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Sunday, July 29, 2001

You know, one thing is I am accomplishing a lot. I guess that could be the positive side to all the negative crap happening in my life. Granted I pretty much brought a lot of it on myself, but sheesh. When it rains, it pours! Anyway, I did get the MVD matter settled, after a totally unpleasant experience with this old guy who really could care less about the world around him, just as long as he finishes you're business with the MVD and gets you away from his window. I handed him the note from the court saying I paid my ticket and tried explaining to him what I needed done when he interrupted me and asked for my license. He punches a few things in his computer and then simply says, "Goodbye, Jon." I was all like, "That's it?" He just stamps the paper I handed him, files it away, and says "You're done." I thought, 'You have a nice day too, prick." :)

Anyway, got that taken care off, got a gas cap for my truck (which someone had ripped off a few months ago), paid off my cell phone bill, started setting up new online accounts for a new business I'm starting up (more on that one later), and still got plenty of stuff done at work. And see? after typing all that I'm feeling positive and uplifted again. Yeah for me. ;)

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