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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kids Don't Know

I get tired of the various groups that analyze TV shows and movies to death.  They always seem to go too far... making small references turn out to be something detrimental to a child's development.  The point was driven home even further by a movie I recently re-watched.  G4 had some of the old James Bond movies on.  And before you say anything else, ya I know this isn't exactly a kid's movie but the principle is the same.

My parent's wouldn't let me watch some of the more violent or sexual movies until I was older, and I think more parents should behave that way.  I'm not countering my own point... I'm saying if the movie content is age appropriate, let them watch it.  But no, we take 9 year olds to see movies rated PG-13 these days because it's the "cool" thing to do as a parent.  Never mind that the kid will have nightmares.  But I digress...

The first movie they let me watch was 'Diamonds Are Forever', the James Bond movie I had just channel surfed into on G4.  I remember us getting the VHS tape of it when I was about 12 and being allowed to watch it with them.  However, what I don't remember was the henchmen's, Mr Kidd and Mr Wint's, orientation.  I guess I either didn't pay attention to it or thought it was them just being friends or something.  Only later on in life did I realize that they were homosexuals... overtly homosexual because of them holding hands and even the dialogue between them.  So even at that age I didn't realize what they were showing in the movie.  I was just enjoying the story getting a thrill out of Bond blowing up the baddies.

So if at 12, I'm still more interested in the story or the special effects than the themes... how is a kid at 7 going to get that this movie is pushing a right-wing or left-wing agenda?  Just let the kid watch it and enjoy it for what it is...entertainment.

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