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Friday, August 27, 2010

Playing Straight...

I just read an article on USA Today on how Hollywood is opening it's arms to gay characters and families in movies and TV shows.  The article is here if you'd like to read it.

There was a quote though that really irked me...

Such movies and TV shows "desensitize the public to the raft of problems associated with homosexual behavior," says Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association, one of the proponents of Proposition 8, California's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage now tied up in court. 

Can someone tell me where this raft of problems is? So that 1... I can show just how many of those "problems" are actually creations of the people having the problem in the first place.  2... so that I can figure out exactly what problems I'm supposed to be having with homosexual behavior.  And finally 3... so I can sink the bloody thing and have people get over it!

"Hollywood is conveying a deceptive message about that behavior and doing a disservice to (viewers) who are coming to conclusions based on what they see on the silver screen. It's a distortion of reality."

"A distortion of reality?"  What is this guy smoking?  Gay and Lesbian couples exist.  They have slightly harder lives because of people like this guy who are unaccepting and close-minded... but they are real and live their lives as best they can just like any other couple.  They suffer the same trials and tribulations as everyone else.   They fall in love, the fall out of love, they have the same issues... with one added.  They have to deal with hate, bigotry, and discriminatory attacks like those perpetrated by the guy quoted in this article.

So you're right, Bryan Fisher.  It is a distortion of reality.  If it really showed what happens to Gays and Lesbian couples, they'd be attacked, slandered, discriminated against, force back into a closet, and even driven to commit suicide.  What do you say we put that up on the TV and see how the viewers like how you and people like you are behaving toward gays and lesbians?

It'd certain be more realistic...

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