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Saturday, March 24, 2001

Hmm....still no table and chairs on my patio...what's up with that? Time to go shopping I think....and maybe I'll set up the cameras tonite too....nice stress reliever there. :)
What was I thinking? What happened last night? I can't believe I published that. I think I need to apologize to anyone unfortunate enough to feel my wrath last night. Sheesh....deep breath now...

Friday, March 23, 2001

Dammit...if people would just leave me ALONE! Fuck the world! I hate everyone. Die Bitch DIE!!! And there's the phucking phone AGAIN! I'm done. I'm finished. Life sucks. Tell the fat lady she's on in five. Right after another commercial break in this fucked world called life.

Thursday, March 22, 2001

Some mental notes: Remember to call maintenance and get them to fix the light in the storage closet outside. Pick up tabel and chairs for patio. Get extension cords and other PC cords for outdoor PC setup. :) Gonna need Jerry's help to get the chairs up to the patio. CLEAN!
Give me your tired your poor, your huddled masses, your old hard drives yearning to be formatted.
My favorite phone calls are the ones from Mr. Dialtone. He never pesters me. He never asks the immpossible. He is my friend.
Why is it the earlier I wake up, the later I am?
What happened to Spring Break? I mean, I don't go to school currently, but isn't there supposed to be some week in here somewhere when the freeways aren't clogged and it won't take me a half an hour to forty-five minutes to drive seven miles on an interstate?
The sound you now hear is the sound of my world crashing down around me. Can't wait until tomorrow....let the fun commence!
Ignorance breeds Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering. ....Whoops....lapsed into Yoda there for a second.

I really do think ignorance breeds anger though. Today, in an excerpt from "How NOT to upgrade your Computer", a customer came in all bent out of shape because we didn't warn him that the new motherboard he purchased, now get this... "wasn't a standard size." Um...hate to tell you this sir, but all motherboards come in standard sizes. You just have an ANCIENT 486 AT system and case that you wanted to put an ATX Pentium III motherboard and processor into. Ain't gonna happen. There I feel better now.... ....moron.
I don't update this thing as much as I would like. Dammit. :(
In the Closet Boy
"Did I mention this was a rant? Sense really has no place in it"

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Found on another bloggger's site. You can visit him at In the Closet Boy

To Santa Claus and Little Sisters...
Author unknown

Once... he wrote a poem.
And he called it "Chops"
Because that was the name of
his dog, and that's what it was all about.
And the teacher gave him an "A"
And a gold star
And his mother hung it on the
kitchen door and read it to all his aunts...

Once... he wrote another poem.
And he called it "Question Mark Innocence,"
Because that was the name of
his grief and that's what it was all about.
And the professor gave him an "A"
And a strange and steady look.
And his mother never hung it
on the kitchen door, because he never let her see it...

Once, at 3 a.m.... he tried another poem...
And he called it absolutely nothing
because that's what it was all about.
And he gave himself an "A"
And a slash on each damp wrist,
And he hung it on the bathroom door
because he couldn't reach the kitchen.

From JAG: Wow.

Tuesday, March 20, 2001

Monday, March 19, 2001

Damn....another work week, another lawsuit....can't wait....
My religion doesn't hate
It will never turn away
It always understands
My religion won't condemn
Always lends a healing hand
It's love.

My religion's love.

Krystal from the album Me and My Piano

Sunday, March 18, 2001

Too damn funny from ebola rain...

NextAldrin: do i have windows 95 or 98?
PharrGrrl: 89
PharrGrrl: 98 i mean
NextAldrin: 89, dang, i'm in dos!
PharrGrrl: i know, right?
Went to see Jekyll and Good show. I love the music in it and can't wait for Frank Wildhorn's next one. I saw Linda Eder, Frank's Wife, in cocert a few weeks back and she said they have two in the works now, both of which are looking good to go on Broadway soon. One is Havana, from which some songs have already been recorded by Linda on her latest album. The other one I can't remember the name of, but Linda performed a song from it in her concert. It was marvelous! Can't wait for the next show. :)
A fellow "blogger" has this to say. You can visit ebola rain to see what other insights she has.
It's better to be a pessimist and be surprised than an optimist and disappointed.