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Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Tucson Trip

I took a short trip down to Tucson after work yesterday to meet up with an old friend and head out to a gay bar.    I'd been to a couple gay-run restaurants/bars up here in Phoenix, but hadn't been to one done in Tucson before. And actually, it's been about 5 years since I had been to one up here!

But in keeping with my new philosophy of getting myself out there, I decided to do it.  The bar was a little hole-in-the-wall country bar that was more of a lesbian bar than a gay bar.  Some small sports theming in the upper room but the majority of the bar was a dance floor and 2 pool tables on a lower level.  With country music being played by the DJ... at least, mainly country music.  Here's an example of some of the songs they played...

So yeah... just a bit of an eclectic mix.

We arrived on apparently a "theme" night.... Bermuda Shorts and Boots.  First off lemme say this is NOT a good combination fashion-wise.  Whoever came up with the theme should be shot.  But several bar patrons showed up like that.  While I say the bar is more lesbian (it's owned by a former lesbian couple who have since split up, I guess), it did have a few gay men there, too.  Granted they were all over 55...

It actually was pretty fun just sitting there watching the fun.  There was a drag queen there too who did a few songs... but I just enjoyed the music and watching the crowd dance... from the safety of a table in the corner.  (Hey, I'm just starting to get my feet wet, ok?  Baby steps... LOL)

I might do it again... but I can't do it very often.  For one, the drive to Tucson takes a LOT of gas from Brian... and two, I can only come up with so many cover stories to visit Tucson and stay late into the night.  You can't exactly meet website clients at 11pm can you?

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