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Thursday, August 3, 2006

When I was Eighteen...

I've gotten my new WoW character, a paladin, up to level 18 and so far I'm still holding interest. It will be instance time soon for him. The Deadmines are calling. I'll probably get him run through there twice just for the drops and XP. I'm a little behind on the quest curve I think. I've completed all the yellows and have nothing but orange (more difficult) quests. So I might need to grind up to level 19 before I go much further. I've had this problem since early on actually. At level 11, the quests suddenly jumped to level 15... with nothing in between! Had to run down to another starting zone and pick some up there. I might have to do the same thing here except I'll be running WAY over to Darkshore and Ashenvale, the Night Elf starting zone. :/

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