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Monday, August 16, 2010

Responsible Procreationist

I've now heard everything.  I'm getting to the point where it's getting harder and harder to stay positive in the fight against stupidity.  I once saw an amazing quote...

"Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated,
and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever."

How right he was.  When I first heard that quote, I laughed because it's true!  There are just some people you cannot teach.  Like the old idiom about old dogs and new tricks.  They're just untrainable.

These days however, this quote is extremely depressing... for it reminds me that there are a lot of stupid people out in the world... and right now, it seems every one of them thinks it's their mission to stop equality in it's tracks.

Bad language after the jump...

The latest tactic from the Pr0-Prop 8 side is to aim for "responsible procreation".   Responsible Procreation!?   Are you serious?  Are you FUCKING serious?  You can't be fucking serious.   Two men or two women together does not promote "responsible procreation"?

What exactly IS responsible procreation?

It would seem to me that if we applied their latest arguement, the LGBT groups should work to outlaw divorce.  Once you're married, you're married.... period.  Til death do you part final would mean something.  And while we're at it, let's also put the axe down on sex of any kind unless you have a marriage license.  We're now going to call it a Sex License because without one, it's gonna be illegal.  Let's have full-on "responsible procreation" OK?

You know... after we've procreated, we really shouldn't stop there in making sure we're acting responsibly toward our creation, should we?  Would that be responsible?  I don't think so... 

When does the law currently say a parent is no longer responsible for their child?  Whenever it is... let's make sure the parents have the financial means to support the child up until that tim, have a healthy home to raise the child, and have the proper medical insurance to keep the child healthy.  And if they don't, you can't have sex.   That would be irresponsible procreation.  Tsk tsk.

And while we're at it, lets make sure they're being responsible procreationists at all times by having spot inspections by Child Protective Services to make sure everything is A-OK.... we must make sure everyone is acting responsibly after all...

Give... me... strength...

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