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Sunday, September 12, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day 10: Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

My song library is so ecclectic, this one is VERY hard to answer... compounded by the fact that musically tastes change almost as fast as the second hand sweeps around the clock face.

When I'm happy, I have a tendancy to listen to more upbeat stuff.  The current song stuck in my head is the original song written by Kurt Schneider and performed by his friend Sam Tsui called "Don't Want an Ending".  You can listen to it (along with a great professionally shot music video they did) on YouTube.

When sad, I have a tendancy to head to Billy Joel's "And So It Goes".

When bored, I tend to go on random sprees searching iTunes and YouTube for new stuff to listen to.

When hyped up, I usually am playing/dancing to something... or at the very least singing very loudly to whatever I'm playing.

When mad... well I don't usually get mad... or at least I don't listen to music when I get mad.

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