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Thursday, September 28, 2006


...a full month and no posts. That's just sad. You know what's even more sad? That I got this quiz result...

Which Queer As Folk Character Are You?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Running Thru My Head

I don't know why, but I've fallen in love with the music behind the promo for the new ABC show "Brothers and Sisters". I've got it stuck in my head. I originally just loved the beat of the music. I tried to catch a few of the lyrics and did a search on the web. Turns out the song is "We Live" by the group Superchic[k]. Now I'm in love with the lyrics. ;)

We live we love, We
forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given
are gifts from above
and today we remember
to live and to love.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

All Crust...No Fillling

MDL's domain is coming up for renewal. I've been getting warnings about it for a while now and haven't decided whether I should keep it, but I think I will. I've found that posting in this blog has become theraputic on occassions...even if the posts only occur at sporadic intervals.

A redesign has been running through my head again... maybe cause I'm a web design and that's what I love most about websites. But I've decided not to do it, and concentrate more on the content rather than it's design over all.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I need pie.

Long time no post, but there hasn't been much to post about.

Today has royally sucked, however. Woke up and smashed my foot into the coffee table leg in the living room so my right little toe is killing me. Then I got stuck on the freeway into work due to a roll-over accident. Luckily for the people involved it wasn't a fatal one, but they needed to be extracated from their totalled vehicle which took forever and backed up the freeway for 5 miles... gotta love it.

Monday, August 7, 2006

Hitting the Jackpot

Well, the insurance claims are finally finishing up on the accident I had in December. All in all, I made out fairly well. My back is better but still occasionally gives me problems and probably will for the forseeable future. I've managed to pay down some debt with the settlement and of course there is that nice red truck parked downstairs right now. ;)


My paladin has reached level 24, and I'm still interested in him so I guess that's a good sign. But tonight I just really didn't want to do anything with WoW. So I watch a movie instead... "Fellowship of the Ring" for those who want to know. ;)

Friday, August 4, 2006


My best friend Janell is always getting text messages from work, but I'm betting they would NEVER text this message to her...

Thursday, August 3, 2006

When I was Eighteen...

I've gotten my new WoW character, a paladin, up to level 18 and so far I'm still holding interest. It will be instance time soon for him. The Deadmines are calling. I'll probably get him run through there twice just for the drops and XP. I'm a little behind on the quest curve I think. I've completed all the yellows and have nothing but orange (more difficult) quests. So I might need to grind up to level 19 before I go much further. I've had this problem since early on actually. At level 11, the quests suddenly jumped to level 15... with nothing in between! Had to run down to another starting zone and pick some up there. I might have to do the same thing here except I'll be running WAY over to Darkshore and Ashenvale, the Night Elf starting zone. :/

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Super Mario

Games Provided By


Click the post header to eliminate all the other embedded flash games. So you can play in peace. :)

Games Provided By

Got Too Much Time On Your Hands?

Games Provided By

Cynically Challenged

Sometimes I think my office mate has some SERIOUS issues up top. He flies off the handle so easily and when he does it's so extreme that the rest of us are wondering where he's getting all this stuff from. Like just now, we received a letter from one of our partners that listed some approved products and what not. It was just their normal monthly email listing any changes.

Well Binky over here flies all off the handle thinking they are trying to screw us because some products aren't approved...products that we specialize in...and that this email is just a slap in the face from them. In fact, the products are in the system and just haven't made it to public consumption yet...but binky over here is thinking they're deliberately sending out emails to us that they are NOT going to approve them.

And he gets so cynical about everything. He thinks everyone is trying to screw us over and that everyone we try to do business with is just out to abuse us. And unfortunately, he's our first line of marketing... not a good face to be putting up front...

Monday, July 31, 2006

Exit & Entrance

July is winding done...finally. Can't say I really enjoyed this month all that much. It stirred up a bunch of emotions in me that I thought I had buried long ago. I return to old projects though... like this blog, so that's given me some therapy.

Tonight is another HF chat. I'm torn as to go or not. I'm really starting to WANT to play WoW so I might just boot up the ol' laptop next to the desktop and put the HF chat on the laptop while I play WoW.

