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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Under the wire... or power cord!

I'm just making it in under the wire to get this post published on the 3rd... making it 5 days in a row that I've published to MDL.  That's gotta be a record! 

I'm glad I picked up the NetBook... because i'm really using it a lot... like now, as I type this posting out on the balcony of my apartment.  It's such a nice night out that I decided to get some fresh air rather than stay couped up in the stuffy office.

I've been doing some PHP programming all night using it too... only make drawback/advantage is I don't have Dreamweaver on this thing to make it easier/harder.  I say both things because I'm learning Dreamweaver has a distinct issue with creating proper PHP pages... at least my version of it does.  But then I am running on version 8 which is about 4 years out of date... what should I expect, eh?

Well sorry, Adobe... but I can't afford to spend $1400 to get the latest version just right now... maybe I'll get lucky and sell a website soon and can start paying off some stuff.

Guess I spoke too soon.  Glad Blogger auto-saves draft posts cause I just had a minor power failure.  The NetBook's battery died (told you I've been using it a lot) :P   Anyways, I'm plugged in inside now, but it's time for bed.  Catchya on the flip side!

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