, I love "Hidden Frontier". What these people are doing is really cool...creating their own show that fits well into the canon of Star Trek and follow the ideals Gene originally had for the show. I think Gene would be very proud to see what's become of his creation in the hands of these fans.
The wikipedia inspired HF Encyclopedia is pretty cool, but pretty empty. I've been trying to fill in areas where I can and hopefully am helping them out a little. You can check out the whole encyclopedia on the HF website at
I've been actively updating the "Hidden Frontier" Encyclopedia because yes, I'm that big of a geek. No, actually I love Star Trek and I hate that it's no longer on the air. Not that Enterprise was all that, but it was still Trek. But most of all, I love "Hidden Frontier". What these people are doing is really cool...creating their own show that fits well into the canon of Star Trek and follow the ideals Gene originally had for the show. I think Gene would be very proud to see what's become of his creation in the hands of these fans.
The wikipedia inspired HF Encyclopedia is pretty cool, but pretty empty. I've been trying to fill in areas where I can and hopefully am helping them out a little. You can check out the whole encyclopedia on the HF website at
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