Going In Slowly

I'm not being too cautious in posting this so soon... but I think I might be getting back in to WoW with a new character. I'm trying a paladin...he's got mana, but doesn't use much of it so it's kinda fun. :) All I know is... all day today, I've wanted to boot up my laptop and go in to WoW and play... and I'm at work! LOL

Ditty fer Fiddy...Part 2

A few days ago, I received my Dell DJ Ditty MP3 player. Gawd it's tiny... I know that was one of it's featured selling points but dayum!. This thing is about the size a large block eraser we use to use in elementary school!

As far as functionality goes, my feelings are mixed. While the price was right at just under $40, the Ditty is lacking several mainstream features that other players offer... most notibly the Music Library itself. Oh sure, there's a Music Library option on the menu... but it just opens up the play modes for either Audiobooks or Music and that's all. There isn't a way to select an artist or album. So skipping through your music becomes a chore if you have the thing filled to capacity, which is approximately 150 songs or so.

But skipping through tracks causes another flaw to show up... and I know it's not just my player or a defective one-off sort of thing. Skipping rapidly through the tracks causes the player to stutter... why I'm not sure. But only a complete power-off and power-on sequence can stop the stuttering after you've skipped through too quickly or just bypassed too many songs. I know it's not just my player because my Mom has the Dell Pocket DJ (the one that was above the Ditty before it was discontinued) and when she skips songs it does the same thing.

So if you LOVE the music you are putting on to the play... and don't plan on skipping tracks... and just want to listen to music on a player that is no-frills with a very cheap price tag, then the Ditty is for you... but there are plenty of other players out there that are just a bit more in price with a few more user friendly features.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Relying on Trust

Take this post with a grain of salt, but I think I've kinda figured out why I'm not into WoW as much as a use to be. Yes, I'm bored with it (doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...isn't that the defination of something?) but there is something else. It kind of fits in the real world too. Not sure I'm taking my real world emotions into the game or if I'm taking my virtual world feelings with me when I leave, but it's basically this...

I've lost trust in people. Granted, there are 1 or 2 people I still trust implicitly, but the population as a whole? It's never been good for me to trust anyone. I usually wind up getting burned. So i've slowly been drifting toward the realization that the only person you can trust is yourself. I think I've brought this depressing reality with me to WoW. It takes 40 people to successfully complete high-end instances in WoW. And not just 40 warm bodies but 40 people who know their jobs, have spent time getting geared, know what's expected of them, and can get the job done without causing issues. And all 40 of these people need to rely on each other... that's 39 other people counting on you to do your job and you're counting on them to do theirs.

WoW is classified as an MMORPG, or massively multiplayer online (booku peeps online at once) role playing game. As such, many of the aspects of the game physically required you to deal with people... to trust them... to group with them... and hope they do their jobs and not screw you. It's the one aspect I've never really liked. I'm a loner, a "do-it-yourself" kind of person. Physically working with others I've never met just doesn't work well for me. It's caused most my WoW characters to be abandoned when groups start become a necessity to advance further.

Now, for those that know which characters I play... yes I have a level 60 Hunter and a level 60 mage. But you want to know something? I didn't get either of those characters to 60. I abandoned my hunter around the mid 40s and my best friend Janell played it up higher. I abandoned my mage around level 50 and again Janell brought it up to 59 and a half. So why do I play now in a 40-man raid? Simple... I'm a much smaller aspect of the raid. There are usually 4 other mages there... and 1 out of 40 means I can blend in a whole lot more than 1 out of just 5.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Of Course

...when I publish that blogger is having problems... it works perfectly. Go figure...

Bad Blogger

Well, it looks like Blogger is hiccuping. I can't seem to publish anything. :/ I'm gonna give it a couple days before I start panicing....

*centers chi* oooommmmmmmmmm....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

World's Worst Kept Secret Revealed

Well here's a shocking newsflash... Lance Bass is gay. Now, for those who have been living UNDER a rock or IN Iraq... read the article. While this may not be too much of a newsflash for those who have watched Lance closely over the years, you still gotta give the guy points for actually coming out and saying the "g" word.

Gay boys, you can commence the drooling in earnest... but don't get too excited. He's attached. In fact, it's probably that attachment that led to his 'outting'. Of course, if you're gonna go to a prominent gay bar with your boyfriend, you're just ASKING to be outted at that point.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Laughably Uniform

After typing up the last post, I thought I'd go see what my order status is on the Ditty. I love Dell's uniformity on the electronic orders. You would think I was ordering a custom-built computer. My current status is "In-Production"... like they're building it from scratch or something. There are NO customizable features on the Ditty... so it's not like this thing has it's cover off somewhere and a tech is soldering on the flash memory chips! LOL

Ditty fer Fiddy!

