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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 08: Someone who treated you like hell, or made your life shit.

Alas... many could fit into this category.  But I'm going to be general in my answer because they all fit into a similar group.  Boyfriends.  I have had 4 what you would call "steady" boyfriends.  Ones that lasted more than just one date, anyway.  But each of them has taken me for granted... and used me in some way or anything.

I was too much of a dating newbie to know any better with the first boyfriend.  His name was AJ.  We were going to take it slow... he had a girlfriend, was bisexual, and this was more of an experimentation for me than anything else.  Could I get use to kissing a guy despite my upbringing?   Well somewhere along the way it got serious.  The 'L' word was exchanged (no, not THAT L word from Showtime..) and things progressed way further than they should have.  So we broke it off but stayed in touch.  Eventually, he broke it off with his girlfriend... and told me he wasn't ready for a relationship so soon.  Apparently that lasted just 2 days because he suddenly was in another relationship.  Number 2 wasn't much better.  He used me to solve a few of his personal issues then discarded me.  Similar to Number 3 as well.

By Boyfriend #4 I was very cautious.  Jack came by way of boyfriend #1.  I had sort of forgiven AJ by this time and we were speaking again.  He wanted me to meet his new boyfriend, Jack.  Jack was a nice enough guy... but I started to see the signs from AJ again that I had failed to recognize when I dated him.  Signs that would point to the inevitable pain and break-up that would befall Jack, much like it had me before.  But Jack saw them too... and started to question what their relationship meant.  Eventually, Jack said something point blank to me and I couldn't hold back anymore.  He said "If AJ continues like this, someone is going to get hurt" and before I knew it I was saying "Someone already has."  He of course caught on that it was me... and we talked for a while after that.  I guess you could say I ruined the relationship for AJ and Jack that night.  But Jack was grateful... so much so that we started seeing more of each other... until we actually become a couple.  We were together for over 6 months.  He was my longest relationship to date... even progressing to an engagement.  But that was short lived as well.  And I should have seen that one coming too.

During our relationship we ran into AJ numerous times since we liked to hit the same gay bars & restaurants.  I guess it was more of a "show me off" kind of thing to Jack... he was rubbing it in AJ's face that I had him and AJ didn't.  Shortly after the engagement, he broke it off with me... saying I wasn't confrontational enough. I didn't argue with him as often as he liked. (?!?)  Well I later learned this was approximately the same time AJ had moved out of town... so the need to show him up wasn't there anymore.

I guess I'm prone to failure in relationships... and that's why the entire category of "Boyfriends" gets the dubious title of "Someone who treated you like hell".

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