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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Memory Lane....

For some reason, I'm back at publishing stuff again. I think this comes in cycles.... kind of like my desire for a relationship and then non-desire for one. I guess I'm the greatest fence-sitter around. I argue one point but then 5 minutes later counter what I just said with reasons for the other side.

Anyways... I've decided it's time to crawl out of my shell again. Time to put my money back on the table and see what cards I'm dealt. I was thinking of completely abandoning Blogger and restarting using my pre-built toolbox that I sell people... but after browsing through Blogger's new additions and new designs I figured why mess around with it? So me... the graphic designer... am using someone else's template. It was easier to set up than moving everything around to privately host it again.

So I'm back... for how long, I'm not sure. Maybe until the next cycle comes 'round again. But this time I'm kinda historically minded... no, not hysterically.... historically. I've been thinking a lot about my childhood, growing up, and stuff like that. I don't really know why... and it's not like I'm dwelling on bad experiences or good ones... just recalling things. Things like a book I remember from elementary school... or an evening when someone was trying to open their garage (in the days before garage door openers) and their car rolled back down the drive into the street. I know... the weird things up in my brain, right?

So I guess this is a post that is more or less a prelude of things to come... recalling past events from my childhood. Or not... It may get pretty random for a while... who knows.

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