I've been hunting around looking at MP3 players. Since I have the Yahoo Music Unlimited I figured I should prolly get a player so I can use the To-Go features of it. Anywho, I've got my eye set on this really high-end one, the Creative Zen Vision 30GB. Problem is it sells for $375-399... not exactly in my price range at the moment.

However, while doing all my research, I got the usual email from Dell about the latest specials. So I hopped over to the Dell website and just thought I'd browse around and see what they have the Zen Vision selling for. While I was there, I noticed the Dell DJ Ditty had be drastically slashed in price... from $80 down to $39!! I figured, what the hell... it will be a good starter one until I can afford the Zen. So I got it... and after I plopped on a 1 yr warranty (it only came with a 90-day, how cheap) it came just $53. Not bad. Of course it's features are VERY limited, and only has 512mb of flash storage, but at least it's something to start from. :)

I think Dell might be trying to get rid of the DJ Ditties actually. A few months ago they dropped the Dell DJ 20GB and DJ 30GB from their website, and the Pocket DJ 5GB went by the wayside a while back, leaving the DJ Ditty as the only Dell-brand MP3 player available. They are probably trying to get out of the MP3 biz altogether. I notice they added the full line of the Creative MP3 players to the site now so I'm betting it's only a matter of time before the Ditty goes bye bye.

Monday, July 24, 2006


I was doing fine until lunch today. Now i'm just dragging big time. Thank god this day is almost over. I've got a WoW raid tonight but that shouldn't last long. It's just Onyxia... so we should be done by 8pm at the latest.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Harry Potter Quiz

As Ginny, you a friendly but quiet and timid. You have a thing for men with glasses.

~~ Well the last part's true. ;)

Burn Out

Try as I might, I can't seem to get back in to World of Warcraft. I've created just about every class of character available and still am not to interested in the game. It's basically all the same anyway after level 20. And it's you've already done in once, creating a new character is just starting the same stuff over again.

Right now I've got a Mage and a Hunter at level 60, though Janell did most of the higher end leveling. I don't think I went to Sunken Temple once before 60. But I've also got a rogue to level 23, a druid to level 26, a warlock to level 15, a priests to level 39, a warrior to level 12, and a shaman to level 17. The only class I haven't done is a pally, but I've had quite enough of the mana/caster classes.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Freedom comes tomorrow

My parents are staying the night again. The D-Backs won again (bastards) but thankfully they weren't in the 'WIN' section this time so it's back home they go. They're staying through church and breakfast tomorrow and then going home. I managed to get out of going to church with them because of a morning meeting I have on the website I'm building.

Truth be told, I haven't been to church in a long time. I use to go... well... religiously. I was brought up a Lutheran, one of those religions that teaches Homosexuality is an abomination. Yet I still went. I mean it wasn't all bad. Some might say you can't pick and choose what you follow, but I always disagreed with that point. Organized religion is overflowing with things we no longer follow in modern day society, so why would this be any different?

But I'd finally had enough when the commercialism that has overtaken over religions finally started effecting our synod. Requests for donations to help build things or to fund this or that grew more frequent and finally I'd had enough of it and decided not to continue attending. My "home church" is still all the way across town. My parents keep bugging me to change that but I really don't think I would be attending the new church if I did relocate.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Another Night..

The D-Backs my parents are staying an extra night. I really wish I didn't have to do the things I do when they come up. I go thru a process called "de-querifying". The Instinct Magazines come off the coffee table, the rainbow necklace gets stuffed into the bottom of the underwear drawer, and so on and so on. My family is incredibly religious...I've got a minister for a you can only imagine how badly the shit would hit the fan if it were found out that I was gay.

I just don't have the courage to tell them the truth right now. And given their advanced years, I'm not sure they'll ever know. It may be best just to let them continue on thinking what they want to think. My best friend Janell says that my mother probably already knows. I wouldn't be surprised if she did. But we just don't talk about it. She'll occasionally ask if there are any 'nice girls' in my life. I don't have the heart to tell her the only nice girl that will come close to being my girlfriend would be Janell and that she's already married.

I'm starting to ramble...and doze off... so I'll bid goodnight from my bed. (Had to set up the laptop since my parents are currently asleep in the guest bedroom/computer room...

