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Sunday, September 12, 2010

He Who Has Not Yet Been Named.... finally named...

Well I was going back and forth, trying to come up with a good name for the last week.  And I thought I had it... and nearly posted it about an hour ago... but on further reflection, I changed and settled on this new name.

As some of you may recall, since I began naming my vehicles (or rather since I adopted the name my friends gave my first vehicle and then decided to do the second on my own), I've had 3 criteria for the vehicle name... well ok, 5 really...

  1. Name must be male (I'm gay after all.)
  2. Name must be a boy band member's name.
  3. Name must be a character on Queer as Folk (US).
  4. Name must in some way relate to the color of the vehicle.
  5. Name cannot be used more than once for my vehicles.
Fulfilling these was tricky this time.  And next time, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do cause really... there are only so many boy bands. LOL

So... without further ado... may I present...
Yep... he's Drew.  And here's how the name came about...

  1. Well duh... Drew is a male name.
  2. Drew Lachey is the cutest member of 98 Degrees. (hehe)
  3. Drew was a pro football player on QAF that came out as gay and dated Emmitt for a while.
  4. The D in Drew is also a D in Diamond... the shimmering metallic paint took me that direction.
  5. It's not Justin or Brian... so I'm good!
Drew has a little of 300 miles on him already.  (He and I have been doing some male bonding.)  But he's getting a bit of a rest this week.  I carpool to work and it's my coworker's turn to drive. :)

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