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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Your Husband Might Be Gay If...

I had to post this one... because of the utter stupidity this represents.  When I first heard about this article I thought it had to be satire.   In fact, it's not really known if the site really IS satire like the Onion, or if it truly is from a religious group.  If the former, it's the biggest laugh fest to come online since the Onion.  If the latter, humanity is doomed... because the utter ignorance of this group is staggering...  But for the sake of this post, let's assume someone actually believes this crap.   Because apparently... some do.  There's just enough truth to it that makes you question your own judgement of the site!

First off, let's pick apart the site a little...   "" is written like it's a religious site that support's Christ's teachings... and then uses the tag line "Conservative Values for an Unsaved World".   Last time I checked, all who believed in Christ were saved... so um?   Your site's namesake (Jesus Christ) has guaranteed you eternal life through His innocent suffering and death... and you're still not saved?  Hmm...  just what exactly does your religion believe about Christ then?

Secondly, the site veers off the Politically Correct Choo Choo with articles on how American sports are the only  sports God "endorses" or "19th Amendment: Celebrating 90 years of Feminism Destroying America, Vote by Vote".  Riiiight.  Ok then.

But what brings this ignorant, undefinable, totally psychotic site to my attention is an article entitled "Is my Husband Gay?".  The article goes on to list several "signs" that wives need to watch out for... so they know if their husband truly is a closeted homosexual and they should take action to "straighten" him out.

Seriously... you have to read the full article.  Because I'm just laughing hysterically that anyone would believe this crap!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Great post. Although, one of my friend's dads came out of the closet at 50, divorced his wife, and is now living happily with his new partner (both of the kids were adopted... go figure). But I don't think her mother ever recognized the "signs" and tried to "straighten" him out. Clearly she should have been reading that website. :p