'LOSE' Section

It's the bottom of the 8th and the D-Backs are ahead... not exactly what I was hoping for. :(


My parents are coming up this weekend to catch some D-Back baseball games...and also to seek technical assistance with Mom's laptop. They've got tickets in the 'WIN' section tonight. The 'WIN' section is some stupid promotion that the team came up with to try to generate some ticket sales. If you're seated in the 'WIN' section and the D-Backs win, you get tickets to the next game for free.

It's always hard when they come up. It's not that I don't love my parents, I do... but it's I need to be really careful when they do come up so as not to let on that I'm on the 'pink' team. The trouble with being a closeted homo is that you lead this double life... sometimes hiding things from those that are suppose to be closest to you.

So you can imagine the horror that came upon my face when they informed me they were in the 'WIN' section for tonight's game. Here's hoping the D-Backs lose...

Hidden Hospital?

Somebody got the wild idea of taking scenes from Star Trek: Hidden Fronter and editing them with the old General Hospital Theme. The results are pretty cool. Check it out...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Back to Azeroth

Well, it's back into WoW for me tonight. The guilds are running Molten Core and I need to be there to track points. I've really kind of burnt out of World of Warcraft. It's really the same thing over and over again. Maybe by taking a break from it, except for the DKP raiding, I might get interested again. I don't know. It just doesn't hold the appeal that it use to for me.

Senseless Commercial

I'm gonna start trying my hand at graphic designs on t-shirts and other products. You'll be able to pick up all the stuff I do in My Deviant Shop. The first design was actually Chuck's idea. I take no responsibility in this at all! LOL :P Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

One in Ten?

Long ago I read that 1 in 10 men is gay or bisexual. Of course this was about the same time that the boyband craze was sweeping mainstream pop music...with The Backstreet Boys (5 guys) and NSYNC (5 more guys) leading the pack. Now let me see.... 5 plus 5 equals...? And if the estimates were correct...that 1 in 10 men are "that way".... statistically 1 of the members of the 2 most popular boy bands wants it "that way". Well it seems there is 1 who is starting to inch his way from the closet... or maybe not?

Lance Bass, formerly of NSYNC fame...and later of Astronaut Hopeful, has now been spotted at a gay club with openly gay Reichen Lehmkuhl, former contestant on Amazing Race. Now this could mean they are only friends...or could mean something more. This is where statistics are so much fun... with smaller figures, they can change drastically....and even then they aren't 100% accurate like facts. They're just a good baseline for guessing.

Sooo... Lance may or may not be gay... but it does provide for interesting gossip. ;)

Picture Change

I spent entirely too much time on the website that I'm designing last night. Tonight, I'm gonna spend it on pictures. My best friend Janell has been bugging me for an ETERNITY that I need to replace the pictures on the front of the guild website. I guess I should do it before I'm beaten to a bloody pulp and left in a dark alley somewhere. :)

I keep putting it off cause changing those pictures isn't easy. The whole thing is a Flash presentation, with music and what-not. I think I'm going to drastically scale it down tonight. It's always been a massive bandwidth/loadtime hog. Maybe returning to the random pic ASP code...perhaps with a little flash thrown in for fun... :)

A Young Voice...Never to be Silenced

It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals...Yet I keep them,
because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at
heart...I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up to the heavens,
I think it will come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and
tranquillity will return again. In the meantime, I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps
the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.

- Excerpt from Anne Frank's diary, on July 15th, 1944

On August 4, 1944, the Gestapo found the hiding place of the Frank family. Seven
months later, Anne Frank died in Belsen concentration camp in Germany. She was not
yet fifteen years old.

PS: I ganked this from Amazonatheart's livejournal. Go check it out. :)

How good a Christian are you?

This speech hooked me on the West Wing. It was lifted from an internet chain email that was going around that was address to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who at the time had just broadcast on her radio show that Homosexuality was an abomination as stated in the bible. Dr. Laura has a PhD in physiology if I recall correctly... in other words she can tell you about the human body and how it functions... but has NO psychological training or background. Something tells me she needs to go back to school again...

No Day But Today...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another Time... Another Place...

I'm more and more convinced I was born about 50 years later than I was suppose to be. I seem to continuously find things from the 40s and 50s that I love. Old Radio Shows like the Shadow, Sherlock Holmes, Jack Benny... they've all but disappeared from radio today. Thank goodness for the internet. Many of these classic shows are popping up in MP3 format on the net. You just have to know where to look.

