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Monday, August 16, 2010

Dante's Cove - First Season Done

Let me give you some backstory here.  I had heard of Dante's Cove a long time ago... when Queer as Folk was still on the air. (That gives you a bit of perspective eh?)  It was just going to be starting up that fall after QaF's run was over.  I thought at the time "Great!  I'll be able to carry my addition from QaF to DC."  But then it orignally only aired on here!, which I originally didn't get on any cable system locally.  Secondly, I was turned off by the supposed "supernatural" element that was going to be a major part of the story.  I had never really followed Buffy or Angel so I didn't think I could get interested in DC. And as I result, I pretty much ignored it when it released.  But these days, I'm looking for more and more gay-centered drama/romance stories, and decided to give Dante's Cove another look.  So using my Netflix subscription, I got DVD 1 of Season 1.

First off, this could hardly be dubbed a "Season".  It consisted of 2 episodes... the first just 84 minutes and the second 106 minutes.  However, there was some pretty nice eye candy in those 190 minutes, lemme tell ya. LOL  I'm actually VERY surprised by the amount of nudity and full on sex.  If you thought Queer as Folk was bold, you ain't seen nothing yet.  Seeing as the show is only distributed "On Demand" via here! on-demand, they can pretty much go all pornographic, which actually made me feel a little dirty watching it. LOL

The Sci-Fi elements that did crop up kind of threw me at first.  I was started to get uninterested after the spells started being cast... but figured I'd at least stick it out through the DVD.  I'm glad I did.  While the spells were turning me off... and the amount of nudity in the front started bordering on pornographic, it finally evened out a little with more story than sex.

I then found that the second episode... or season finale... was actually on a second DVD.  Luckily, I found it streaming on as well... in not as good a quality as the DVD, but still watchable.  So I caught the rest of Season 1 online.  And now I'm kicking myself for not bringing the NetFlix envelope to work so I can return the DVD and get the next on in the series. LOL

Guess you could say I'm a little hooked... but with only 2 episodes under my belt, I can't really say one way or the other yet.  Only that I'm glad the amount of nudity went down... and I'm hoping I can make it through the supernatural bits and come out on the other side still liking it. :)

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