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You've found my old blog at BlogSpot. Starting in 2013, I've relocated to my own WordPress blog. Come check it out at

Tuesday, September 4, 2001

And now the results of the Parking Lot war.... I think I can officially claim victory because I've been able to park in my assigned covered space for the past 5 days with no problems! Finally, Justin's got a home with a roof over his head. ;) wasn't Blogger's fault. Now I feel stupid. I just checked my email and there's a note in there that my ISP had to switch FTP account managers, so my FTP accounts need to be recreated. Stupid me. Blogger's fine. I just didn't have a proper FTP account setup. :)

Monday, September 3, 2001

You know, I really hate in when Blogger decides not to publish correctly. Last night I submitted 3 log entries and NONE of them are showing on the pages yet. Ho hum...
Oh and Happy Labor Day everyone!
There's a new section up tonite. Writings. I'm not gonna go into it here. Just check it out if you are so inclined.
A small update tonite. I redid the page headers. Now they are just text. Bland but effective. And much much easier to modify. :) Lazy? Hell yeah. :)