The odd thing is I was trying for Justin with all the artistic stuff, but somehow I got Brian. (Not that wouldn't mind being Brian....mmm...pleasant thoughts...)
Maybe it's just me...but I think this site has gotten decidedly "fairy" looking....
Friday, February 22, 2002
WhooHoo! Less than 1 week until Janell arrives!
*Jag runs around the apartment screaming like a girl.*
Wow! mega posts tonite, huh? And a new look! I must not be feeling well... :)
Seen the countdown on the front? Janell is coming! YEAH! Starting Monday, I'll be posting a song a day relating to long-distance relationships! So check back!
There's been lots of turmoil in my life recently...none of which I've published since it wasn't really something I wanted to share. I may eventually....because that's what this diary is all about...but right now I'm not gonna be able to. I just don't have the strength to...
Hi's been a REALLY long time since an update to this, so I figured I'd re-do the entire site so there'd be a little bit more to come back to the next time you visit! Just a heads up though, several sections are NOT finished and broken links or bad visuals may happen in here...I'm aware of them and working on it. So check back in a few and everything should be a-okay.