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Friday, October 12, 2001

Hey there...been a while hasn't it? :) Since i've been really slacking on my website recently, here's a huge update of what's been going on...Friday was the day from hell. It just never wanted to end. I kept having more and more projects dropped on me at the last minute, all of which needed to be done, before I left for my vacation. I finally got out around 9pm or so. Then Saturday was a little better, got most of my preparation stuff done for the trip. Even worked some more on my CounterStrike map, but more on that later.

Sunday I drove to my parent's house in Tucson to fix their computer, which wasn't booting up properly. Turned out to be something really REALLY simple. My dad had left a disk in the drive and since it didn't have an operating system on it, it stopped the boot up of the machine. Ejected the disk, and everything was fine, except my Mother wanted to strangle him cause the machine has been done all week, and nobody bothered to check the floppy drive.
Parents.... :)

Sunday night, my brother and I were going to drive back up to my apartment so that we could leave from there for Las Vegas early the next morning. We got on the freeway and had gone about 3 miles when suddenly traffic came to a complete stand-still. According to the radio, some massive accident had occurred and some people had already been there for 2 hours when we got stuck. We weren't even moving for a while. People were actually able to get out of their cars and walk the freeway faster than drive! We'd sit for like 20 minutes, then move 30 feet, and sit for 20 more minutes before moving another 30 feet! The worst part is this section of the freeway didn't have any exits for like 4 miles, so there was no place to go until we got to the next exit.

Once we reached the next exit, everyone had to get off. Department of Tranportation for ya....they closed the freeway and forced everyone onto the frontage road, which is only one lane in that area. And we couldn't even see the accident yet that had caused all this. Once we had stopped again, I walked back to my brother's car behind me and we decided to try to get out of this if we could and head back to Tucson and just leave earlier the next morning.

We finally did get out of it and got back into Tucson when we decided to head up the back route through Florence to get to Phoenix. The way was totally clear and we got home in great time, but we had already wasted over 2 hours in the traffic backup on the 10 freeway! ARGH!

Anywho, I'm running late for work so I'll tell ya about Vegas later. :)

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