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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Outted by Facebook

Well I guess this was inevitable.  I mean I did sorta ask for it... just not quite this way. LOL

I switched my Facebook profile a while back to finally be totally 'out' online... indicating that I was interested in men in my profile.   The only problem is Facebook's system utilizes these inputs to customize your experience... and basically offers this information to advertisers too!  So the ads in the sidebar are more appropriate for the person viewing them

Well that's all fine and dandy... but the instant you switch a profile to be a Man interested in Men, 90% of the ads are suddenly for gay dating services!  I mean c'mon!  Seriously Facebook?  I could understand one or two every now and then... but EVERY FRIGGIN AD went all horny and sex related.  "Chat with Local Gay Guys", Ready to Find "Him"?, and "" all popped up on the SAME PAGE!

Is that all we think about? Find a guy, oogling them, are figure out ways to have sex with them?  C'mon Facebook... 

Anyways... I had to do research on a company and of course, that involved their Facebook page.  Normally, I don't use Facebook as a reference source, but it was their only online presence... and with my boss watching the screen... there came the Gay advertisements plastered all over the right side.

So thanks, Facebook.  I guess I asked for this...

1 comment:

Anna said...

I hate those sidebar ads. They're so annoying. I get all sorts of weird stuff on there. And even when you go in and tell them why you think the ad is annoying or otherwise unacceptable, it just pops up with a different one along the same theme.