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Sunday, July 25, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 12: Something you never get compliments on.

Something I never get compliments on?!  Ugh!  This one seems to just be begging for compliments... or boasting about myself... neither of which I'm comfortable doing.  I've always hated question like these... ones that require you to boast about something that you feel bad about boasting about.  Maybe it's just my self-esteem issues again, but I'm having a very difficult time coming up with something I never get complimented on.  I'm complimented on my tech knowledge and creativity... and those are really my only two glowing traits.  I'm not great looking, I don't cook well, I'm terrible at keeping things neat and tidy, so I guess this is going to be the first of the 30 Days where I can't think of something to post here...

Perhaps I should create a paradox and say modesty?  I'm not complemented on that... but it's inferred that I am.  So if I'm saying I never get complimented on my modesty, isn't that sort of drawing attention to the fact that I think I'm modest?  And isn't the the exact opposite of being modest?!    Now THERE is a philosophy topic for discussion! LOL

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