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Thursday, September 13, 2001

Yesterday was a really bad day for me. I had a horrible day at work and I went home to have an even worse evening on the computer. To top it all off, I was horrendous to my best friend online last night. We were playing CounterStrike, which is what I've been doing in the evenings, and I just couldn't play worth shit. I suppose I have to expect that since it was my first time in a big server and playing with a large group of people. Janell thought it would help to blow peoples brains out, but it didn't. Instead it just made me more frustrated and pissy. Finally I just got so frustrated I wound up dropping, only to find Janell had dropped before.

This morning, I woke up to a few ICQs which I have yet to respond to. (Sorry, guys.) Janell is really pissed with me now, and I'm not really feeling much better about it either. But today doesn't look much different. I've already been called by my second job that we are WAY behind schedule and he's getting REALLY pissed. And my first job is entering into some serious legal shit that could close the company! ARGH! Somedays just totally suck.

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