It's been 50's week here at MDL. Don't know how that happened... LOL. Right now I'm listening to Etta James belt out "At Last" and I'm loving it. ;)

Celebrate 50th Birthday...Repeat as needed

Well, we all went out to lunch yesterday for Sherry's birthday, but today is the repeat. Not only do we have leftovers from lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, but we've got a huge cake that I brought in yesterday. We figured we would save the cake for today since we were all stuffed from the lunch outting...and a couple of our guys weren't in the office yesterday.


Here's my post just before bed... I've just paid all my bills for this month and find usual...I'm broke. You gotta love working and getting paid only to pay it out to everyone else. And with the way the weather has been, my electric bill is KILLING my bank account slowly. You gotta love a $181.00 bill for a two-bedroom apartment...with the a/c being turned off during the daytime hours (8am-5:30pm).

I really want to get an MP3 player. I've got a Yahoo Music Unlimited account but no MP3 player to utilize it's full features. So I"m stuck listening to music on the computer. The good news is I do have a laptop (obviously since I'm writing this one from bed). I take it to work with me and usually have it up and connected to Yahoo. But in the car I'm at the mercy of local radio (which sucks more than a Hoover) or CDs which I'm getting tired of VERY quickly.

So it's either a trip to Borders for more music... or a trip to Best Buy for an MP3 player.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Preview 704

The chat just showed the preview of episode 704. Three words... OH EM GEE... *runs around giggling like a school girl*

For those that missed it, it will be up on the HF website later this week I'm told.

Chatting You Up

I'm participating in my first HF chat right now. It's pretty cool. About 23 of us in there...just chatting about anything and everything. I haven't really been an active participant in too many chat rooms until this one. The topics are far we've hit on ancient computers, drinks we prefer, who's gay and who's straight, and a multitude of other stuff.

The preview of 704 is what attracted me but I'm staying for the fun of the chat ;)

To Tears...

You gotta love it when someone says...

"F**k me to tears!"

ok maybe you just had to be there but that was damn funny at the time...

Working 50/50

Well this is my first blog from work in a long time. I use to blog all the time when I worked at the computer stores cause I was bored to death. Now that I'm doing website/IT work full time, I'm a lot less bored, a lot more busy, and a lot more tired. But today I REALLY didn't feel like working so here I am, back blogging from work.

The office has kinda been a little bit laid back today anyway since it's Sherry's (the office manager) 50th Birthday. We all went out to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. (mmm Cheesecake). And her niece swipped her keys to the office and came in over the weekend in totally decked out her office in black streamers, confetti in the shape of "50", and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Tonight's the Hidden Frontier chat where they'll be previewing the next episode so I definately gotta be there for that. Can't wait to see what's in store for the final few episodes.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Catching Up

Just received yet another settlement check from the insurance company. I'm still awaiting another one. Eventually, I might be able to put the accident from December behind me. But as long as I keep getting money, I don't mind so much. ;) The occassional back pain and stiffness I could do without but oh well.

I've been actively updating the "Hidden Frontier" Encyclopedia because yes, I'm that big of a geek. No, actually I love Star Trek and I hate that it's no longer on the air. Not that Enterprise was all that, but it was still Trek. But most of all, I love "Hidden Frontier". What these people are doing is really cool...creating their own show that fits well into the canon of Star Trek and follow the ideals Gene originally had for the show. I think Gene would be very proud to see what's become of his creation in the hands of these fans.

The wikipedia inspired HF Encyclopedia is pretty cool, but pretty empty. I've been trying to fill in areas where I can and hopefully am helping them out a little. You can check out the whole encyclopedia on the HF website at

Friday, July 14, 2006


I'm returning to old projects these days. I've started posting to this blog again and now it looks like I might start reviving my old web design stuff. I've just been contacted to build a website for a non-profit foundation here locally. Looks like this could be kinda fun... we'll see if it lasts though. I don't really have many contacts for doing web work, and I'm not going to really be actively advertising my stuff so I don't expect it to really go too far. :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hidden Frontier

I have a new addiction. Since Star Trek is not on TV except in reruns and syndication, several fan-based productions have started popping up all over the web. But there is one that really deserves to be mentioned and that's "Hidden Frontier". Now in it's 7th and final (damn it) season, "Hidden Frontier" has "boldly gone where no fan film has gone before"... and embraced an openly gay Starfleet officer. Actually several if you're up on current episodes.

