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Monday, July 31, 2006

Ditty fer Fiddy...Part 2

A few days ago, I received my Dell DJ Ditty MP3 player. Gawd it's tiny... I know that was one of it's featured selling points but dayum!. This thing is about the size a large block eraser we use to use in elementary school!

As far as functionality goes, my feelings are mixed. While the price was right at just under $40, the Ditty is lacking several mainstream features that other players offer... most notibly the Music Library itself. Oh sure, there's a Music Library option on the menu... but it just opens up the play modes for either Audiobooks or Music and that's all. There isn't a way to select an artist or album. So skipping through your music becomes a chore if you have the thing filled to capacity, which is approximately 150 songs or so.

But skipping through tracks causes another flaw to show up... and I know it's not just my player or a defective one-off sort of thing. Skipping rapidly through the tracks causes the player to stutter... why I'm not sure. But only a complete power-off and power-on sequence can stop the stuttering after you've skipped through too quickly or just bypassed too many songs. I know it's not just my player because my Mom has the Dell Pocket DJ (the one that was above the Ditty before it was discontinued) and when she skips songs it does the same thing.

So if you LOVE the music you are putting on to the play... and don't plan on skipping tracks... and just want to listen to music on a player that is no-frills with a very cheap price tag, then the Ditty is for you... but there are plenty of other players out there that are just a bit more in price with a few more user friendly features.

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