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Thursday, September 2, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day 2: the meaning behind you blog name

My Deviant Life was created on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks... by mere coincidence there... not by design.  I had been reading news articles and scientific reports at the time regarding being gay... and was watching as patient after patient was being dubbed deviant.  Granted they were focusing on the history and how people were treated back in the day, but I though even today...  some 9 years after the initial viewing and probably some 30-50 years since the research was done... we're still considered deviant.

I decided to create a blog that was proud of that deviancy... and so My Deviant Life was born. :)   I hadn't originally intend it to ever be linked directly to me by name... but to instead be just a venting ground of an anonymous gay man living in the United States.  But as I became more and more comfortable, I've come out of the closet more and more... and finally revealed who I was to the blog.  I still like the title though. ;)

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