I've been a fan of Trek since around 1990, when TNG was still on the air. I'm not that big of a fan of the original series, but I love the movies and have watched the later shows, with the exception of Enterprise. I never really could get in to that one too much.

"Hidden Frontier" takes place shortly after the movie "Star Trek: Insurrection" and takes place in and around the "Briar Patch" that was featured prominently in that movie. All the races make an appearance... Humans, Klingons, Bajorans, Cardassians, Romulans, Vulcans, and on and on. The list includes such historical figures as the Tholians from the original series all the way to the Sona, the baddies from Insurrection. The production team uses green screens to digitally put the actors into familiar sets from the TNG universe. The Enterprise-E's Bridge, the D's Captain's Quarters, Ten-Forward, and Engineeering all make an appearance in the series. They've even gotten creative and digitally animated some of the graphics on the bridge scenes. A nice touch. Yes, the actors all have a green halo, and at times the acting can get hokey... but this is Trek...and Trek with Gays...who cares? :)

Perhaps it's shining gem in production values is the CGI scenes. The team has managed to use Lightwave to create computer models of the majority of the starships we've seen in recent years. The Sovereign-class, the Defiant, A variant of the Galaxy Class that they've dubbed the Galaxy-III Dreadnaught, and the Intrepid-class all make promenant appearance in the Federation's fleet. Also along for the ride are a multitude of crew designed ships including one Federation ship design that I think I read a fan had submitted.

Unfortunately, this is their last season. With nearly 50 episodes usually averaging 30 minutes without commercials, and with them not being able to make a dime from anything they produce, you can imagine why they're getting ready to move on. Still, it's allowed several people to get some experience both in front of and behind the camera. I'll be sorry to see it go, but I'm hoping there will be other production companies brave enough to go where "Hidden Frontier" has gone... tackling mainstream problems and doing it with honor and integrity. Gene would be proud.

Check out the "Hidden Frontier" website and download their episodes at

It's About Time

I never post to this thing. Ever. I really should get more on top of things because I really do want to maintain this journal so I can look back and see how lame my life has always been.

I've been in a weird mood this last week or so. One of my old flames has come back into my life...Well I should say is "attempting" to come back into my life. I'm not sure about letting him in or not. If you haven't read past entries in this blog I highly recommend reviewing the situation with Boys #1, 2, and 3. Boy #1 is back... actually e was boy #1... my first boyfriend, if you could call it that. I honestly don't know what he thought of me as... a fling, an experiment. In the beginning, that's all it was suppose to be. But you know what happens when the heart gets involved.

Now I don't know what I'm going to do with him. I was hurt badly by him...more than once. Sometimes it wasn't even directly his fault, but it wound up being because of him... I doubt he even knows about that. Yet after all the pain, the heartbreak, the heart just doesn't want to let him go. I still have very strong feelings for him, some good and some bad. So while I'm wanting to see him again... I'm also HATING that I want to see him and HATING him for what he's done in the past. It's started to affect things both at home and at work. I'm tired all the time, but can't sleep. I'm just bored with everything, and I just don't really care about anything anymore.

I thought I had gotten over him.
I thought enough time had past.
I thought I didn't need anyone anymore.
I thought I was happy alone.
I thought...

Monday, January 16, 2006


Well, the truck has been loaded. Now it's off to bed and then tomorrow we start the journey back to Arizona. At 7am we'll be back over at Penske getting the 2nd car loaded on to the car carrier and getting it hooked up to the back of the truck. Then we hit the road, our first stop puts us into Tulsa tomorrow night around 6:30pm. If we have a dialup connection, I'll see you then! ;)

Moving Squad

Lemme update you on a few things that have been happening around here. First off, Brian is doing great. He had his GPS Nav System, Remote Start, and LoJack have all be installed now. There was one hiccup the day after I brought him home from the dealership after his extras were installed. Brian's battery died...appearantly just a coincidence that the new items had just been installed. It was replaced and everything is great now.

Second, I've gone on a little road trip to Kentucky to help my best friend move back to Arizona. I flew out on Saturday and we plan on driving back starting Tuesday morning. I'll try to blog as many entries as I can over the next few days to chronicle our trip. Stay tuned :)