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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Under the wire... or power cord!

I'm just making it in under the wire to get this post published on the 3rd... making it 5 days in a row that I've published to MDL.  That's gotta be a record! 

I'm glad I picked up the NetBook... because i'm really using it a lot... like now, as I type this posting out on the balcony of my apartment.  It's such a nice night out that I decided to get some fresh air rather than stay couped up in the stuffy office.

I've been doing some PHP programming all night using it too... only make drawback/advantage is I don't have Dreamweaver on this thing to make it easier/harder.  I say both things because I'm learning Dreamweaver has a distinct issue with creating proper PHP pages... at least my version of it does.  But then I am running on version 8 which is about 4 years out of date... what should I expect, eh?

Well sorry, Adobe... but I can't afford to spend $1400 to get the latest version just right now... maybe I'll get lucky and sell a website soon and can start paying off some stuff.

Guess I spoke too soon.  Glad Blogger auto-saves draft posts cause I just had a minor power failure.  The NetBook's battery died (told you I've been using it a lot) :P   Anyways, I'm plugged in inside now, but it's time for bed.  Catchya on the flip side!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Yay for Friday!

After a very long week, Friday is finally here.  Hopefully things will get better but I'm starting to become overwhelmed with all the projects I have going on at once.  Marketing is starting to gear up at the insurance office in an attempt to reboot the company... I'm still doing website design on the side... and now I'm also developing a browser-based game with some friends.  This is in addition to the other extracurricular activities I've got going on like WoW Raids... which take up 3 of the nights in the week.

Hopefully I can use the weekend to get caught up on a few things and get ready for the next week.  I already have a meeting scheduled on Tuesday for my first big web project so I kinda need to be prepared for that.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Long Day

I'm very tired tonight, but couldn't let the streak die at just 2 posts in as many days now, could I? :)   Just got back from helping a coworker set up their brand new LED flat screen TV.   Very impressive setup... and would have been able to test it... if Best Buy had actually sold them the right stuff.

The sold him HDMI cables that were too short and no surge supressor.  We're in the middle of the friggin' desert and because it's so dry, we get tons of lightening hits.  The last thing you want to do is fry thousands of dollars of electronics.   So he's going back tomorrow to get the remaining pieces he needs to complete the setup.

I'm afraid it's gonna be a short post cause I'm just too tired to keep writing.   I'll post another mini-update midday tomorrow or so. :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The New Blog

Well...two days in a row... this is a first. A first post to the new blog location, that is. moved last night over to BlogSpot. I got tired of the old layout, but really didn't have the energy to design something new.... so I went the template route... and then learned about Blogger's Layouts and decided, "meh, might as well". And VOILA! Insta-new website blog. Plus, it's got FISH! So it's full of win right there!

Anyways... I hit up the doctor today. Have had a cough I haven't been able to get rid of for the past few weeks. I thought I had it licked last Friday but then it came back again over the weekend so I decided I should get in to see what the Doctor says. Still don't know what it is, but we have a feeling it may be related to the acid-reflux I get sometimes. So we did some bloodtests and made an appointment for 30-days out. No new medications though... so still more coughing ahead, I guess. Oh well...

Had a GREAT raid in WoW tonight... one of the best ones we've had since before the expansion released! To those that don't play, I know this won't mean much to you, but we managed to take down 3 instances and STILL nearly cleared a 4th! All in just 1 night's normal raid period. Well done! Hopefully, we'll be able to knock one of the instances off the schedule soon. I think we're all pretty tired of continuously going in there, but there's a "legendary" item that we are trying to get... and the only way to do that is to run it over and over.

It's back to work tomorrow after today's UP (Unpaid) day. Although, I did stop by the office this afternoon and worked on a flyer that needed to get out. Hopefully this shortened work schedule (and consequently shorted paycheck) will be done away with... and hopefully not by losing it altogether! We'll see...

Mini Me

Here's a picture of the new netbook from Dell... and my cup from Quiznos. :P

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Too long...

It's been far too long since I posted here. Tons of things have changed in my life since I posted back in February. Let me see if I can remember them all!

March was a fairly bland month.... can't think of anything that happened good, bad, or otherwise that is worth noting. April brought the downsizing at the insurance company I work for. Yay for 20% less pay... but at least we also got 20% less hours so that let us do stuff on the side. For my part, I elected to start my own company... a web design firm that only now (some 5 months later) is starting to get off the ground. Gotta love government red tape and paperwork to start a company up.

June and July saw the summer and hot temperatures return. August brought Blizzcon in Anaheim. I headed out to California for that this year with my friend Corey, and we hooked up with several other guildies there. In total, about 11 guildies made it out this year.

And now in September (nearly October), business at the insurance company is still down, but there is hope... we have some new prospects and are reving up some new marketing. We're hopeful we might have jobs in 2010 still... but it's a toss up right now.

One good new thing that September did bring is my new NetBook. I took the plunge and bought a new Dell Inspiron Mini 10. It's what I'm typing on now, posting this message from my bed just before zonking out. it's pretty cool. I love it's small size. I think it will come in very useful for the business... I plan on travelling out to places a lot. :) The only thing it is lacking is a mobile broadband connection. it has WiFi but that requires a hot-spot somewhere. Once I get the business a little more on solid ground, I'll probably look into getting a MiFi card from Sprint so I can connect a plethora of internet devices... like the NetBook, my PSP, the main laptop, etc. I might have 5 devices (it's max number on simultaneous connections) just by myself. Sorry passengers... yer on yer own! LOL

Well... I should sign off. Have an early morning doctor's appointment tomorrow. Have had a cough for going on 2 weeks and I guess it's time I did something about it. Will post again soon... well sooner than last time's gap of months on end. :P