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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.

I've already done it.  Now I hope to stick with it.

Being more "me"... being out there more and not hiding who I really am.  So technically, I've already changed that... but I need/want to consistantly push myself further.  I probably won't ever have the courage to come out to my parents (if you're reading this, Mom and Dad, I guess we to talk huh?) but I'd like to keep moving that direction.

Only time will tell if I have truly been successful in my efforts.  When you see the engagement announcement, you'll know. :)


Kylani said...

I love the Ardy/Jon that I've gotten to know. When a person can make jokes about his/her sexual orientation, I think it shows that he/she has a good deal of confidence and is comfortable with him/herself. Joking (and teasing me about Stone!) is something you do quite well. :) I can't imagine what it must be like for you to keep this part of yourself hidden around your family. I've always been a timid person, and unpredictable situations are pretty terrifying for me, so I can understand if you're feeling nervous about not knowing what will happen if you told them. But enough from me, what keeps you from coming out to your family if you don't mind me asking?

Jon said...

They are extremely religious... the whole family is in fact. I actually have a Pastor as a Godfather. So for me to come out as "gay" would destroy them.