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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Going to a Concert by your Favorite Group? ... or is it?

Most of you probably have not heard of a group called Celtic Thunder. It's a group of 5 guys from Ireland (thus the Celtic part) that sing and put on shows both in the UK and around the world including here in the US. If you watch PBS during pledge drives, chances are you may have caught one of their concerts there.

Anyways, the group is doing really well... so well that the producer and composer for the group are trying to put together a second tour. No, not one right after the current tour ends... but a second tour that happens the same time as the first... with 5 different guys. So basically, it's not the original Celtic Thunder... but is still going to be marketed as a Celtic Thunder concert.

I don't know about you, but if I'm paying to see my favorite musical artist perform live, I'd kind of like it to be THEM... not 5 people I've never heard of filling it for them. Musical Theater it's understood you're going to get different casts playing the same rolls. But these guys aren't actors... they're musicians and we're paying to see THEM... not a character they're playing. It's be like paying to see a Billy Joel concert and then finding that some other guy is up there singing and playing the piano! Can you say "refund"?

Am I totally off base here or does this sound like a scheme to just get more money by capitalizing on the band's name and popularity? It could almost be considered a bait-n-switch con!

Here's a link to the site with the flyer for auditions.... and several irate comments from fans...

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